More than 200 of the largest companies in this country will have to cut their production. There’ll be less electricity, less essential goods and they’ll all be more expensive.
Just remember, you are the carbon they want to reduce.
As a servant to the people of Australia and particularly Queensland, I speak on the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting Amendment) Bill 2023. Here we go again! Once more, the Labor government is putting a Liberal-National climate policy on steroids in a race to see how quickly both of them can destroy our beloved country to appease their globalist masters.
Chris Bowen and Anthony Albanese are building, in this bill, on the safeguard mechanism that Malcolm Turnbull and Greg Hunt introduced in 2015. This bill establishes a new form of carbon credits—or, more correctly, carbon dioxide credits, or, more correctly, a carbon dioxide tax—naming them safeguard mechanism credit units, or SMCs. You might ask: what is a safeguard mechanism credit unit defined as? Is it nine cow farts worth? Ten burps? The entire concept of counting carbon dioxide emissions is a scam; it’s a fraud. While we can poke fun at the scam, the lack of detail in this bill is incredibly serious. Do not let the title fool anyone. The definition of a safeguard mechanism credit is not in the bill. If the parliament passes this bill, we’ll just have to trust the minister or some bureaucrat to tell us later.
The biggest producers of goods in this country will be told to cut their production of carbon dioxide, with the amount not defined in the bill. It may be 4.9 per cent a year. If they don’t, they’ll be forced to buy undefined carbon dioxide credits—an undefined carbon dioxide tax. I use the word ‘producers’ deliberately because this bill will apply to companies in this country that actually make something—or what’s left of them. Because they’ve been forced to buy carbon dioxide credits, these companies will be forced to make less of the things they make and be forced to make them more expensive. It doesn’t matter what fancy scheme the government wants to dress this up as; it is a carbon dioxide tax. It’s a tax on production, and we all know that whenever we tax something we get less of it.
Take a look around at everything you have right now—your phone, your house, your car. If you want a new one in the future, or more things for your children, too bad; the Labor government has decided Australians have too much already and what’s left will only be for the rich, who can afford it. The Greens will smear and label me again for simply telling the truth, yet I believe we should come to parliament to make Australia prosper—not force unnecessary scarcity to appease the sun gods and the climate carpetbaggers. That’s the general rule that should be followed for a prosperous Australia: do what’s in the national interest.
Let’s look at the globalists. This legislation is not in Australia’s interest. Gutless politicians are doing it all to satisfy unelected and unaccountable foreign organisations. All of Australia’s climate legislation has abundant references to satisfying our international commitments, including the UN’s Kyoto protocol, the UN’s Paris Agreement, the UN Agenda 21, UN 2050 net zero and so on and on, with the UN World Economic Forum alliance. The creators of these international agreements are unelected and unaccountable. These foreign bureaucrats believe the prosperity of Australians should come second to their desire to transfer wealth from our people into the hands of predatory billionaires. Don’t be fooled. While this supposedly green pipedream dresses itself as virtuous, the billionaires of the world have untold amounts invested in wind, solar, batteries, green hydrogen and other scams in which they demand a return. Having predictably failed in the free market, they must now hijack international organisations to pressure governments into the forced uptake of their failed investments. With such large amounts of money at stake, the billionaires can afford to buy guns for hire at many different levels.
The teal Independents—Monique Ryan, Allegra Spender, Zoe Daniel, Kylea Tink, Sophie Scamps and Zali Steggall—all peculiarly made submissions to the consultation paper for this bill, arguing it should go even further. Did they declare their clear conflicts of interest? Collectively, the teals received millions of dollars from Climate 200 for their election campaign. Climate 200’s principal donor, Simon Holmes a Court, has massive investments in wind, solar, battery and hydrogen scams. He, along with many other climate billionaires, will benefit hugely from this bill’s passage. It seems the teals’ calls for transparency don’t apply to them and donations aren’t dirty if they come from ‘sugar daddy and carpetbagger’ Holmes a Court. Equally, in this debate I hope Senator David Pocock declares the same conflict of interest that arises from Climate 200’s donations to his campaign, making him a teal. This bill allows the climate billionaires to harvest taxpayer money through their scams like carbon capture, locking up productive farms and other cons. What schemes will be entitled to harvest taxpayer money? What will be the criteria for being accepted? What integrity checks will be in place? Nothing.
