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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Letter to UQ chancellor and Senate – Vax mandates destroy University credibility

Letter to UQ chancellor and Senate – Vax mandates destroy University credibility

28 January 2021 Dear Mr Varghese Your attention as a member of the University of Queensland senate is drawn to the accompanying copy of my letter to the Prime Minister discussing matters of considerable risk and concern to students and…
The Malcolm Roberts Show – 22 January Par

The Malcolm Roberts Show – 22 January Par

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Transcript Speaker 1:This is a Malcolm Roberts Show. On Today's News Talk Radio, TNT.  Ian Plimer:Today's News Talk Radio,   This is Senator Malcolm Roberts from down under, fresh from my COVID…
Big Pharma is no better than Big Tobacco | The Spectator Australia

Big Pharma is no better than Big Tobacco | The Spectator Australia

This article was originally published in The Spectator Australia, here. As I stated in my speech On Freedom in August 2021: ‘On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance…

MEDIA RELEASE: Palaszczuk government must get kids back to school with no delay

The Palaszczuk government must get kids back to school with no delay to keep their future safe. Palaszczuk will delay the start of the school term by two weeks on the back of health advice claiming the omicron wave will peak at the end of…
The ACT COVID Bill – Letter to Health and Community Wellbeing Committee

The ACT COVID Bill – Letter to Health and Community Wellbeing Committee

10 January 2022                                                                                                                                                                          Hon.…
Letter to Scott Morrison: Let Australians Free

Letter to Scott Morrison: Let Australians Free

Dear Prime Minister. Our constituents are shouting their concern and need for the immediate restoration of basic human rights and freedoms, lifestyle and safety. Constituents want an end to segregation, discrimination and unwarranted damaging control under vaccine mandates and an end to the contradictions, hypocrisies and confusion engulfing politicians and health advisers.

Unvaccinated lockdown in Northern Territory inhumane and baseless

Original Story: Unvaccinated people in the NT will be subject to tough new measures. Our political leaders are telling Australians that we have to live with COVID, yet Chief Minister Gunner’s latest whole of NT lockout for the unvaccinated…
Foreign Troops immune in Australia? Not True

Allied Troops immune in Australia? Not True Last year the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill was passed. Some have said it will allow foreign tanks to roll down Australian streets and be immune to…
Corporations, Pecker Maroo and the Seal

Corporations, Pecker Maroo and the Seal With government continually engaged in corrupt behaviour, there is a lot of speculation about why they would do it. Some of the more outlandish claims centre on Australia being or being owned by a corporation…
Paedophile Suppression Orders

Paedophile Suppression Orders Paedophilia is among the worst possible offences someone could commit. My office has been told about a supposed suppression order on a document listing 28 high profile people accused of the offence. Unfortunately,…