Weather events bring destruction to Australian communities every year.
These severe weather events have been a part of Australia’s landscape for hundreds of years and a feature of this continent for millennia.

Way back in 1908, Australian poet Dorothea Mackellar in her famous poem “I Love a Sunburnt Country” accurately described our country using the term “of droughts & flooding rains”.
The mouthpiece media has sold Australians a lie — that these weather events are “unprecedented”. They are not.

Great floods of 1852 and 1853 at Gundagai
The mouthpiece media is complicit in a worldwide con to claim there is a “climate catastrophe”. If they admit that severe weather events have happened in the past, this kills the fake “climate emergency” narrative they’re pushing.
The reality is weather events that were more severe can almost always be found in Australia’s weather records. Evidence of even worse weather events is available in weather records and news reports since the 1870’s and in stories or geological signs over the centuries prior to the 1870’s.
Credentialed scientists writing peer-reviewed journal articles have pointed out that severe weather events have not been increasing. For going against the “climate catastrophe” narrative with data and facts, they were hounded down, unjustly vilified and often censored and silenced.
The fact that these weather events aren’t increasing in severity or frequency doesn’t mean their effects are any less destructive. All weather is normal. Apart from areas of extensive clearing such as in Africa, humans have no effect on weather.
The sun and our solar system drives and determines weather. When short term narratives are employed, it appears abnormal (which is how the media scares people about “climate change”). When we look at the longer-term cycles we find Earth is repeating similar weather.
As a country, we can use minimisation and adaptation to ensure natural extreme weather events cause less destruction. For example, stop building more houses on floodplains.

