Malcolm’s latest media announcements
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Any more descriptors?
(Thank you for meme Rothmus & Paul)
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See you tonight from 7pm QLD time: senroberts.com/4hrsI7A ... See MoreSee Less
Well their is two people I trust, don't know of the out side two.
This should also include the ALP and LNP candidates to be a fair representation And have it moderated by anyone who is not MsM Whilst this is great exposure it feels like a gesture on behalf of the minor parties to respond to justified criticism that previous debates have not included these great people where they should have Just my view
Good Luck One Nation.🧡🧡
Rennick i really hope he will be our next PM .
is this main line TV or on the Web?
not sure about Legalise Marijuanna party, people are already zombified......but the rest are pretty good
It gets better every day. Thanks guys. Real people, real world soon.
Yes me too
Gerard Rennick and Malcolm Roberts are two people I'll definitely be voting for.
Go go go vote, go go go vote all the best. MAKE AUSTRALIA GREAT AGAIN.. MAGA.
Rennick for prime minister 🇭🇲👍💯
Who do you serve Can only serve one master
Mmmm, from what I saw (as a volunteer) at the polling places in the QLD state election the LCP was very cosy with the Labor party….beware of the Bee 🐝
This will be nothing but more absolute bullshit and lies from a politican. The only politicans who no longer lie to the public are dead. Us hard working tax payer spend copoius amounts on you overpaid underworked useless country destroying disgusting lowlife bludging thieving parasite scum politicans. You lot are only in it to fill your own pockets and milk the system and are an absolute fucking digrace and embarassment to our country and not worth pissing on if you were on fire total oxygen thieves and disgusting excuses for humans
Do you plan to power the iron boomerang with Hydrogen produced from Solar ??
Malcolm, Australia imports cannabis from 6 other countries, not one of those countries allows Australian cannabis producers to export to theirs. The Australian government simply doesn’t support Australian business.
When faced with challenges that seem insurmountable or unachievable, recall that, in the long term, pursuing success is significantly more manageable than coping with the consequences of failure. Upon overcoming the initial psychological hurdle, the long-term benefits of short-term difficulties become apparent. Ultimately, this perspective allows you to find value in all challenges. At that point, you will have truly lived. My life's journey has been greatly enhanced since meeting Mr. Lincoln Bryson; he has guided my family and me from financial instability to becoming homeowners. You can contact Lincoln Bryson for successful trading. 👇👇👇 Lincoln Bryson
I travelled to Alice Springs to talk about actually supporting Australians in remote communities, not dividing us on race like the PM tried to do with his voice referendum.
One Nation will abolish the racially divisive indigenous departments that costs tens of billions a year and hasn’t closed the gap one bit.
Here’s what we’ll do instead.
The Northern Rail link is a 3,000km proposal across the entire top of Australia.
The important part for remote communities is what will run right next door to that rail line: high speed internet, electricity and a water pipeline.
Those three essential utilities will allow us to turbocharge central Australia, for everyone who lives remotely.
Instead of handouts - One Nation will build real infrastructure that will allow remote Australia to make themselves richer. The best form of welfare is a job - we'll build the infrastructure to create those jobs in rural Australia, based on need not race.
Real wealth for the future, of all Australians.
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There’s a big blue highway around our country that would be a lot better for the transportation you are talking about. Ships carry more for much less fuel burn than trains. If we charge the economy you’d have enough to build all of the infrastructure you need. Think smart for the future.
How many seats did One Nation pick up in the WA election?
Rail link between Mt.Isa and Port Hedland would be a game changer
Umm, I thought you were a Senator for QUEENSLAND.... I'm sure this isn't the first time you've heard this, but "Please Explain?"
HOW HOW HOW When you're not in power
Long term, visionary, nation building infrastructure is what we desperately need to tap our full potential. Not the UN mandated rubbish we are spending trillions of dollars on. Enough of the last 50 years of bumbling appeasing.
Lang Hancock & Joh Bjelke Petersen spoke about building that line
I hope everyone gets behind a scheme like this ,at least we will get something positive for our money ,instead of wasting billions on wind towers and solar farms , this project will grow this nation and supply employment for the next two hundred years ,it will reduce the amount of shipping in the barrier reef by two thirds it will enable us to make thousands of rail carriages in central Queensland we can use our own coal to melt the iron ore we can bring goods through the centre of Australia our wheat sorghum cotton livestock and commodities , can all go by rail, it will take the pressure off our ports on the eastern seaboard , the benefits are endless . And it would appear ONE NATION are the only ones with a plan for the countries future , I sincerely hope this project goes ahead for the benefit of us all.
First start Perth to Darwin via port Hedland,,and Mt Isa to Darwin the future. Good luck one Nation party. 😁
And people from remote communities regardless their ethnic background should consider moving to places where the jobs and good education chances for children are available.
Good on you Malcolm, there’s more to Qld than just the southeast corner.
Please do, I would love to see better outcomes for the people there, They are my family
Senator Malcolm Roberts, - Thank You. How refreshing to see the Iron Boomerang project is not 'dead in the water'. Our Australia is in desperate need of some quality foresight, backed up with genuine action producing positive outcomes within our country. Many other 'mothballed' projects need to be revisited, due to advances in production, manufacturing, construction techniques in modern times.
This will be a rail line built for private companies using taxpayer money?....
Brilliant. Add that big damn up north that should have built 100 years ago to the list too Mal.
There should be an east-west rail link, from Geraldton to Brisbane via Alice Springs, interconnected with Perth/Bunbury. Build a hwy next to it. Would be awesome for the transport industry and tourism.
Brilliant mate 😉👍🏼
Yes good idea !! And force the lazy ones to work or no dole .. need to break the cycle and throwing money at them like all govts. do is not the solution .. force kids to school as well let's help the marginalised properly instead of enabling bad habits
Sounds like a plan.
Just need another 5 mil votes and Malcolm will be IN
It's time the NT was expanded and given statehood to enable development of the north. Capricornia is an original idea and I expect to be credited for it. equanimity.blog/2025/03/05/capricornia/
Build an east - west, all-weather highway along the rail route - with bitumen, not just a gravel mud bath ! !
Also include getting rid of pumped hydro all together
This isn’t your idea it’s the SMART cities agenda - CLARA fast rail… ask the people if they want a SMART city before you try and sell them something that was going to happen anyway. 🤦♀️
The only one with any future thinking, make him P.M. next election
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

One Nation wants the “Great Resist”
United Nations
Digital ID and the Climate Scam with Maria Zeee
Climate Change, Digital Identity Bill, Podcasts, United NationsSPEECHES
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