Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Are you concerned about the future of Australia? Don't miss this excellent opportunity to voice your concerns, share your ideas, and be part of the conversation.
I will be joining Brendan Kross, One Nation’s Federal Candidate for Blair, at Falvey's Hotel Yamanto in Ipswich on Saturday, 5 April 2025.
🗓 Saturday, 5 April 2025 | 🕕 5:30 PM
📌 Falvey's Hotel Yamanto
406 Warwick Road, Yamanto QLD 4305
RSVP here: senroberts.com/42kV1Al
Planning to dine in? Give the hotel a call at (07) 3288 9123 to reserve your table.
Let's work together towards a brighter future for our nation.
I look forward to seeing you there!
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I will be there.
Worth a listen if you can get past the Liberal party www.facebook.com/61561370634008/posts/122159209178379021/?
Did you know up to $3 BILLION of your tax dollars are being lost to Medicare fraud each year? This is outrageous!
While bulk billing rates plummet and Aussies struggle to see a doctor, billions are being wasted through fraud and mismanagement.
We need: ✅ Immediate Medicare fraud investigation ✅ Better oversight of Medicare spending ✅ Protection of bulk billing services ✅ Healthcare that puts Australians first!
Your health matters to us. Let's fix Medicare and stop the waste!
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Need to stop the push to the American private health system, especially at the expense of Medicare.
When abuse is reported, nothing happens. A lot of 457 visa types as well . Country towns I have noted were particularly bad. The hospital pays for the day visit, then they double dip with Medicare. No one cares. Albeit this whas some time ago. Needs an active whistleblower line that will investigate.
I pay $95 up in Mildura and it's going up the clinic said from July 1st , I get about $34 back . If I pay yearly it's $180 or family $380. If I see specialist it's like nearly $280 up here then after it's about $140 a visit. Issue not paying even tho like it be lot less , the issue Albo today about free gp visits it's a lie
Dodge is needed
Yes bring it back at lot of people cannot pay $80 - $100 up front to see a doctor
dealers not healers
How about you start with the 40,000 politicians on a $80,000 pension? How about we get rid of that?
as a child born in 1981, and very rarely using the system. The simple fact i cannot get in to see a gp is actually atrocious.
Been going on about this for years, doctors have the governments credit card and we don’t even need a PIN number to access it. Stupidity. They bill with no patient, bill for long consultations when short. They know there is virtually zero punishment. Medicare fraud should result in instant disbarment and jail.
We need a Doge
Doctors need to be told you expect Medicare or not practice.. simple I had my doctor try n push me out the door after 6 mins because the ppl before hand took 35 mins and made him late . I sat there n said no I need this letter and script . In total 8 minutes I stop watched it. Pay $159 month hospital extra silver private for no benefit
Drain the swamp. DOGE!!
The medical and pharmaceutical sectors need.to be reigned in and stop using humans as a bottomless pit to fund their greed
Mass fraud driven by shonky doctors & ‘health professionals’
Jessie wiseman
Australia is now one of the most expensive countries for housing in the English-speaking world!
Both the major parties have a "Big Australia" immigration policy that's failing Australians:
👉 Homelessness crisis worsening
👉 Housing costs skyrocketing
👉 Infrastructure can't keep up
👉 Australians sleeping in tents while foreigners buy our homes
👉 Inflation
It's time to:
✅ Cut immigration until we catch up with housing and infrastructure
✅ Ban foreign ownership of Australian homes
✅ Put Australians first!
Until every Australian has a roof over their head, we must stop this unsustainable population explosion - invasion.
Vote One Nation - the party that always has your back.
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All the more reason to vote him, the Greens,and Teals out.
No great reduction from the libs either. Got to have the balls to exit UN agreements. Not likely without One Nation keeping the pressure on.
No future in this country its completely gone
Deport what our government bought in we didn't get a vote on this.
Our once beautiful country is totally f..d beyond repair and it’s all due to the incompetent, corrupt and uncaring government. Roller coaster between the two major parties is a joke. They’re both as bad as each other. Promising the world till they’re in, then it’s all down hill. Neither care about keeping this country one to be admired and the world envious of. As long as the big knobs have multiple properties to brag about, they certainly don’t give a toss about the less fortunate. How and why did they allow this horror to get to this point. Senator Roberts thank you for fighting for us and our country 🙏
Albo hates Australians, he’s made that quite clear
Fix the votes. Aussies pay the price for trusting Labor.
I dont understand how they can say mass immigration is not a contributor to the housing crisis.. that and foreign investment in residential property are massive contributors to keeping Australians in poverty.
We need you as PM. What every Aussie thinks and hopes for.
Surely the measure of good governance of a country is that all of its citizens have the basics of food, clothing and shelter. As a mature adult, the difficulty experienced in this regard, particularly by young people breaks my heart.
Albo is a arrogant self centred AH that care nothing for Australians..
Albo does not care about housing and cost of living - wake up
If Albo gets in again only god can help us all
I wouldn’t exactly call Australia ‘English-speaking’ anymore.
Houses for Aussies FIRST… but we need builders to do it & as soon as possible ..many live off the dole there’s not much interest in working … so there’s another problem…
It definitely needs to be addressed sooner rather than later it's essentially what happened 15vrs ago across the European nation ,Scandinavia , England Scotland Ireland Australia cannot be complacent the same will happen here if it's not stopped.
He waffles on about how his Mum raised in government housing - fortunate for him but not today's working poor homeless! He has to go!
Lets not forget the 200,000 foreign students that came into Australia in February alone - then do uni, then work for 2 years afterwards which allows them to apply for permanent residency - they are not coming to Australia because our Uni’s are so good - they are coming here FOR GOOD…
Albosleezy only good at lying. Vote one nation and have a change. Sick of the coalition 3 party.
He imported votes. New arrivals should be ineligible to vote for 4 years so to not sway elections.
Take his pension and see how clever he is with management..
He is bringing them in so he can get votes!!
Vote one Nation Albo is a little Grub
I just can’t believe that anyone would vote for these major parties ( corporations) both are just shit
One Nation is the way to go.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Malcolm Roberts asks: Where is the Bradfield Scheme?
Hybrid Bradfield, WaterSPEECHES
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Malcolm’s Fight
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- Assets
- Budget 20-21
- Climate Change
- Digital Identity Bill
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- Foreign Ownership
- Hybrid Bradfield
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