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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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APRA dangerously quiet on house prices

APRA dangerously quiet on house prices

, , House prices are skyrocketing out of the average battler's budget. Despite warnings of a possible housing bubble, APRA is banking on the banks only losing 2% from their mortgage books in their "stress testing".…
Election Integrity: Make sure our elections cannot be rigged

Election Integrity: Make sure our elections cannot be rigged

, The Australian National Audit Office is one of the best agencies in government. They do great work chasing down wasteful government spending and exposing poor management. The few times they have looked…

Letter to the Leaders: The Climate Change Scam

Open Letter to Leaders Dear Messrs Morrison, Joyce, Albanese and Bandt Firstly, I acknowledge former Senator Arthur Sinodinos as Minister for Science and his predecessor Hon. Greg Hunt MP who made possible my cross-examination of government…
Inland rail

Inland rail

, The assumptions about the business case for Inland Rail are difficult to get a hold of. All of the Government Departments I talk to duck and weave and point the finger at other departments who then point the…
Podcast: Senator Malcolm Roberts and Graham Hood – A senior Qantas pilot quits over Vaccine safety concerns

Podcast: Senator Malcolm Roberts and Graham Hood – A senior Qantas pilot quits over Vaccine safety concerns

, ,
Available on these platforms: Amazon Music/AudibleApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsiHeart RadioPlayerFMPodbeanSpotifyTuneIn and Alexa Under Australian law there should be an overarching principle – that our right to freedom is a basic…
No plan to remove toxic solar panels

No plan to remove toxic solar panels

, , , Solar panels have a limited shelf life before they lose efficiency and don't generate enough electricity. When that shelf life is reached, the panels need to be removed and disposed of. Unfortunately solar
Free Trade a Race to the Bottom

Free Trade a Race to the Bottom

, Despite their name, free trade agreements are never free. These agreements always come at a cost to someone, and that's usually everyday Australians, workers and business owners. Once signed into existence,…
Net-zero means dark times ahead, literally

Net-zero means dark times ahead, literally

, Unreliable, intermittent wind and solar energy will leave Australian families sitting in the dark without coal-fired power to back them. 'Renewables' only farm taxpayer money, not energy. Transcript As…
‘Greensland’ just a bad fairytale

‘Greensland’ just a bad fairytale

, A broken and smouldering Australia is hidden beneath the Greens' lies about a solar powered utopia. If we buy into this nonsense, the country will be destroyed. Transcript How would Australia fare under…
Free Media dead in Australia

Free Media dead in Australia

, As Government becomes more and more powerful, anyone who challenges the current policies is smeared and censored. The legacy media happily parrots the propaganda, afraid of losing government funding. Transcript This…