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Only in our state of Queensland
Headline in today’s Courier-Mail on-line
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Fell in a pothole now they need a mine rescue team to find them.
This could have been resolved quickly. If the croc wrangler had pulled out some snacks a bag of weed and a lighter I’m sure things would have sorted themselves out .
On world's worst highway
Do we really need to give this garbage paper any attention at all???
Slow news day eh?
I heard Penny Wong got arrested at a airport. They found 17 kgs of crack in her underpants. Anyone confirm this
A good old stoning 🤣
I thought Clive palmer was overseas
Yeah it doesn’t get more fair dinkum than that 😂😂😂
Funny 😂 not for the one assaulted with the bong though that’s not
He must have drank the Cool Aide.
interrupted the session , an got bashed
Dave’s not here man………….
What he do, tip the water on him 🤣
And they call that News..😂😂
Nearly as good as my hometown’s paper … the NT News, in Darwin.
Meanwhile, everything that matters is swept under the carpet.
It's a good thing that the wielding man had protection
I’m sure if they punched a few cones together they would have sorted it out peacefully then hooked into a packet of Tim Tams and laughed about it
What is going on down there? Lol 😁
“Headline”? Sound like a bit of a porky pie, if you know what I’m saying…
Only because Victoria doesn’t have crocs. 😎
A man with a bong attacked someone?? He’s been framed .
It sounds like one of those things that you read that only happen in Victoria. 🙄 Maybe they were up here on holiday? 🥴
Democracy is at stake from both majors in the Liberal-Labor Uniparty
During their response to Covid, the Liberal-Labor Uniparty ganged up in attempts to intimidate people into silenceOver four years Liberal & Labor worked together to introduce a suite of LAWS to censor & control peopleNow, barely a month after election to Queensland state government, the LNP is silencing discussion IN Queensland STATE PARLIAMENT
State parliament is supposed to be a venue for debate among the people’s elected representativesQuote from lawyer Dr Joanna Howe:“This is fundamentally undemocratic and sets a dangerous precedent that a government can shut down debate on a topic they wish to avoid by passing a motion to prevent a bill being introduced on that topic.This is potentially unconstitutional as the parliament is the people’s house and a member of parliament who seeks to bring a private member’s bill on any topic of their choosing should be allowed to do so.”
During the recent Qld state election campaign the LNP leader David Crisafulli avoided detailed discussion of issues. A shadow man, a cloud who got power simply presenting himself as “not Stephen Miles, not Labor” rather than as a wanna-be leader in his own right
Once in power he shut down discussion on the topic of abortion
Dr Howe has started a petition for people to express their view of this undemocratic control
In a proper democracy, we all need to use our voice
Please have your say
Use this link:
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They all getting 80% overpaid and offshore account's should be seized and punished!
I’ve said it time and time again! We should scrap the current two party system and the winner with most votes wins.
Unfortunately the Lib/Labor uniparty is the state of play in our 'democracy', and they will continue to be elected! There is no viable third party at present, just a swatch of 'personality cult' splinter parties, which have obviously not captured the imagination and loyalty of very many voters as yet. The duopoly it seems, will contunue to dominate State and Federal governments for the foreseeable future.
While I may agree with what you are saying regards democracy, 1 thing that was pushed throughout the election was what would lnp do regards abortion laws. He said he would not change the laws. By doing what he has done we know where we stand with abortion laws during this term of parliament and there can be no scare campaigns by anyone.
dorry but during the qld election he plainly said he wouldnt be changing it , he didnt avoid nothing , i dont agree with it but he was pressured and he gave that answer
Amazing the would-be dictators, the policy was made known and the people voted equals a mandate, honesty equals that is policy and as such law's protected, until alternates are voted on and made policy the opportunity to canvas support but not demand and agitate change is the democratic process that laws are in place to stop escalating
Crisa when you first came in the scene I believed you were an honourable person but since elected you have become just like anitasia full of shit basicly doing what the opposite on what you were elected on Shame shame
We need a totally different direction from labour lnp greens a teals ..none of these care about this country only their egos oh and the pension they receive at the end
They're afraid of the media.
At the federal election people need to write on their ballot "none of these candidates are suitable to represent me or my country"
He also saved our eungella from qld pumped hydro
A huge problem , THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE LNP , ALP , greens and teals , May I quote Mahatma Gandhi , if there are IDIOTS in power , it seems , those who elected them are well represented !
I must disagree with you there. And yes I did vote for One Nation. He Clearly said numerous times that NOTHING would change in that regard. And still most Queenslanders voted for him. So what is the point in wasting time on the issue?
Why has this crazy rant popped up on my feed?