Some years ago, Euro poll stated ’95 per cent of Europe’s carbon dioxide trading is tainted with corruption’. Nothing in this bill has the answers. We just have to wait for a minister or a bureaucrat to tell us later, after the Senate has passed the bill, giving them incredible power. We do know that the safeguard mechanism credits will be defined as ‘eligible international emissions units’, meaning they will be able to be traded overseas, globally. As even the Australian Financial Markets Association noted during consultation: ‘There is no good reason for making the credits internationally trade-able’—other than perhaps helping the globalist billionaires suck the country dry.
Let’s look at the carbon dioxide credits whitewash. There are too many problems with this bill to fully address in just 15 minutes. We can’t let that time pass, though, without acknowledging one of the greatest exercises in political whitewashing this parliament has seen—the Chubb carbon dioxide credits review. Australian National University environmental law professor and expert, Professor Andrew Macintosh, said Australia’s carbon market is a fraud on the environment, suffers from a distinct lack of integrity and is potentially wasting billions of dollars in taxpayer’s money. In response to this scathing criticism of the integrity of the carbon dioxide credit system, energy minister Chris Bowen rushed to appoint a panel to review the integrity of carbon dioxide credits, an independent panel, supposedly, but how independent can a government-appointed panel really be?
People will be shocked. The government appointed a somehow independent panel and claimed there was nothing to see here. It made a few superficial recommendations and gave the carbon dioxide credit industry a great big fat tick. As Macintosh responded on January 2023: ‘The review panel acknowledge the scientific evidence criticising the carbon credits scheme,’ but says, ‘It was also provided with evidence to the contrary yet it did not disclose what that evidence was or what it relates to. The public is simply expected to trust that the evidence exists.’ That is an environmental professor seeing right through this. What are they hiding? The Chubb review was a complete sham, designed to give a scam-filled industry a green tick of health to pave the way for this bill. With Ian Chubb’s whitewash review conveniently in place, Labor has given itself permission to rush this bill through, while the scientists who originally raised the integrity issues scream that none of the protests have been addressed. Chubb has repeatedly taken money from Liberal-National and Labor-Greens federal governments to peddle unfounded, false and scary claims. He is a paid gun for hire to push the government line.
Next let us consider the fact, the fact, that we are already at net zero. Why do we need a carbon dioxide credit scheme anyway? As I explained to this chamber in September last year, Australia is already at net zero. Where is the confetti, the streamers, the champagne, the celebrations? Taken directly from clause 4 of the Paris agreement, and as Assistant Minister McAllister in the debate of the climate change bill said:
Net zero is a balance between human production of emissions and removal of those emissions by environmental sinks.
Our country has so many forests that Australia already sequesters or sinks three times more carbon dioxide than we produce. Then when you consider the fact that we are entirely surrounded by oceans, it is even more so. Even to people foolishly believing Australia needs to carry out the net zero kamikaze mission, on net zero we are already the world’s heroes without doing a damn thing.
Let us look at the delegated powers. While the entire concept on which this bill is based is flawed, the way it operates seems to be even worse. The Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2022 is a shell containing little detail about how the largest producers, manufacturers and resource companies will be regulated. Instead, the bill places huge power in the minister, with out-of-touch federal bureaucrats in the Canberra bubble left to later fill in the detail.
To my colleagues in this chamber: I urge you to please think carefully about the process this bill implements. This is not a vote on some companies cutting production by five per cent—4.9 per cent, five per cent; that number is not even in this bill. It is another ministerial power to decide. This is a bill to give the minister a blank cheque for who this policy will apply to, how much they will be forced to cut, how quickly they will be forced to do it and much, much more.
