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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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One Nation supports a Federal ICAC Today Senator Patrick moved a motion to upend the business in the Senate. While an ICAC is important, we need to do it in an orderly way so that it can be adequately…

Globalist politicians in Australian Parliament show they want to squash all dissent

It's a sad day when any politician, whose career and life is predominantly political, thinks that his narrow world perspective has any resonance with the Australian people at large. The good order of the Australian community requires…
We are not convicts anymore

We are not convicts anymore

, The world view which our Parliament now advances has the fundamental assumption that people cannot be trusted to behave in the best interests of their community and so must be treated as convicts not citizens.…
One Nation and Pensioners on the Cashless Debit Card – Misinformation

Freedom ends with a cashless society – Digital Identity Bill

, Without cash, there is only a system of 'government approved purchases'. Even if you don't use cash, having it banned will mean the government can take complete control of you and access to your money at any…

The Malcolm Roberts Show – Grazier Dan McDonald – 05 Feb 2022

, ,
Dan lives with his wife of 25 years and three children on their property approx. 160 km north west of Charleville.  They run about 1000 head of cattle and have Droughtmaster breeders. Like so many people in Rural Queensland, Dan…

The Malcolm Roberts Show – Professor David Flint – 05 Feb 2022

Professor David Flint AM is an Emeritus Professor of Law.  He read law and economics at Universities of Sydney, London and Paris. After admission as a Solicitor of the NSW Supreme Court in 1962, he practised as a solicitor (1962-72)…
Malcolm Roberts addresses fired anti-mandate workers at Queensland Parliament

Malcolm Roberts addresses fired anti-mandate workers at Queensland Parliament

, On the second of February I marched in solidarity with teachers, firies, nurses, miners and veterans opposed to the vaccine mandates through Brisbane to Queensland Parliament where I addressed the crowd. This…

Life by subscription – the Trusted Digital Identity Bill

, The Liberals have spent $1 billion on their Digital Economy Strategy. It aims to move everyone to an "access model", which is really a life by subscription where the World Economic Forum says you will "own…

Senator Roberts drops truth bombs at local Maryborough Freedom Rally

Transcript Well hello, Maryborough. Thank you so much for for being here. You're not just here for us, you're here, we're here for Australia. [Crowd] Yes. The key issue, the key issue in this country and the mismanagement of this…
One Nation and Pensioners on the Cashless Debit Card – Misinformation

One Nation and Pensioners on the Cashless Debit Card – Misinformation

Misinformation has been spreading that One Nation, Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts support putting pensioners on the cashless debit card. This is categorically untrue. My position on this is very clear in the HANSARD. During debate on…