How long do you want to debate if the world is flat? Becomes a waste of everyone’s time…
They've got no hope of stopping me from saying what I think.
The new premier doesn’t trust his own members to not bring up abortion so to help them out he had this stupid legislation passed! I wonder how many votes he would have gotten if he had put forward a more humane abortion policy? So now we continue to have four more years of a situation where aborted babies born alive after surviving their traumatic abortion are just left to endure an agonising death! 😈 This is barbarism pure and simple!
In a true democracy the citizens don’t need to sign a petition so that our elected representatives behave in an ethical manner. But we are living in a dictatorship. No petition or protest will change that. It’s happening worldwide, check out New Zealand, Canada, France, England and other countries. 😔
can you imagine what would happen if abortion was banned, seriously you would have to be an insane maniac!
Not surprising is it? We know the history of the current Qld Governor who swore in this Ministry.
It’s a pity they don’t have in our curriculum a unit in politics. Australians would do well to educate them selves about Labor and Liberal and Greens, Nations and Teals.
Abortion is only a women's choice, so as there are NO Men or Children allowed a voice in this "Hitman" style of coercive control by women, it shud be banned for its selective gender inclusion.....only women. 2022 saw over 3 x Million abortions across the globe, all initiated by women for women. Of this number only about 2% were medicially referred, and as reported in Germany, France, England and the USA, upto 70% of all abortions were on the male child. The abortion issue was raised by the feminazi attached to the #METOO feminists movement, and the open killing fields are a hit for women who just want too kill there Children for a variety of reasons, but this action is all about empowering women. Women killed more unborn Children in a 12mth period than people killed in two wars...Gaza and surrounding areas, Israel, and the fake war in Ukraine. This is out of control, and all at the woman's demand. Politicians have a lot to answer for.....abortion is murder by any decree, and if women don't want to fall pregnant, there are alternative measures, but they love the power it gives them, the power over the unborn Child, how weak and shallow is that. Politicians are an accessory to the fact, but there very lose with the Truth.
I’m lifelong LNP voter. I won’t be voting for them next election over this communist move of theirs
Whom do the uniparty really represent? Obviously it's not the average Australian. It seems stakeholder capitalism has been accelerated greatly since the beginning of the 'covid ' era and will again be accelerated to reach their goals by 2030.. It takes 1 letter to resign from the UN which will never happen as the parties involved are far to compromised and the plan would unravel... Trump makes speaches about withdrawing from the WHO treaty bla bla but never mentions withdrawing from the UN, which involves just a letter from the secretary of state... This proves ALL are bought by the UN and the WEF... Can Australian politics be fixed since what happened in 1973... I doute it...
Yes, the scam is that simple: Control - and wealth transfer!
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Posted from Wide Awake Media on X: @wideawake_media 👇
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman delivers a PERFECT 90 second summary of the climate scam:
"The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous... The idea that [it's] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous."
"But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there's no human activity that doesn't result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch."
"Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution."
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Yes Senator, say it loud and clear .. we call BS !!!
When people talk sense like this, there is hardly a young person in the room. When people talk it up it is a room full of young sponges soaking up the dribble.....
Without CO2 we die it’s all a money laundering scam for the rich and to think that we have stupid people believing it is just so utterly ridiculous and disgusting that they think they can make a difference, on the contrary people are now starting to see the truth about it, as bout time I say
The emperors new clothes comes to mind re co2
Oh no shut this guy up he’s going to ruin the planet!🌍
It's never ever been dangerous all theses yes we had it water was free also
At last the truth is coming out.💖🥰👍
Bitcoin chief.
The rich get richer and the poor are annihilated.
