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POLICY ALERT: More money back in your pocket.
Following up on our pledge to save families thousands every year with our joint tax filing proposal, One Nation is lifting the tax threshold for self-funded retirees who don't cost taxpayers anything with their hard work and prudent saving throughout life.
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what is one nations proposal for those who don't have enough savings to live of at retirement age,re pension increases etc.
Not enough. Charge more tax on international companies. Reduce tax on local companies. Remove income tax completely. Use our own resources for ourselves first. Heavily reduce federal employees. You don’t need that many. Argentina has proven this and the USA is also about to
You are only rewarding government employees. They are the only ones who can afford to sell fund, everyone else will need a part pension.
Tax is voluntary anyway educate your selves
This should be for all pensioners better still pensioners working should not pay any tax .
Should be no tax on working Aussies Coal royalties Gas royalties Copper royalties Uranium royalties Ore royalties It's a absolute joke with how much government is getting
General tax free threshold should go to about 40-50k. Inflation has made the current level look like peanuts; All whilst increased GST keeps rolling in. Solve the living costs issue (assisting the lower grades) with a stroke of a pen, instead of govt handouts. A lot of votes there.
Remove personal income tax and put the gst up Senator Malcolm Roberts more incentive to work overtime (or work!) and that includes us pensioners who don’t work now as the pension is added to taxable income and we get taxed on the total
Also working Australians should have tax feee threshold doubled as they have to spend money to go to work which none of these costs are deductible
Even if that doesnt pass, i would suggest opening a trust fund with the money earner being the trustee and the wife being a beneficiary, pay half the wage into trust fund and pay the benificiary (wife) the half out of the trust fund. Trustee only pays tax on his portion and beificiary pays tax on their portion. Both entitled to the $18,200.00 tax free threshold. And mabey teach stuff like that in schools instead of the diversity crap
Fill out a tax withholding form 3093 and stop paying personal income tax to criminals after all it is voluntary if you didn’t know !
They are still tax payers through the goods and services they use and buy. This should be the threshold, in fact the threshold should be $70k for retirees on a pension (they’ve suffered enough tax indignity throughout their lives) so they can still work if they want and be producers not just consumers. Those self funded retirees should have a threshold of a $100k for being even less of a consumer and still being a producer.
Why tax self funded retirees at all,haven't they paid enough tax already,they were smart to put something away for retirement and the government still want to take take take. They got taxed while they worked paid fees as their super grew the taxed again in retirement. That's just fucked.🫡
One thing that would benifit the working class, to lower the pension age. We work all our lives to live a year or two.
Tax wage/salary splitting should be for any married couple, not just those with children, that would then be fair. Otherwise as it is Us without children pay for others children. We have raised 8 in the yrs where there wasn’t any real form of government support for children! We paid our share towards looking after our own kids..why do we now have to pay for everyone else’s, it was their choice. Not ours.
What about T&PI Veterans, will they also be included as SELF FUNDED retirees?
Should abolish tax all together. GST is enough. Take a leaf out of Trumps book. Golden age of Australia should be where we go. Bring back home ownership affordability buy stopping foreign ownership of our natural resources. Dig up and process and build here. No taxes on things we own
Taxation in just theft,with all the revenue collected this country shouldn't be in deficit.
True John Logic but the DFRDB payment is
The majority of retirees have their money in SMSF or industrial or commercial funds, which are tax-free in the retirement phase.
