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The Federal Police have finally dropped their vaccine mandate for workers, yet won't apologise to the people who have been persecuted and lost wages for years.
It's been known from the very start it didn't stop workers getting COVID, and it didn't stop transmission of COVID to others. That hasn't changed, so why this change four years later?
It's not good enough! One Nation calls for an apology, backpay, compensation and immediate rehiring of anyone who lost a job because of a vaccine mandate.
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It’s easy to say it’s no longer mandatory but I hope everyone has kept there previous emails where it was stated mandatory for when the big law suits come in years to come
So who is held accountable and going to prison?
What I want to know who’s going to be charged with crimes against humanity and deprivation of liberty.
Lost my job as a disability support worker. The excuse was it was a Government decision. They told me to use my holidays to think about my decision. At the end of that got an email saying you are terminated for non compliance with a public health order. Got a copy of the certificate from them stating just that so they can't deny it. Everywhere was mandating which made it near impossible for anyone who didn't comply to find work. I only found a job in retail once the retail company lifted their mandate. It was a big cut in pay and only casual but better than the dole. To this day I still have not had the j nor have I had the germ. If they rang me tomorrow with an apology I would tell them where they could stick it.
The fact alone, that it did not stop transmission should be grounds for backpay and unfair dismissal! People need to be held to account
Any apology is worth zip !!! They need to grovel and still that wouldn’t be enough with what they did to good people
They should still be held accountable for crimes against humanity.
The federal Police are compromised and nothing will be done. Sack those at the top and charge them with many others for all the imposed garbage placed on the public to make lives incredibly difficult. Alot of them didn't take the shots. Hid under self granted exemptions telling everyone else an exemption process existed but didn't. The sooner they are fired, charged and investigated progress might have a chance for real change to occur. Federal police are likely to arrest you for a comment on facebook rather then dealing with real criminals.
I totally agree …. However what about all the self employed people especially in the healthcare sector who could not work and lost their business? They have never been recognised as having lost their jobs or income and are not listed as unemployed
Hard to get compensated when you’re dead 💀
She continued to quote WHS and legislation for risk assessment and that it happens to be law that employees must be consulted on all risk assessments. I'd like to see the evidence that all employees had input on the decision to implement their decision in the first place
Drs, nurses and teachers left the industry because of mandates now we have a shortage 🤷♂️ maybe they should apologise to them and offer them back there jobs on the pay they left on not start at the bottom again and reinstate there there entitlements they walked away from some had hundreds of hours of sick leave and some were only months/weeks away from getting long service leave and lost it and had to start again
However you cannot be reinstated when you were fired for serious misconduct. Their words mean nothing now to ALL of us who lost jobs .
Disgraceful… 4 fkn yrs 🤬
Absolutely, needs to happen sooner rather than later. And where the mandates have been dropped certain Qld government departments are telling people they can apply for an advertised job but aren't allowing them back when they have successfully interviewed for the position, deeming they cannot be trusted to follow further directions. Where are our rights for public life??
Who would want to work for crooks again. Once you know you can't unknow.
That's alot of words to say " yes "
Lost my Job in Healthcare for refusing.. 28 years in Theatre, 40 years altogether… can’t get a Job at my Age No Experience in any other Field 🥲
Then everyone that was stood down for not being vaccinated should be paid back for lost wages, as the prime minister of the time said that no Australian would be forced to be vaccinated
What a lot of words ,must be a government employee !
These mongrels in power always talk a mile instead of just answering the question.They will be in a shock when they go to court when their guilt is proven , they won't have to wait to learn the punishment, it will be instantaneous.
Exactly what I argued in this 7 News interview.
Stop speaking in riddles its yes or no answer how hard can it be
Thankyou Malcolm. Keep up the good work. May God keep you healthy.
Lost a hundred thousand dollar contract because of the mandates an apology won’t suffice !
