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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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PM Scott Morrison Calls For Freedom at 2021 U.N. General Assembly

, Copied from Twitter Cry and mourn for our beloved Australia. Freedoms, dignity and the Australian dream have been crushed. This is what we have become. How does it make you feel?
Healthcare workers don’t support mandatory vaccines

Healthcare workers don’t support mandatory vaccines

, Over 100 healthcare workers and supporters turned up at short notice to Underwood Park to show their opposition to mandatory vaccines. Within 2 weeks, many of these people will walk off the job because they…
Sending your mandatory vaccine concerns straight to the Prime Minister

Sending your mandatory vaccine concerns straight to the Prime Minister

, As soon as Aged Care workers were told they would be forced to take a vaccine of lose their livelihood my office was flooded. I've received thousands more phone calls and emails than the package I am sending…

Save our children from a mental health crisis

, , As state and federal leaders squabble over COVID responses, many families around Australia face yet another day of emotional and mental trauma at home.  The mental health of our  children and teenagers is…

The right to protest is protected by a body of law going back 800 years

, , Would the Attorney-General like to take another run at explaining why parliaments in Australia are not in breach of the very principles that define our legal system, the Bible and the Magna Carta, reinforced…

Question Time: Attorney General Cash fails to explain the legal right to protest

, I asked the Attorney General the Hon, Senator Cash her legal opinion on the right to peaceful protest. Judge for yourself if this is an acceptable defence of the right to protest from Australia's first law…

Truckies and Protests – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, I attended the truckies blockade on the Gold Coast this week, protesting against mandatory vaccines in workers who want to cross the border. Them and many others are asking why you need to implement a vaccine…

Why we voted against Jobkeeper naming and shaming

, , In a time of panic and uncertainty last year the government implemented Jobkeeper. Thousands of businesses validly and ethically accepted money from the government without the knowledge they may later be publicly…

Our Parliaments should be serving the people.

, , This week, we heard Labor raise the issue that “Mr Morrison is considered to be “the Prime Minister for Morrison and no one else.” While that is increasingly heard in the media, among members of the government,…

Mining is keeping Australia out of a depression.

The industry the ALP and Greens want to phase out – mining – is driving a record $10 billion a month balance of trade surplus.