ON has a lot of Gonna Do but little achievement
Nick Minchin on the Tony Jones ABC TV Program Q & A 11/09/2008 stated quite clearly that funds were not, have not and are not collected and held in a bank account waiting for the government to pay it out in the form of the Old Age Pension, or words that meant, “exactly that.” As an ex Australian Federal Government finance Minister, now shadow defence minister, this man knows that his statement on that television program, was a blatant lie (and he said it with a look of such sincerity on his face). Well, it certainly was collected and it amassed such huge amounts that this government and those preceding couldn’t help themselves. Without any right, they plundered it and spent billions of it over the years. This was money earned by the people themselves through hard work and often deprivation (as a legislated obligation, part thereof was collected by the Tax Department for this very purpose). To this day this money is collected as a tax which originally, specifically, and intentionally was to fund, “the Aged Pension.” To dispel misinformation from Party Politicians and their spin doctors, here are some historical facts that every Australian (especially the young who are under the miss-guided belief and/or assumption that they are funding the Aged Pension from their current hard work) should know. The young are in fact funding their own Pension Fund and to add insult to injury they are forced to pay into a super fund. 1939 - 1945 World War II 1942 - 1943 As a Wartime measure, the Federal Government gained sole control over Australian Income Tax. Labor Prime minister (Ben Chifley) introduced three bills to establish the National Welfare Fund, to be financed by a Compulsory Contribution (levy) of one and sixpence in the Pound (20/-) on all personal income. Opposition Leader (Robert Menzies) stated that the Compulsory Contribution (levy) should be kept completely separate from other government income streams, that it should be shown separately on the Taxation Assessment and paid straight into a “TRUST” account, and not mixed with the General Revenue. Menzies said “The stigma of charity should be removed from the Age Pension.” and that “It should be an entitlement earned by the person’s personal contribution to the fund.” 1946 Prime Minister Chifley agreed and established The National Welfare fund as at 1/1/1946. A “Trust” Fund with the Parliament as “Trustee.” The Compulsory Contributions (levy) commenced as at 1st January 1946. It was shown separately on the personal Tax Assessments for 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949 and 1950 and the compulsory levy was properly paid straight into the Special “Trust” fund and Welfare claims were paid out of the fund. The balance in the fund in 1950 was almost 100 million pounds. 1949 Robert Menzies became Prime Minister and he introduced Bills to amend the acts governing the National Welfare Funds. The Compulsory Contributions (levy) was then grouped with the Taxation Assessment and appeared as one amount on the Taxation assessments and was paid as one amount straight into the Consolidated Revenue Account. The sabotageof the National Welfare Fund had commenced. The Opposition Labor Party had collaborated in this sabotage by remaining silent instead of opposing Menzies’ action. 1951 - 1985 The compulsory levy of 7.5% now included in the tax continued to be collected and placed in the Consolidated Revenue Account treated as General Revenue and spent, until 1985. 1974 – 1975 Labor Prime Minister (Gough Whitlam) abolished income test for all persons 70 years of age and over and paid pensions to all people over that age. 1975 Liberal Prime Minister (Malcolm Fraser) cancelled the Whitlam legislation. 1977 Liberal Prime Minister (Malcolm Fraser with Treasurer Philip Lynch) transferred the balance in the Welfare Fund Account (approximately $470,000,000) to Consolidated Revenue Account. 1985 Australian Labor Government repealed acts No. 39, 40 and 41 of 1945 (The National Welfare Fund Acts). Thus the funds finally ceased to exist yet the 7.5% levy continued to be collected as a proportion of the Income Tax revenue. It also introduced the (much maligned) Income and Asset Tests, thereby excluding millions of levy and tax paying Australians from receiving Social Services Pensions. This money these self funded contributions paid as a percentage of the total income tax collections are today worth far more than the amount of means tested pensions paid out. Actuaries have calculated the non-means tested entitlement due to each retiree, today is in excess of $500 per week. This surely debunks the politician’s claim that the generation are paying a proportion of their current taxes to cover the payments made to pensioners. The obvious short fall has been swallowed by the Government’s Taxation black hole. The historical summary above highlights the fact that politicians of opposing political parties each contributed to the agenda to destroy the entitlement as it was intended. Why? They had no mandate to do so, it clearly was not and is not the will of the people. While Party Politicians on both sides are controlled by a few people who are hidden from public view yet are open to manipulation and outright corruption, there can be no certainty of the payment of pensions. Only a majority of