While some people may consider the current proposal reasonable and proportionate, this nearly unlimited power will almost certainly be abused in the future. Almost all of this policy will be made via legislative instrument, an executive dictate from the minister. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Senate granting this wide-open power over some of the most significant changes to our economy is unconscionable. The design of this bill to minimise parliamentary scrutiny—the deliberate design of this bill to minimise parliamentary scrutiny—spits in the face of the parliament, spits in the face of democracy and spits in the face of the Australian people who you are meant to serve in this chamber.
Let’s think about the consultation. Predictably, we can assume that Labor will—wrongly—assure us that they have consulted widely on this bill. Just like we saw the Treasurer wanting to ‘start a conversation’ about tearing down the economic fabric of our country, Labor’s consultation process is a sham designed to give them cover for doing whatever they please. To consult means actually listening. Labor has no intention of listening. Numerous stakeholders noted the staggered release of the draft bill, the legislative instruments and the Chubb review. Combined, these steps limited the ability to consider the implications of the proposed reforms. How can Labor claim to have consulted, when many of the detailed operational elements of this entire policy are contained in legislative instruments which do not yet exist? How could anyone be consulted on those legislative means? That’s not unusual for Labor.
The bill is unfounded. It is damaging for Australia—it is suicidal—and it is we the people who will pay. One Nation opposes this bill and, if passed, will work to unwind it and tear down the global climate scam that drives this bill.
I want to make a couple more comments—basic questions. Why are China and India not doing what this Labor-Greens-teal-Pocock coalition government is doing? Why is Russia not doing it? Why are we punishing Australian families, employers and workers? Why can the other countries have the benefit of our high-quality coal and gas, hydrocarbon fuels, yet we cannot? Think about the primacy of energy; it’s in everything. We’re killing our productive capacity and our children’s future.
Secondly, the costs of the Labor-Greens-teal-Pocock bill are extraordinarily high. Why are we punishing Australian employers and families? Remember that primacy of energy. That will see prices skyrocketing continually.
Thirdly, there’s no justification in science for cutting carbon dioxide from human activity—no empirical scientific data, no logical scientific points to back this up. I’ve asked them, and they’ve repeatedly run. There’s no specific quantified effect of carbon dioxide from human activity, none at all. There’s conclusive evidence from two global experiments that overwhelmingly prove that cutting carbon dioxide from human activity has no effect. In 2009 and 2020 we had global recessions, almost depressions, and the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to increase, despite dramatic cuts in carbon dioxide from human activity. It’s pointless. Nature alone determines the level of carbon dioxide. Humans have no effect.
Let’s ask the fourth question. Why are we following in the footsteps of crooks? The father of global warming was senior UN bureaucrat and oil billionaire Maurice Strong. He morphed it into climate change, climate apocalypse and climate breakdown. He was involved in the UN food-for-oil scandal. He was involved in corruption in the water systems of the western United States. He exiled himself in China, running away from the American police. He formed the UN’s climate body that is really a political body. He was the director and founder of the Chicago Climate Exchange, aiming to make billions of dollars trading carbon dioxide credits, like Al Gore’s company, Generation Investment Management. The whole thing is a scam to make billionaires richer, and you in Labor and you in the Greens are following in the footsteps of a crook, Maurice Strong.
With all due respect I must place the following posting.
Reading your comments and answers to questions re Global Warming / Climate Change etc raises my concern you have followed the wrong people and their demonstrably erroneous concepts that have NO Scientific Validity at all.
How many of these people have actually submitted their findings or writings to recognised scientific institutions for acceptance and consequent publication?
You repeatedly demand “empirical proof” in relation to Anthropogenic Global Warming etc.
Sorry to be the bearer of difficult news — The proof measured) is already in the public domain, and growing.
All that is required is the level of knowledge necessary to understand this reality.
On the grounds of “empirical proof”,
I challenge you, personally, to PROVE Anthropogenic Global Warming is a non event!
