CSIRO has misled Parliament
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Climate ChangeSenator Roberts calls on CSIRO head to resign
Climate Change, Energy, United NationsWhere is your COVID19 plan Prime Minister?
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Remember, have fun on Sunday! ... See MoreSee Less
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Have a truly blessed Australia Day. 👍👍🙏🙏
We will! You too.
I will have fun staying away from all the insensitive people waving around the UK flag.
Happy Australia Day Malcolm!!! Thank you for your tireless service to this country 🙏
Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺 Senator Malcolm Roberts 😊🦘🌏🇦🇺
Patriotism and national pride are portrayed by the ideological woke as dirty or terrorist activities BUT celebrating minorities is a priority at the offense and expense of the majority = belittling, watering down, demonizing and oppressing actual Australian culture and values. I’ll be flying my flag and avoiding the activists hell bent on destroying our nation through divisive means. I’m sure media will stir the pot though cause drama sells headlines and furthers the woke agenda. Shhhh they don’t want unity by sharing and celebrating sameness rather than illuminating difference!
#dontvotelabourorliberal #information #helpingmusicmates youtu.be/EyWHEIFXmEY?feature=shared
For anyone who is interested, the pubs that have allegedly been issued instruction to not recognise our national day are owned by a private equity firm based in Hong Kong. The list of pubs run by ‘Australian Venue Co’ is extensive. www.ausvenueco.com.au/
I'll have fun in the surf at a beach BBQ Australia day, Aussie flags on me board. Currently having fun following Homan round up illegals in America 😁👍
Felize Domingo 🇲🇽
Have a fun day Roberts. Trampling on graves.
Best David Martin interview I’ve ever seen. A bow tie wearing Virginian teaching us about Aust Law and dropping a lot of truth bombs. What a hero. Part 1: rumble.com/v6c1dn1-graham-and-john-speak-in-this-part-interview-with-dr-david-martin.html?e9s=src... Part 2: rumble.com/v6c2dey-graham-and-john-speak-in-this-part-2-interview-with-dr-david-martin.html?e9s=s...
Thanks Senator Malcolm Roberts, for everything you do to try to get our country back to the glorious way it was, before the lefties got their way!
"Malcolm Roberts" has updated his cover photo? Should it not be Senator Malcolm Roberts? Is this a false account?
John Logic Logic, how childish were you to say that you kept a brain from your Siamese Twin brother but he got to keep a moustache? You certainly aren't popular.
Not content to be the least popular person ever elected in Australia you are now ensuring that you are also the most childish.
Happy Australia Day everyone! Let's never forget Wokeworths...
😂 ... See MoreSee Less
What a lot of crap absolutely no one on this earth can change the weather as people have no control over the weather in the first place as we didn’t create the sun stars moon and planet earth .
Out of all the independants who have woken up to this , Senator Malcolm Roberts, you seem to be the most switched on and what you do with that, you work hard to pushback. Idk if you can qualify, but I pray that Yeshua makes you our PM.
It's snowing in Florida...
Time to leave all organised agendas find cheapest energy gas coal and start manufacturing again Australia first
Raise defense spending to 5% of GDP because thats a better use of funds isnt it. Blowing everything up is better than developing free renewable energy for people hey.
Everyone forgets about Riccardo Bosi
The weather is not playing their game, is it ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Snowing in Houston hell is freezing over
the earths axis is at the max of 23.5 degrees from our star - cold on top n hot on bottom - this is the truth
That's not what climate change is but continue being delusional
Even you muppets surely know emission induced climate change causes extremes of weather, you know like snow falling on florida beaches while having wildfires in california at the same time or example
Good on you Trumpy. > Terry
It's snowed in Texas and Louisiana to the Gulf of America
It's been snowing in Florida. That's Climate Change! Except, it doesn't melt when using a torch, or if brought indoors to melt.
