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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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No one has the evidence – Climate Urgency

No one has the evidence – Climate Urgency

, Father of the Senate Ian Macdonald said there has never been a debate on climate science, and he's correct. Transcript Contradictions erupt and abound in climate and energy policies, because no politician…
Lambie needs to withdraw false claims

Lambie needs to withdraw false claims Senator Lambie has been subject to lots of commentary surrounding her backflip on mandatory vaccination. In the context of this large amount of conversation and the fact the phone number was already available…
Abundance is something to be celebrated

Abundance is something to be celebrated

, Abundance is not a dirty word, it is a blessing to be celebrated. It is time to return to the Australia we know and love. Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I note that…
Just add water – Farming saves Australia

Just add water – Farming saves Australia

, , , The figures don't lie, Australian farmers have saved the economy from a recession. While the government will always try to take credit for a good news story, I made this speech back in September celebrating…
Beware fake Christians

Beware fake Christians

, Scott Morrison and Dominic Perrotett claim to be men of faith, yet seek to further divide our society. There are fake Christians in politics. They pretend to be of faith but are actually trained to lead…
TGA fails duty of care to kids

TGA fails duty of care to kids

, The TGA and the Morrison Government have failed to exercise duty of care towards vaccine approvals. Double Comirnaty vaccination has been approved for children despite evidence clearly showing a seven fold…

The Great Climate Change Debate

, I have always said I will debate anyone in the country or overseas about the evidence on climate change. The truth is, there is no evidence that CO2 from human production directly causes changes in the climate…
Unjabbed Lockout

Unjabbed Lockout

, This week with Marcus Paul I discussed Remembrance Day, the Queensland Government's announcement the unvaccinated would be locked out of society and the climate debate. Transcript Malcolm Roberts, good…

Corona, Climate, China, & the Great Reset with Geopolitics and Empire

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Transcript Hrvoje Moric: Geopolitics & Empire is joined by Queensland, Australia, Senator Malcolm Roberts, who is part of Pauline Hanson's One Nation political party. I'll be getting his thoughts on the tyranny that is coming…
COP26 a Cop Out

COP26 a Cop Out

, Well it's the same old story with Glasgow. Billionaires are going to fly their fuel guzzling private jets to a lavish party to declare you're not allowed to run your two stroke motor. It's all a scam designed…