If such information is offered please expect a polite response to such “proof”.
Please Note. Inability to provide this information can only be taken as evidence your understanding of the situation is rather incomplete.
Try and avoid resorting to various conspiracy theories, accusations of climate scientists being in the pay of fossil fuel companies, personal denigration etc.
Do you even know what rigorous scientific proof requires? I am a professional scientist, a Physical Chemist. Most people who make such claims as you do, saying things like ‘the proof is already in the public domain’, have no idea what they are talking about. They are scientifically illiterate.
They could not tell the difference between rigorous scientific proof of a proposition and mere assertion based upon correlation from dubious and selective data, which they will then triumphantly but foolishly claim is ‘proof’. They simply have no idea of what they are talking about. They are children playing with something they do not properly understand.
Hi Larry,
OK, take out “proof” and replace with “evidence as measured”.
That still does dot alter my concern that Malcolm’s understanding of Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect appears rather limited.
I have asked for his explanation on several occasions only to receive no reply.
Would you please explain the Greenhouse effect so I can ascertain your understanding of the operating factors.
Incidentally I hold a BSc.. degree majoring in both Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, I have no difficulty appreciating the concept of scientific proof.
Awaiting your reply
Can you tell me your sources of scientific independent proof?
Sure Trish.
Pleasing to see a person seeking direct information.
May I suggest you look (ie Google) for the following changes over the past 100 years or so
1) Increased use of fossil fuels.
2) CO2 levels.
3) Global temperatures.
Here you will need to understand burning fossil fuels produces CO2.
Also have an understanding of the Greenhouse effect and the contribution of CO2.
(water vapour may be overlooked as the 70% coverage of the Earth’s surface keeps the water vapour level reasonably constant).
The claim temperature rises caused CO2 level rises occurred 10 s of thousands of years ago and cannot be applied to today’s warming because conditions are TOO DIFFERENT. (Coal mines. Oil wells, Fracking, heavy industry, human population etc.)
If you need any assistance please contact and ask.
My apologies Trish.
I should have advised which sites require the exercise of caution..
Sites that appear to rely on abuse, denigration, mockery and ridicule I find are rather short on scientific content.
The writers appear to choose abuse and ridicule etc to support their viewpoint rather than verifiable information.
May I suggest CSIRO as an example of careful and verifiable writing.
I expect an example of the comments that require caution to follow the above advice.
If so you will have an example of the writing to avoid.
Hi Col
Are you capable of understanding the concepts of “money and power” and also “lies and deceit”?
Those concepts are the bedrock for the globalists that are taking control of every country on this planet through their inventions of AGW and deadly viruses.
Get another booster shot and come back in 3 months to comment!!!
Thanks David.
You have supplied Trish with an example of the comments I warned against.
Thanks David.
You have supplied Trish with an example I warned against.
With all due respect, the statement “the science is settled” is your first indication that the “science” you are being beaten over the head with is actually more political than scientific. At the end of every research paper I have ever read is the conclusion that more research is necessary. This is because the world is a complex place and our understanding of it is constantly evolving. I would like to point you in the direction of “Climate Discussion Nexus”, who posts on various platforms, as your first step in understanding that the science presented “proving” a human driven climate disaster is incomplete and in some cases, downright fraudulent. Note that I say climate disaster, not change. The climate is always changing notably because our sun is moving through a galaxy in an orbit and there are features of that cycle that are now starting to reveal themselves as important to us. It is a 26,000 year cycle and there is mounting evidence that this is not merely an intellectual observation.
I would then consider the solutions to the issue being presented and I would ask the question, does this achieve the goals stated? If you are objective, you will notice that they don’t. Much like the bill that Malcolm Roberts is addressing. Take the Netherlands for instance, intending to drive something like 3,000 productive farmers off their land. The cascade of effects, especially at this time where the war in Ukraine and Russia has significantly disrupted food supply chains, will be diabolical. It seems that the politicians aren’t interested in how people are fed either in their own country or in any other country, as the Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food in the world. The interesting part of that scenario is that the area of land in question is earmarked for a “tri-state” city and the farmers cannot sell the land to anyone other than the government. How interesting.