Herbert River, Far North QLD
These real solutions to helping minimize destruction are not being talked about while the mainstream media continues to push their fake “climate catastrophe” narrative.
Well-meaning Australians are being caught up in these lies as the media claims almost every single weather event is due to “climate change” instead of the truth that it’s just natural variation.
On floods especially, One Nation’s policy of building more dams across the country will help mitigate the effects of future rain events and capture that water for productive agriculture and town use through drought periods that inevitably follow.
Solutions are available. We just need them to be focused on reality and common-sense incentives instead of fraudulent “climate change” narratives that only help the parasitic climate billionaires get richer.
Hi Malcom,
I can still recall peddling my bike to school in the bush ( Summerholm – near Laidley) and the temperature was about 105 degrees F. That was about 1949. I loved the article you have written above. I am now 82 years old. Frankly I have given up reading the newspaper and watching the news on TV or listening to it on radio. I am learning to play the piano and doing art instead.
Look after yourself.
The climate change hypothesis falls down because
1. If climate change man made, then medieval warm period would be significantly cooler than the modern warm period. In fact it is warmer (wheat in Greenland, grapes growing in Eastern Canada, etc)
2. Geological record shows no correlation between CO2 and global temperature. If CO2 driving climate change the opposite would be true.
3. Current CO2 among the lowest in the geological record. Most are 10x present levels, so CO2 not a significant driver of climate change.
4. Warm periods recur at about 1,000 year intervals (Minoan, Roman, Medieval and Modern). The modern warm period is on schedule. This shows it is a naturally occurring cycle.
This is just some of the solid evidence showing that man made climate change is a scam and is due to misinerpreted evidence.
Spot on – as usual Malcolm!
“Unprecedented” is the favourite word used by alarmists (with political agendas to control the Public – not that money has anything to do with it!) to influence so many of the gullible Public. Never mind about reality and history, and particularly: nasty FACTS. “Someone might be offended” is a standard excuse.
In today’s ‘woke’ [“We Only Know Envy”] culture, it is being ‘politically-correct’ that is the key. And what would the late Herr Doktor Josef Goebbels have made of the Internet, with every-man – Oops! person and his – Oops! again – they’s dog having a mobile ‘phone ……
Senator Roberts, just a few weather incidents in Australia alone will show the volatile nature of weather.
Cloncurry QLD had a 50 (or so) Celcius day on 16 Jan 1889.
The Murray River dried up in at least one place in 1915.
Also the 1956 Murray River flood may have been the worst on record affecting NSW, Vic and SA
Statistics are a potentially manipulative branch of mathematics. We need to ask whether there have been uniform protocols in the recording and tabulation of weather data? Have there been new areas included for weather records that were hitherto never included?
Weather records of only a few hundred years represent only a small blip of time. The “statistical sample” of the records is too small to determine any conclusive trends.
Scientific “experts” have questioned the accuracy of old temperature records due to what they claim came from “non-standard” equipment. A 60 Celcius record for an African country in the 1930s is one example that was put under scrutiny. There could be some justification for this?
The Stock market graph is a good example of how statistics can be deceiving. According to ASX records for Woolworths shares, an increase in share price of a few percent occurred within a 12 months period. That occurred because it included a very low point in the share price. However if we include just last 7 months when the share peaked at $40.35, there is a significant loss involved now when Woolies shares are approximately $35.00.
Time range is of great importance when considering statistics but it can be used inappropriately to convey wrong and misleading results.
Malcolm thank you for shining light on this globalisation of climate change. They need to stop building in areas of flood plains. I guess it also comes back to us doing a lot more research before buying our property. Thank you sir for raising our awareness on issues affecting us. I concur 👍🏽
Hi Malcolm, keep up the good work. To support your comments, please have a look at cyclone records for the Pilbara coast which will show that there have been less cyclones in the last few years than during my time in the region in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The path of Cyclone Alby in 1978 shows the randomness and unpredictability of these weather events, long before “Climate Change” or “Global Boiling” became the narrative.
Regarding water catchment and distribution, we need people like Premier John Forrest and Engineer C Y O’Connor who see beyond the political cycle and have the courage to create infrastructure like the Kalgoorlie Pipeline.
Yes, the mass media is lying. Yes people should not build on flood plains and fire prone ridges. Real scientists should not be muzzled. Global warming is real, however it is mostly caused by an increase in undersea volcanic activity and recently increased solar output, both of which are natural cycles. Reforestation would help moderate climate extremes.
You have hit the nail right on the head. The Albo Communist Party along with the brain dead Chris Bowing is 100% Communist action run by their masters in China.
Thank you so much Malcolm for affirming the nonsense of “Climate Change”. Humans have no control over the weather at all and all this Net Zero rubbish could ultimately destroy the planet as we know it because ALL plants require CO2 to live and they make oxygen for us to live. Disrupt that plan put in place by the earth’s designer then trouble will ensue.
G’day Malcolm, great article. Man made climate change indeed! If there was no natural change in climate then there would be jungle everywhere and dinosaurs everywhere and NO PEOPLE. Or there would only be an ice block instead (after the ice age).
Now, there is a new thought. Our climate (natural) cycle is heading for a mini age in a few years. Is the Govt clinging to the idea of global warming because they just don’t know what to do about a mini ice age. From what I have seen, there quite a few scientists in this field whose research seems to indicate a mini ice age is coming in a few years. (Maybe 30-50 or so years. Just saying it aint so, isn’t going to change what could be happening!)
Keep up the fight. Cheers Peggy
I think the only way to solve a problem is to show to the public but that isn’t going to happen – is it ???
We hope only hope we are wrong but it feels like real time problems will be the future for awhile yet !!
Brisbane is a great example of your argument. The three ‘great’ floods in my lifetime, Feb 2022- 3.85 metres, Jan 2011 – 4.46 metres, and Jan 1974 – 5.5 metres, pale in consideration of the three in Feb 1893. On Feb 5, 1893 (1st peak) – 8.35 metres; and Feb 19 the same month (3rd Peak) – 8.09 metres. the fourth flood the same year was in June. 35 people out of a population of 100.000 died and 190 people were hospitalised during the Feb 1893 floods.
I heard a story passed down about this flood. It was told to me when young, and may have come from my great, great grandmother or one of her children who were living in Brisbane at that time. During the first Feb 1893 flood a sailing boat broke it’s mooring and was deposited in the middle of the Botanic Garden when the water receded. Engineers were still working out plans how to re-float the boat when the next flood came along and deposited the boat back in the river where it belonged.