Every Australian child deserves to be protected from inappropriate reading material in taxpayer funded, public libraries. You have every right to have a say about what books are appropriate for your children, grandchildren, and students.
Sign and share the petition below – closing date is 17 April – and help to make libraries safer places for our children.
A thorough audit of libraries for “Submittable Publications” is recommended by the petitioners. Any explicit material meeting the criteria should be sent for classification review. The petition calls for a proactive approach and consistency of classification to protect children from explicit content.
It has become a growing trend in public libraries, including their online catalogues, to display books that are quite frankly designed to groom children about sex. We have the right to say this is not acceptable!
The ‘woke brigade’ are calling it book-burning. It’s not about erasing knowledge — it’s about decency and protecting children’s innocence by letting them have their childhood.
Leave our kids alone!

Sexually explicit reading material aimed at children is beyond the pale. No doubt such reading material promotes aberrant sexual behaviour. The woke/liberals seem to want to debase children. They lack a moral compass, and want to live by the law of jungle whereby anything goes.
Thank you
At a minimum such questionable books should be put into an adults only section where parents can make their own decisions about what is acceptable for their children at certain stages of development.
Dear Senator Roberts,
I strongly believe that Australia has a corrupt ruling government, labour/greens coalition. They need to be arrested for treason against the Australian Population.
This evil ruling party has proven many times that they are puppets of the WEF, Bill Gates, NGO’s and other unlected organisations like UN & WHO. They have woke ideas about all aspects of our life and want to implement all this evil….
I will resist this evil gruberment and fight for freedom. They, the evil people will fall..their time is coming to an end soon…
God bless us all!
Kind regards
I fail to see why all the Ministers in the government should not be removed from parliament under section 44 disqualification.
All the Ministers in the Government commenting an act of treason
The socialist woke are doing bad things with our children it starts even in pre school and should be stopped, young children should not be exxposed to indoctrination and propaganda, teach them the basics and respect.