truly Independent representatives can bring about a change from Government under corporate control, to Government for the People, of the People, by the People. Just because a cabal of political miscreants become so greedy that they change the way a tax looks in the Ledgers, IN NO WAY REMOVES THE FACT THAT THIS TAX IS STILL COLLECTED TO THIS DAY TO PROVIDE FOR THE SUPPLY AND CONTINUATION OF THE OLD AGE PENSION - A STIPEND TO THE ELDERLY CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY WHO HAVE WORKED FOR DECADES OF THEIR LIVES TO BUILD A NATION AND HAVE FROM WORKING DAY ONE OF THEIR LIVES, BEEN PAYING 7% PLUS OF THEIR TAXES DIRECTLY TOWARDS THIS PENSION. The old age pension is not a privilege: Is not a right. Is not a gift. Is not even welfare. The Old Age Pension is an asset owned and accrued by each Australian Citizen who has funded this asset from their very own purse. The governments of the day were employed to amass, secure, invest and manage a fund that in its first 5 years bulged to almost £100,000,000, an amount that today would be worth approximately $240 million. They did amass, secure, invest and manage - and the figures were colossal and frightening to them and hence they conspired to hide them back into the consolidated Revenue bucket and to this day, that bucket has been brimming with a 7.5% tax collected specifically and only, for the Old Age Pension. No, young Australians, you are not paying for the welfare of Baby boomers, you are paying for yourselves, new immigrants, the needy in society requiring social services and welfare, dole recipients and the bludgers, BUT YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE OLD AGE PENSION OF ELDERLY AUSTRALIANS WHO HAVE WORKED ALL THEIR LIVES IN THIS COUNTRY AND PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES
Why discriminate? There are self funded retirees who are younger than 67 who are not eligible for Centrelink who still struggle with the cost of living. Raise the threshold for everyone like Senator Gerard Rennick Raising the threshold for low income earners means they can spend more of their money and generate more gst Self funded 67 year olds most likely already have arrangements in place to reduce their tax and have little need to spend money so they reinvest it which takes it out of the economy. So this is really a non policy which may only benefit a handful of people.
And stamp duty fk it off
This documentary is a powerful exposure of the actions carried out on Australians during COVID. It sheds light on critical issues, offering viewers a chance to see what many overlooked.
The filmmaker has done an exceptional job in presenting the facts, personal stories and expert insights, making it a must-watch for anyone who cares about this issue.
In supporting this documentary, we're not only educating ourselves - we're also contributing to a broader conversation that can lead to making sure this never happens again.
Let's spread the word and ensure this important documentary reaches as many people as possible.
Extract from Dr Altman's Substack - After watching this documentary, the misleading slogan "Safe and Effective" will ring untrue - loud and clear - as the lies are exposed.
Full documentary on Rumble:
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It’s all a crime against humanity
Excellent documentary 🔥🔥
All the right-wing news agencies and anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers were right all along the left must love being proven wrong time & time again 😂
Crimes committed against humanity.
Let's get RFK JNR across the finish line
Well well well, crimes against humanity! I will eventually get my revenge on them. They tried and never succeeded. The stupid fell for it. Stay strong 💪
I’d like to see a ‘Safe and effective’ solution for our Parasite Class…
Watching this makes me sick my tax money paid these monsters to do this
Thanks Senator Malcolm Roberts. Great Doco 🔥
I’ve watched it right through. Brilliant. 👏
Absolutely brilliant 👏. Now let's see how many finally do their job and commence investigations.
How are the previous politicians not being held accountable
It is crucial that this documentary is widely distributed and made easily available throughout Australia. Is this the case?
Just finished watching …. What a truth bomb !
Senator Malcolm Roberts I think it’s the perfect time for you to use your position to start a motion where Australia follows America and just now Italy & Kenya and get us out of the WHO….
Great documentary. Hope it does some good to achieving justice and healing
They expect the police who were the enforcement arm of this disgusting act to investigate it? What a joke. They serve the government not us. That was made abundantly clear when they were door knocking to arrest pregnant women, smashing protestors and acting like the thugs they are.
@Scomo They’re coming for you chubby😀
Thankyou Senator Malcolm Roberts fantastic Doco truth telling proof 👏 us so called conspiracy theorists could see this all unfold but were shut down time and time again
I have saved this to watch when l have more time to view the entire programme. What l have seen just reinforces what we believed right from the start of this whole horrid experiment. The only thing l would criticise is the narrator. I feel they could have chosen better. No offence to her.