The Climate Change Disaster scenario has several objectives and is running in tandem with other disruptive causes, such as Black Lives Matter and the Transgender movement. One is to radically destabilise society by creating a “problem” then hysterically ramming through solutions that disporportionately disadvantage large parts of society and strongly benefit a few. The activists are violent and there is no discussion allowed. Even if you believe in the general idea of the movement, on the surface it is a good idea to care for the environment, all lives matter and people should be accepted for who they are, the details are abhorrent.
You would do well to note the last piece of Malcolm Roberts speech where he outlines where the idea of Climate Change Disaster derives from. This tells you it is not something the scientific community discovered and brought to the attention of the people’s of the world but rather the marketing campaign of a business idea. An origin story mirrored by both Black Lives Matter and the Transgender campaigns. We are at an extraordinary time in the history of the world.
Excellent speech Malcolm. Thank God there is someone in the federal parliament who is standing up for the almost-disenfranchised people of Australia – the battlers and the rapidly-disappearing middle class.
The fact is that Australia’s emissions of CO2 are negligible on a global scale – and we are talking about global warming (alleged) not local. That is relevant even if you assume that CO2 increases are causing, not caused by, the alleged warming. In reality human emissions of CO2 are irrelevant to global climate at any likely scale.
Australia’s economy was crucified by all our governments during Covid, and the campaign continues with the climate scam, which hurts only the lower classes of the currently two-tiered society, with politicians, public servants (unelected) and corporate leaders (unelected) at the top. These self-styled elites do not care about us for one minute.
Keep going Malcolm. The real Australian’s need you and your ilk.
Hi Stephen,
Check the global / atmospheric distribution of CO2.
The gas extends well into the Stratosphere and beyond.
The “lifetime” for a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere is measured in 10s if not 100s of years VS water molecules (mostly limited to the Troposphere) as a matter of days (about 10).
The rise in CO2 levels from about 330 ppm (1950s) to 410 ppm (or higher) today represents an increase of over 24% in the last 60 to 70 years.
All nations using fossil fuels are contributing to this global increase, Australia included.
More to come later if requested,
If CO2 is so bad then why has NASA just confirmed the earth is greener now than 20 years ago.
The Earth is also warmer.
Why do plants grow well in hot houses?
What is really driving this war on CO2 is that fossil fuels are running out. We past peak petroleum about ten years ago and have probably reached peak coal and gas. After that the availability of fossil fuels falls fast and amount of price rises will produce more. The “Elite” are afraid they won’t be able to fuel their private yachts, jets, helicopters, submarines, and luxury cars if the “hoi polloi” keep consuming it at an exponentially increasing rate.
We are heading for an energy disaster. None of the present policies being proposed make any scientific or engineering sense. Western politics has been taken over by a death cult.
I didn’t read it.
As soon as I read
Carbon Credits
How many times did the Chicago scam get investigated, academically documented, video discussions made…
So disappointing.
Never mind.
All the best
Have a lovely weekend.
There are some pretty distressed people around .
Be kind, where possible.
Not easy to do, when a
Total lack of care demonstrated.
I have phone probs.
👋 mountains ⛰ 💦 ☀ 🎉 life, everyday and in everyway.
May Peace ✌ be on your minds and in your hearts.
Go kiss a 🐶 or a Pussy-cat 🙀 or garden or 🎨 or whatever, gives you a break… 🥂 big 👂 BONZA STRAYA
Hey Col
you haven’t provided any sources. perhaps you rely on the IPCC who were created by the same people who invented the bloody hoax The CSIRO are so bias and corrupted because they want their government funding to continue so they produce BS reports to satisfy their masters and their ultimate globalist masters, the UN..
