This mega wind factory was always going to be an eyesore for Illawarra. It’s the first in the world to be proposed on such a huge scale so close to a major residential area. It’s also a major recognised whale migration path and scientists are still studying the negative effects of offshore wind turbines.
Quite rightly, the residents are concerned about the future of their pristine coastline and marine life for a project owned by foreign interests.
These are official government illustrations of what a proposed off-shore wind facility, or minefield, would look like off the coast of Illawarra, NSW.
Freedom of Information (FOI) documents reveal the government department even added haze to the turbines in the original photos (these photos have had contrast added to account for this effect).
The Department of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water called local concerns about the visual effects “misinformation”.
Looking at the government’s official illustrations, those concerns seem valid to me.

Dr Neryhl East Speaking with Chris O’Keefe:
How is it that an indigenous group in WA can object to an oil project 400 km offshore nowhere near their alleged tribal lands and yet there is not a murmur about this outrageously expensive eyesore? Not even from the greens?
Clearly our political system is broken.
When myopic, agenda or idealistically driven people are at the helm, there is but one path, and that is destruction – but when those people are fools and can’t be removed from their perches (permanently!) then the broken self serving system can only accelerate the destruction of this once fine nation from without and within.
Unlike the criminals destroying the nation and dividing people on race, Ian Plimer is one of a number of competent, qualified people who here (below) comments and provides the actual AFFORDABLE solution ever so simply. I urge you to at least watch the specific piece on Nuclear, which starts at the 40.18.29 mark (second link)
How To Fix Australia’s Energy Crisis_3mins
The full discussion:
Ian Plimer – Climate Apocalypse Hysteria_61mins
It won’t be the ordinary plebs destroying our planet…it will be the elitist globalists!
These net energy negative projects would not happen without government subsidies.
Hi Malcolm, I would suggest that the haze in the turbine photo is to try to make them less visible.
The scrap metal of the future, if anyone can remove them, or they will be left to contaminate the ocean.
Scientists on the US north-east coast appear to be certain that whale beachings and deaths are due to the turbine emissions. The people of Illawarra need to get off their football-watching arses and fight for their rights and their survival. Rabbitohs, stop giggling with trannies and get ready to fight.
At least they will make great FAD’s for attracting fish until the Greens make it a Green Protection zone to exclude all fishing !