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I have been invited to join Katy McCallum from the Kilkivan Action Group and Jim Willmott from Property Rights Australia to discuss the impacts of the destructive “renewable” projects being installed throughout your region.

Join us as I speak on this topic and more, listen to your concerns, and answer any questions you may have.

Please RSVP below as seats are limited. Pizza and Drinks available to purchase.


Friday, 21 June 2024

5:30 pm to 7:30 pm


Gunabul Homestead

9 Power Road

Southside Gympie

Register here:

7 replies
  1. Eleanor Downes
    Eleanor Downes says:

    Since when has government EVER operated like this in Australia?!! Its undemocratic! Its bullying! Its costing tax payers! It’s an environmental catastrophe! Its spying and trespassing and harrassment! Multinational companies have no right to operate like this! We voted to own our own infrastructure in Queensland! It’s unconstitutional!!!!

  2. Sandy
    Sandy says:

    If the grid can’t handle the energy from solar on houses, what sense does it make to build these massive solar and wind farms, destroying our food industry and environment.

    • Katy McCallum
      Katy McCallum says:

      I know people who have recently been denied their application to have their proposed new residential solar array connected to the grid to feed electricty back in because the grid in that area can’t take the load! I’m not an electricty expert, but I understand that because our regional towns have had their electricty networks fall into disrepair and/or not upgraded as needed, now they are unable to handle solar power being fed back into them from houses. So much for this Green Dream these virtue signallers all keep spruiking! I’d love for someone to add up the toxins, metals, travel kilometres and deaths of slave labour children that it has taken to kit Australian homes, businesses and industrial solar complexes out with all the panels that we’ve got currently in place and in land fill. You can betcha bottom dollar that the allegedly evil CO2 produced for them all is far in excess of anything that would have come from a coal fired power station. Just my thoughts.

  3. Garry
    Garry says:

    If trading with CHINA is meant to be great for AUSTRALIA, How can Australia be a $ 1 Trillion dollars in DEBT ???

    ANSWER : Because this country elected COMMUNISTS…ALP, GREENS & USELESS TEALS…

  4. Conrad
    Conrad says:

    The pumped hydro will never work. Brumba dam is a drinking water dam, they are building 50,000 plus homes on the Sunshine coast, Gympie and Maryborough are exploding with population and all consume this water. Even the government’s own water department has concerns regarding this dam.
    An election stunt that just like the Traverston dam will cost billions and never be built.

  5. Leon Edwin Taylor
    Leon Edwin Taylor says:

    Banks are bullying ordinary Australians, We need a people’s post-office basic bank for rural communities.
    Also stop this rubbish of electric cars they are too expensive in the long run


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