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While Labor and the Greens push their climate agenda that drives up the price of fuel, One Nation is fighting to put money back in YOUR pocket.
26 cents per litre back to hardworking Australians - that's real instant relief, not empty promises.
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Only a fool would believe that's ever going to happen. One Nation are lying to you.
This would honestly help me so much. Life on a low income is the worst
Australians have valid concerns about Indian degrees being considered equal to Australian degrees, especially given the serious issues with cheating and degree fraud in Indian universities, where degrees can be purchased for as little as $3,700.
Minister Wong's response was unsettling in the lack of concern for Australians. The Minister did acknowledge that industries with professional associations, such as health, could require further study, testing, or mentorship.
However, Minister Wong did not mention that this agreement will lead to competition between Australians who have studied for 3-5 years and paid substantial fees, and Indian "graduates" who may not have. These Australians now have a substantial HECS debt, which requires a salary capable of paying off the debt while providing for their future.
This situation is a recipe for the erosion of wages and job prospects for Australian graduates, and ultimately, a reduction in the number of Australians prepared to risk the expense of university.
One Nation will tear up this agreement.
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It’s the arrogance of leaning on her elbow that shows contempt, not only for Senator Roberts, but also those members present and the entire Australian public. She needs to go, the ums and ahs shows that she not only doesn’t know her she’s talking about, she also revels in talking down to people.
Ummmmm uhhhhh I i i ahhhhh um ....... Answer the question you sell out
Skill and knowledge before diversity. 😡
Vote one Nation
She comes across as so dismissive and arrogant.
Not just degrees, I am a Truck Driver and a lot of the Indians on the road have no idea, they are obviously being granted licences to drive trucks much larger than they have ever driven in India.
Foreign education in Australian universities ,who only thrive because of international students , are an extreme security risk. While the foreign students are here taking housing from Australians they could be and often are corrupting Australian politicians, bureaucrats , councils and councillors and more. Not only can they do this but also spy on Australian parliament, governments, businesses, military and more. Stop Australian universities from educating foreigners and Australian universities should only educate Australian born and Australian citizens, not student visas.
And for the life of me, wtf sticks a Chinese lesbian in as a foreign minister is beyond me. In Islamic countries it’s against the law, and I have read the Quran. And of course they might find that racist. But I was once married to a Chinese chemist.
Waffling Wong. Go Senator Roberts...this is so important for the health and well-being of Australian citizens... Australian doctors would be great, depending upon which university they graduate from....that's another sector that needs attention.
Nothing like dodgying the question
Wong is another politician that’s anti australia
After numerous horrible experiences with health care providers who were recent immigrants… I vowed I would NEVER use this as an option again. I am now very selective & make sure they are Australian born, or as a minimum have an Australian degree & have been here for years 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
A penny lost would be a pound saved .
Yep we have a doctor shortage but this labour government will bring the Indian doctor into Australia without hesitation and that doctor has got no idea what a Panadol tablet is in the first place Because in the last 15 years there's any in Doctors have been here and they're not Australian Dr grade 
Why doesn't she look at Senator Roberts, when she is answering his question?
Yet our mandated workers still are unable to take back their jobs
Ah um ah um. Rotten to the core wong...
Why can’t we train Australian doctors?
I was offered electrical components from an Indian Company, they didn't meet our test standards. When I pointed that out to the Rep. he asked me what he needed to write on the test certificates so they'd pass,,,,,,, I showed him the door !
Dr Death at Bundaberg was kicked out of the US but his credentials were OK'D in Australia. And yet his Case cost us millions.
Time this was seriously looked into...we know it is happening.
I have had PhD Indians apply for jobs and couldn’t do a thing. So called experts with Masters in ICT didn’t know how to join a computer to domain. What stupidity to allow this, it’s bad enough there are more Indians in Victoria than any other race.
Ah Wong these imports can not even drive on our Australian roads to our laws not to mention being able to drive safely, why the hell would you believe in there qualifications to even be able to work in our Hospitals…… once again Wong is Wrong !
Need to provide a cross reference for validation with the Indian government
This government is so out of touch. they will do anything to get a second term.
As forecast under Liberal-Labor-Nationals-Greens policies pushing UN Net Zero and UN Paris “Agreement.”
As always, we the people pay.
One Nation policies will end the climate and energy lies, and immediately cut electricity prices by 20%
And later cut prices in half.
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Sending my power bill to Bowen, let him pay it.
So Over Corrupt self serving politicians driving this country into the ground
Please stop using the word honerble , nothing honorable about any of them... They are all a disgrace...
Still can't understand why we don't burn our rubbish for power
LED lights, solar panels, wind farms etc has done nothing. What a load of rubbish plus will have to increase landfill sites.
Some years back even climate scientist Bjorn Lomberg was banned from lectures at leading University’s here, they labelled him a climate denier. The left just won’t debate
Someone has to have shares in renewables,surely no one could be that stupid
One of the biggest Scams in modern history!!
Australian government selling us out to UN agendas
Well said..👍 Bowen will bring Labor down on his own.
Shocking !
Bowen you need to resign
You know what the government can go do hell
Yes One Nation for Me
I pray that the normal Australian will see truth.. we don’t need the UN or the WHO.. the government and previous governments are all corrupt.. we need a new fresh start in Australia.. someone who is for the Australian and not for the elite’s..
Can the energy minister name one of the utilities that has had a price decrease since they’ve been privatised and can you give the people an explanation
Will Australians again vote for more pain at the next election? Or will they unite as they surely must against this universal plan to send us all into abject poverty? That's where we are all heading and no one can deny this. Wages and pensions have been in decline for decades as inflation and taxes in one form or another increase. Before you vote for any party, look at the reality, do the math and you'll see that by 2030, unaffordability will be the reality on just about everything. The political system is slowly shutting us down.
Chris Bowen,an uneducated disgrace to the Australian public. To be in his position he must be aware of the facts regarding renewable power. If the rest of us know the truth about renewables,why does he think he can lie to the public. Further convinces me that this man is incompetent .
A big part of the reason for the extreme costs of these so called renewables is the costs associated with just having them. For eg a windfarm was recently built up the road from me called Flat Rocks and it's spead over 4 farms or use to be farms and they are paying the farmers $40000 per windmill per year just to have them on their properties. There are 18 so far more to come that's $720000 per year cost before anything or any power has been produced and all this for a shire of just over 1000 people. I've got Western Power now forcibly changing all the house meters in the area they won't allow opting out of getting a new smart meter. It all a load of crap costing people an unnecessary fortune I'm going to just remove myself from the grid and just run off a petrol generator which I think will be cheaper
The left and the right wing are both part of the same bird, vote differently otherwise the same old thing the definition of madness is voting the same old way and expecting a different result, there are alternatives out some thought into your vote otherwise stop bitching about the government you elected
What’s the flags behind Bowen at start of the interview FFS
You noticed the side step as well🙊🙉🙈
Sack it all…does not work
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Australia turning into a spiderweb of high voltage transmission lines
National, Speeches
Event: Bundaberg – Housing Crisis Forum
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament

Beware fake Christians
COVID, Speeches
TGA fails duty of care to kids
COVID, Speeches
Free Trade a Race to the Bottom
Foreign Ownership, SpeechesPages
Malcolm’s Fight
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