The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, has announced that the United States will defund the WHO and will refuse to participate in their efforts to turn themselves into the global health police.
The push to militarise the WHO is coming from the pharmaceutical lobby, which recognises the power the WHO could have to mandate "vaccinations" globally for every condition possible. The profit from this would be in the hundreds of billions.
One Nation agrees the WHO has been compromised and pledges to withdraw from the WHO. We will refuse to cooperate in any matter that does not provide a direct medical benefit to everyday Australians.
I, along with One Nation, have been calling out the UN and the UN-WHO since my first Senate speech in 2016 and many times since.
Video Credit to Wide Awake Media on X: @wideawake_media
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Great stuff. Now do Australia
Australia should do the same
All the way with RFK ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Well done to Robert Kennedy I hope Australia does the same thing.
Common sense at last. Long may you prevale RFK
Australia should be next !
Thank God for you JFK 🙏💙
Australia needs to do the same
Thanks Mr Kennedy the world is watching good luck from Australia
100% Agree 👍
Fantastic if Australia do the same 🙏
Mark Butler is a traitor to Australia, as, at the last IHR meeting, he got up & said"We have to get these through as quickly as possible", referring to making the WHO the head honcho of every countries health.
Finally, hopefully, the rebirth of common sense.
They should be dismantled.
All good but are you going to jail them
Please help Australia…. The gov has gone mad!
God bless this man
We need Trump and his government in Australia. They'll clear the place of all the garbage.
Wish every country would leave WHO scammers who just look after big money
I love this He is calling them all out Not that long ago no one knew any thing about the WEF and now they are getting exposed and talked about openly
Lotsa shills say they don't like RFK. That's how you know he's on the right path. Drain the swamp!
Great news 👏👏👏
What a man!!!!! Love him God send
This should also happen in Australia, but we got a government that is weak and protects illegals,and man in dresses , it's criminal. To much corruption and theft.
Hallelujah 🙏🙌🩵 and keep working hard Malcolm and Pauline also here in Australia! We need more of this!
A pleasure to join Chris Smith on 2SM radio network to talk about putting more money back in Australians' pockets.
One Nation has always stood up for making policy in the interests of Australians, not foreign unelected organisations.
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Re Energy generation? How are the wind turbines handing the weaather in lower S E QLD and Northern NSW? Cyclone not affecting the gereation of power with all that wind? Safely secured? None fallen over and collapsed? UUmm
Get on the phone and talk shite together the 3 of you the conversation should flow well
Ever watched the punters podcast
Australia will tow the American line of Commonsense , guaranteed , "Drill baby Drill" , that's the way it is , and that's the way it's gonna be ! The Illogical Trolls can bleat their bullshit all they like , it is of no consequence to the bigger picture ! Regardless of who is in control of government , now or in the future , they will be "Forced" to tow the line of Commonsense , again it's inevitable , guaranteed , the Trolls can cry all they like , and they "Will"
Samporasion Semangat dan semoga sukses sampai titik akir dan salam dari saya Maksummarsompel Sumpil manuk maksum mania njabon selopuro blitar jawatimur indonesia matursuwon
Well done Malcolm with you and your $$ BIG Coal Mates . Denying as the Ocean temps are at record levels and rising in areas that could never before start a cyclone ??? . And what causes Cyclone s Again Mate ???
Thank god you will never be in power.
Renewables will kill our country thanks to the government's
The only news is Rebel News Avi Yemini
We are the carbon they want to reduce, the ellites push eugenics, they literally tell us in plain English that they want to reduce the global population down to 500 million. That's 1/16 of the current population. Covid, the carbon cult and the upcoming ww3 over Ukraine are just a couple of the tools they are using to achieve it. Wake up or we'll all be dead
Just rebuild our coal plants ffs
Don’t let f…cking albo talk to Trump for shit sake
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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A united country is evil’s worst nightmare
PM abandons promise to cut power bills by $275
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Federal ICAC must investigate all corruption
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