Not Filistine or Palestine— it’s Israel ( Judea ) . The Name Philistine or Palaistine was FIRST created by the Greek Hellenistic period during the occupation of the Land of Israel in the 5th century BCE in an effort to sever the connection between Jews and their historical land of Israel ( or The Land of Milk and Honey ) Few hundreds years after the fall of Greek Empire , The Roman Empire again remained the whole the Land of Israel as Syrian Palaestina in 135 CE with the same intention of severing the connection of Jews people to the Land of Israel 🇮🇱. After the fall of Christian Byzantine Empires and Christian Roman Empires at the hand of Islamic warriors , Islamist Ottoman Empire and later Islamic empires continued the use of Syrian Palaestina Words for the entire Land of Israel for hundreds of years . The name Palestine was later adopted by the British to refer to the historical land of Judea. The British Mandate for Palestine included the modern territories of both Jordan and Israel. Interestingly, there are no calls from Arab or Muslim groups to "liberate" Palestine from Jordan, which was also part of this territory. Not Palestinians, but Arabs The Arabic language doesn't have a "P" sound, so the self proclaimed "Palestinians" refer to themselves as "Filistines" or “Phillistines” . The Arab Palestinian nation was formed in the previous century as a reaction to Jewish sovereignty (Zionism). Not the West Bank, but Judea and Samaria. The area commonly called the West Bank was historically known as Judea and Samaria. King Omri of Israel founded Samaria as the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel in the 9th century BCE. When Jordan occupied this region to the WEST BANK of the Jordan river in 1948, the name "West Bank" was introduced by the Jordanians, shifting its historical identity. The Filistine or Palestinian Liberation Organization charter was written in 1964, while the region of historical Judea & Samaria was under Jordanian sovereignty. At the time, the PLO charter denied any claims to the region. Only after the 1967 war, when Israel conquered the region to the West Bank of the Jordan river from Jordan, did the Arabs, who now identify as Palestinians, amend their charter, claiming the "West Bank" as their's. Bethlehem is a Hebrew Legacy - not Arabic, not Palestinian The name Bethlehem comes from the Hebrew term "Beit Lechem," meaning "House of Bread." It is famously the birthplace of Yeshua (Jesus), a Jew, within the region of Samaria. If he were alive today, he would be regarded as an illegal settler of this land, despite his indigenous connection to Israel (Judea). Jews have prayed in the Hebrew indigenous language for thousands of years, they have been practicing the traditional, cultural customs of their ancestors in Israel. The Palestinians are Arabs who speak the Arabic language which is indigenous to Arabia, they also celebrate the Arabic culture and traditions of Arabia. Arabs colonize 22 states from Asia to North Africa. Jews have 1 little piece of land, rich with archeological evidence of historical connection between the people and the land. See the discovery of the Hebrew scrolls, Masada etc. Filistine or Palestine Was Never a Sovereign State Filistine or Palestine, is a political entity, it has never existed as a sovereign Arab state. It is an anti-Western, Arabic-Islamic movement with colonial ambitions.
Political vermin know this.
It goes back to high school biology. Photosynthesis. And what is a scandal is the deafening silence on the logging of the Amazon rain forests. Nearly 20 percent has already disappeared! Chopping down average of 4 footy fields everyday. It’s deforestation/desertification that is more dangerous. No point chopping down trees to install windturbines🤔😱 This has got to be emphasised. I’m not giving up my medium rare sirloin to satisfy bureaucrats wherever they reside
One day you Gona have your own karma, because it is not the case
Puts me in mind of the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. Everyone in his kingdom goes along with the obvious lies until an innocent child speaks up about the truth. The Emperor suddenly is exposed as being stupid, gullible, egotistical and his nakedness obvious to everyone! There will soon be hundreds, maybe thousands of politicians, scientists, public officials all exposed in the same way! It will be the ultimate clown show of all history! Enjoy the spectacle! 🤡🤣🤡🤣
Plants love it windmills don't eat it .
A granule of sugar on the Harbour bridge Clean the bridge up.. it’s dirty
Nooo it's methane from these awful polluters, isn't it? I paid the money.. this should've been fixed by now.. ✋🤣🤚
The world is passing away just like us. Just read your Bible. Climate change is another big lie.
Gavin Freeman
Samuel Schriever
Human caused global warming is one of the biggest scams of the century. When you look at how it all started (this scam), you will have that lightbulb moment. Co2 has been vilified, simply because they knew it would be easy to fool the masses. A trace gas cannot on its own catastrophically warm the planet. Plus, as their predictions of a climate armageddon have not come true, they keep moving the goal posts saying it will happen in another 10 years. Then, they will do that again,...... "we have just 10 years to save the planet"" They have been bleating that for decades. People are getting sick of it, and, that is why there is such a huge pushback right now. Our climate of today is nothing unusual. If you look at our historical past you will realize that. Life evolved on this planet in a far warmer climate, with high co2. Use your brains folks. Think!! The proof is right there in the past.
I know the guy standing with glasses...Facts Matter guy Roman, CO2 is important..., and climate change is BS... saving the environment is fiction correct all way Melissa Bourke Trupkovic Jason Romero Ross Mackay climate change expert is absolutely preposterous. Liam Sanchez
The real cause of climate change is not CO2 but a shift in the axial precession of the Earth causing massive disruptions to global weather.
So lets ask the Uniparty if they will give up everything and own nothing to Prove they believe in man made climate change Have you noticed they never throw in the MAN MADE part anymore?
Amazing the Truth ! Senator Malcolm Roberts has stated this Fact for as long as I can remember (before he was a senator ) ❤️🎅👍
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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