As an imbecile who struggles to understand how temperature is defined, it's not really fathomable that Malcolm would understand how global warming destabilises the polar vortex, which can bring cold weather more towards the mid latitudes...
Why is the Norther Hemisphere in a cold snap When the Climate Alarmists claim the world in Climate Warming phase? Doesn't make sense does it That/s because Al Gore Mathematics and Modelling is all FAKE.
One nation sucked in by Trump.
Sadly it was cold! How N.C must be feeling the affects in their tents! No offer from it's fellow man to supply their needs at cost included labor of course! Mother's could also use some formula at the same! Surely it would benefit FEMA? NATION UNITE! Again My Opinion! For what it might be worth!¡!!!!!!!!
Simple Answer The Reason Global Warming Is Now Reversing Is Because Canada Is Overpaying To Much In Carbon Taxes!
Stop with the Myths ! Get with the Science!
The Clean Energy Regulator is a $115 million dollar agency dedicated to implementing the UN's Net Zero plans on Australia. I pressed for transparency regarding executive salaries and the total cost to taxpayers, expressing surprise at the reluctance to readily provide this information.
I also challenged the effectiveness and necessity of the carbon market, describing it as a concocted market driven by regulations rather than genuine demand. It's essentially a made up cost inflicted on Australia.
These are the kind of agencies we could simply get rid of and Australian's lives would get better.
... See MoreSee Less
My god this country is just going from bad to worse with the amount of wasteful and spending. I pray that one day a Trump style of government ever makes its way here to clean up this corruption
Such a scam. Co2 is the lifeblood of nature. Schemes, agencies, carbon credit, some are laughing all the way to the bank. What a laugh these people are, wriggling like worms to protect their scam. Senator Roberts good luck with these clowns.
The election is around the corner people of Australia we have to elect Senator Malcolm Roberts to clean all the rubbish that has been building in Canberra
Waste of money
The fact that he had to read his job description out of a handbook, is enough of a red flag to me! 🚩🏴☠️
Just creating a job, charge the tax payer for it. No accountability 🤬
Thus un green bs push can all go in the bin. It's all a waste of money and the jobs lost can be created elsewhere
Tha answers these so called knowledgeable people are giving Senator Roberts is just a load of gobblycock
BIG GRAVY TRIAN,stand up to the tyrants,UK
Keep up your great work Malcolm
If They claim to provide energy for Value, Aussies Have been Ripped Off ! Flat battery.
So why have my Electricity bills risen if your "job" is to reduce thehe costs.
$115 million smoke and mirrors dr spin chalmers never fails to impress
Too many snouts in the trough.
Really doing a great job cutting costs. What a joke.
In other words, pay a fee and you can use more carbon, which is a by product of something that is already heavily taxed.
Looney Tunes ! A lot of babbling lunacy to protect their Scams ( Not scheme,s ) , absolute blatant waste of taxpayer dollars on their exorbitant salaries ! Governmental Positions should be Dissolved by Ninety Percent , those Positions are not Warranted , nor Needed , anybody would think the people's Government was a Corporation with a C.E.O at the top and their Corporate Employee,s calling the shots , and hellbent on silencing the critics of their Schemes ( Scams ) ! That's because anybody thinking that would be Correct , it is a Corporation , a Corporation Masquerading as a Government , Splicing and Dicing to Pilfer as much of the taxpayer funds as they can
Bloody hell....no wonder this country is going down the tube......this is bloody ridiculous.
Sack the lot of these incompetent, corrupt, lying corporate paid traitors. Where do the Corporations find these people or are they just diversity hires.
This department needs to go…
It hasn't worked any where the Crown has installed it
This is theft on the tax payer
Ponzi scheme to steal OUR money, transfer of wealth US to THEM.
Leaches drain the swamp..
If it's public knowledge shouldn't have a problem disclosing it
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Huge Immigration numbers causing rental crisis
SpeechesTGA admits they didn’t analyse the patient data!
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