Go Back to your ABC so they can caress your brain when it gets too hot from thinking. for yourself.
David and Pauline
Initially (several weeks ago) I had hoped for a civil discussion on the matter of Anthropogenic Global Warming and associated Climate Change.
In all of my posts I have tried to maintain a civil and courteous manner, refraining from name calling, ridicule and derision.
To date it appears as if no one using this site (even from the top down) acknowledges five (5) crucial facts.
1) The increasing use of fossil fuels.
2) The combustion (by humans) of fossil fuels releases CO2.
3) Atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing (approx 24% in the last 60 to 70 years).
4) CO2 is a known Greenhouse Gas ( the other main gas is water vapour)
5)The Earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures are increasing.
Rather than give specific references ( to avoid the possibilities of being accused of biased direction) may I suggest a search of Google.on the above 5 issues.
(NB. Be cautious of sites that appear to rely on abuse, ridicule etc to emphasise their viewpoint).
In further communications I would appreciate these issues to be addressed in an objective and scientific manner.
To Quote
“Go Back to your ABC so they can caress your brain when it gets too hot from thinking. for yourself.”
Is thinking for yourself a bad thing ?
The repeated questionable arguments by those opposed to climate change indicate a lack of independent thought.
Hi David,
Another thought.
Thinking for myself again.
I consider it rather ironic that the Galileomovement should be peopled by those who appear to oppose rigorous scientific research as performed by qualified climatologists etc.
Especially seeing that Galileo, (from his careful observations), stood against those who opposed him through sheer ignorance and self pride.
Irony? YES.
‘Hi Col’
Do use electric power for anything? If so, where does it come from – who provides it? It’s not generated by one of those filthy CO2 emitting coal fired power stations, is it?
Is anything in your life made of steel? If so you better stop using those things and bury them in the ground – where the raw materials came from.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to manufacture steel without coal.
What about plastics? Can you and DO you live without items fabricated from plastic. I could go on & on, but it’s not necessary…
When you can HONESTLY tell us you don’t rely on ANY of those things in your daily life, come back and tell us why we’re so awful and pose such a threat to YOU, your fellow believers and your life and therefore, why we must also follow your anti-humanity dogma and the despicable agenda planned and being implemented across the world by a tiny, unelected and largely unknown cabal who want to impoverish us all, or, better still: wipe us out of existence. All in effort to save the planet from those awful human beings who just want to live their lives without interference from misinformed ignorant shills who want us all dragged back to a living standard lower that what our pre-industrial era ancestors had to endure.
Difference being our ancestors had no choice. We DO have a choice, so we DON’T have to destroy everything our ancestors built and facilitated for us all and vehemently defended through the ages. Including our human rights and freedom and our right to prosper if we choose to work hard to improve our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
Even if your global warming or ‘climate emergency’ belief was 100% factually correct and supported by actual empirical science, why is the only hope for our survival achievable through the deliberate destruction of everything we now totally rely on for survival, such as RELIBLE electric power and RELIBLE transportation and communication media.
Modern facilities and infrastructure that nearly everyone, including you Col take for granted and, if those facilities were suddenly or even gradually removed, few people would survive.
It is becoming patently obvious now that that global impoverishment and destruction of the basic needs of human life is the REAL agenda behind the ridiculous AGW HOAX.
We normal people just want to continue to enjoy our basic right to enjoy our environment, enjoy our right to work and freedom of movement and enjoy what God provided.
The right to LIVE in peace without interference from some self-appointed, overseas based unelected wealthy oligarchy who thinks they have the right to CONTROL and even to DESTROY the lives of their fellow, less fortunate human beings, using lies and trickery to accomplish their evil goal.
Did you miss my comments re a civilised and courteous discussion on these matters?
Incidentally my household use of electricity is between 5 to 6 kWh per day.
What is your electricity usage?
Well said again Malcolm. Yet another assault on the Australian people exposed. Where is the media? paid-off, of course. i am very grateful you are fighting for nearly all Australians, or is that most.