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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Workplace mandatory vaccination letter

If your employer has made a direction that you must be vaccinated to work, this template letter may help extract important information. Download the below word document, delete the first page and insert the details of your employer and your…
Gender Neutral

Gender Neutral

, The youngest child in Australia to undergo transition surgery was 15 years old. If you're over 18 you can call yourself whatever you like, but telling teenagers gender isn't real while they battle with all…

Election Integrity – What has the government got to hide?

, Suspicion about the results of our elections is an existential threat to our country. Confidence comes from having strict auditing and checking procedures. We've seen that these auditing, checks and system…


, Sports rorts, carpark scandals, corrupt water trading, crooked disaster funding projects, AusPost CEOs being forced out for not pleasing government party hacks. This government disrespects the people of Australia…
Government declares war on peaceful protests

Government declares war on peaceful protests

, Earlier in the pandemic, State Premiers let Black Lives Matter protests happen without a whisper of criticism. Now that protests criticise their attempts at tyranny, they crack down on them. Banning protests…
Government has destroyed your right to say no

Government has destroyed your right to say no

, Respect people's rights and restore informed consent—a basic human right. Is it any wonder millions of people now question everything state and federal parliaments say and have reached breaking point? Transcript The…
Government doesn’t create prosperity, free citizens do

Government doesn’t create prosperity, free citizens do

, , Our country has been ruined by governments trying to pick and choose winners instead of letting people be free to invent new and innovative solutions. We used to lead the world, inventing the refrigerator,…
Vaccinations should not be mandatory and lockdowns a last resort – Kalkine TV with James Preston

Vaccinations should not be mandatory and lockdowns a last resort – Kalkine TV with James Preston

, "Since the start of the pandemic, countries have heavily invested in the development of control strategies that aim to contain the spread of COVID-19. Australian citizens have sporadically faced lockdowns.…

Indoctrination curriculum sent back to the drawing board Our education standards have been slipping for years, yet ACARA's draft curriculum was more focused on erasing facts about our judeo-christian heritage and implementing Critical Race Theory. Curriculum should…

Covid and the Transition from Democracy to Authoritarianism

From Asia Pacific Today: Just like The US Federal Government, The UK Government, The New Zealand Government, the Canadian Government and Federal and State Australian Governments, no longer serve the interests of Australians. Australian…