Awesome documentary...concise delivery of truth..lengthy BUT so worth it, a must watch!! Fully recommend
Excellent documentary .
When are they going to jail?!
As f'd up as it all is, thanks for this documentary exposing it. One + for affirmate perspective and support.
Thanks Senator Malcolm Roberts - I watched the full documentary. It is excellent. Made me emotional 😥
Gigi Foster is a Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales, where she has been since 2009.
She holds a BA from Yale and a PhD from the University of Maryland.
Her research spans education, social influence, corruption, lab experiments, time use, behavioural economics, and Australian policy.
This is her testimony. At the multi-party cross-party inquiry I held late last year
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Gigi is a breath of fresh air. We need people like her at the helm instead of the bungaling beaucrats
Gigi,should be in a position where she can advise the Government where they are going wrong. We need more honest people in our Government. Not just for the $$$$$ but for the good of the Australian people.
Senator Malcolm Roberts seems you have a few Labor or Liberal stooges on the post they must be worried now the truth is getting out
We are certainly living in dangerous times in history
I loved the look of fear she put on some of our corrupt pollird
Loved her on ‘spotlight’
I have tried To Share this Brilliant interview Malcolm didn't go through. 💖
They got paid eell
I agree Guogi
Clear overview... so far
Gigi is a brilliant mind, a wonderful human & a great Australian who truly understands how the world really works based on real science, conflicts of interest, the psychology, motivations & fallibility of human beings, structures & institutions etc! It is sadly rare & so refreshing in an increasingly irrational world by design, to feed massive power & greed conflicts of interest, to find someone with both a high IQ & EQ as well as a good dose of common sense, ethics, integrity & courage. Bravo Prof Foster! 👊👏❤️
We need people in charge of leadership who think for themselves not puppets that are tools for corporations.
Theysnipulste the data to get. The outcomes they want with the biggest personal treatf
She has a PHD in Ethics & Integrity a truth teller SO GOOD ! I love her
So how many Professors thinks she is wrong what were their Pass marks in their University days
Any books on disc o I am visually impaired and can't read. I can type tho.
How many old people were taken out? I am sure they factored their superannution,pensions and death taxes into their estimates? Not to mention those fines they thoight they could claim,or the savings to the hospitals in not taking in patients standing empty? Or is that still conspiracy theory and not in the costings?
This is getting out of control its there land simple he said
The same woman who has recommended liberal policies during COVID, citing Sweden - which had much worse outcomes than we did. Your cooker fest masquerading as an "inquiry". It's not "testimony". It's just one cooker talking to another cooker.
Samporasion Semangat dan semoga sukses sampai titik akir dan salam dari saya Maksummarsompel Sumpil manuk maksum mania njabon selopuro blitar jawatimur indonesia matursuwon
I have been excluded in many areas but I will fight for truth and I am willing to dacri do ice got it
Adam needs a few more boosters
Again facts are missing in action here. "As of 22 March 2023, there have been 2,701,192 confirmed cumulative cases and 23,851 deaths with confirmed COVID-19 in Sweden.[1] Sweden ranks 57th in per capita deaths worldwide, and out of 47 European countries, Sweden places 30th.The impact on the country's healthcare system and its reported death toll have been greater than in other Nordic countries, in part due to its unique strategy. A Swedish independent commission criticized the response of the government, citing among other things a failure to protect the elderly population,[102] that the Swedish response was marked by slowness, with initial measures "insufficient to stop or even substantially limit the spread of the virus in the country," and that the Swedish healthcare system would face long-term consequences due to "the price of extreme pressure on staff and of cancelled and postponed care."[103]." Is this what you consider perfect, Senator Malcolm Roberts ?
Is this part of your "cookers talking to other cookers" inquiry that will achieve absolutely nothing like every other political stunt in your sad, and soon to end, political career.
Please don't let lock downs and abuse of human rights happen again
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Gendering Violence does not fix the core issue
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