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The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, has announced that the United States will defund the WHO and will refuse to participate in their efforts to turn themselves into the global health police.
The push to militarise the WHO is coming from the pharmaceutical lobby, which recognises the power the WHO could have to mandate "vaccinations" globally for every condition possible. The profit from this would be in the hundreds of billions.
One Nation agrees the WHO has been compromised and pledges to withdraw from the WHO. We will refuse to cooperate in any matter that does not provide a direct medical benefit to everyday Australians.
I, along with One Nation, have been calling out the UN and the UN-WHO since my first Senate speech in 2016 and many times since.
Video Credit to Wide Awake Media on X: @wideawake_media
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All the way with RFK ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank God for you JFK 🙏💙
Common sense at last. Long may you prevale RFK
100% Agree 👍
Australia should be next !
In Australia the current government is absolute garbage, total traitors!
Fantastic if Australia do the same 🙏
Lotsa shills say they don't like RFK. That's how you know he's on the right path. Drain the swamp!
Great news 👏👏👏
God bless this man
All good but are you going to jail them
Spot on it's about time the Australian grubent woke up
Thanks Mr Kennedy the world is watching good luck from Australia
Mark Butler is a traitor to Australia, as, at the last IHR meeting, he got up & said"We have to get these through as quickly as possible", referring to making the WHO the head honcho of every countries health.
Wish every country would leave WHO scammers who just look after big money
We need Trump and his government in Australia. They'll clear the place of all the garbage.
My opinion only the WHO do not depend on the USA the 2nd biggest funder is Gates Foundation.
He just linked health to anti-Semitism....go figure....so now criticism of Jewish shenanigans is bad for my health....he was on the Epstein flights
Yes, get out of all world organisations, they don't have our best interests at heart. They are corrupt.
Put them out every country
Michael Vos
Going after Big Pharma haha what a joke, he supports Warpspeed and now the new AI jabs from Trumps Stargate.
A pleasure to join Chris Smith on 2SM radio network to talk about putting more money back in Australians' pockets.
One Nation has always stood up for making policy in the interests of Australians, not foreign unelected organisations.
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Get on the phone and talk shite together the 3 of you the conversation should flow well
Re Energy generation? How are the wind turbines handing the weaather in lower S E QLD and Northern NSW? Cyclone not affecting the gereation of power with all that wind? Safely secured? None fallen over and collapsed? UUmm
Ever watched the punters podcast
Samporasion Semangat dan semoga sukses sampai titik akir dan salam dari saya Maksummarsompel Sumpil manuk maksum mania njabon selopuro blitar jawatimur indonesia matursuwon
Thank god you will never be in power.
Renewables will kill our country thanks to the government's
The only news is Rebel News Avi Yemini
We are the carbon they want to reduce, the ellites push eugenics, they literally tell us in plain English that they want to reduce the global population down to 500 million. That's 1/16 of the current population. Covid, the carbon cult and the upcoming ww3 over Ukraine are just a couple of the tools they are using to achieve it. Wake up or we'll all be dead
Just rebuild our coal plants ffs
In Moura last Thursday I met an impressive couple, Eileen & John Rasmussen
Justifiably proud of their four sons & daughter
Here’s Marty, who owns & drives a trucking company
Roads & infrastructure need upgrading
One Nation identifies $90 billion in waste. Spend some on roads
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The roads are not vehicle worthy, in all States as far as I have observed! We pay so much in tax , road worthy checks , insurance and registration yet the money goes into government coffers for other crap! Definitely not where it’s needed! So to deal with high toll deaths on our roads, instead of fixing properly they just lower the speed limits.!!! LAME !!!
The amount of $ the Government and I mean all that have been running the place for the last 50 years have wasted evey $ on 💩 we should have the best infrastructure on the Planet but not with our wasteful liberal and Labor party's we need change seriously vote One Nation for Australia first policy 😉
Petrol tax and vehicle stamp duty is supposed to be for roads ! If that’s not enough money to do the job then cut the red tape and insurance fraud.
Half the frieght on the road should be on Rail..
Agreed inland roads are the worst more holes then swiss cheese
1 problem is road conditions, another problem is different nationality drivers and the lack of skills and training they have. They're in control of road trains and b doubles and they have zero clues, it's causing so many accidents. They sit on the middle white lines instead of fog lines. Had numerous Indian and Pakistani and similar oncoming.. in my lane ffs. My life isn't worth the bloody risk so I gave interstate driving away, I barely get out of town these days. Between the risk of accidents from incompetence and huge stupid fines and bs, I'd rather not be driving at all.
Yep the greatest amount of rego costs incurred by transport operators, the greatest amount of ag exports delivered by transport operators, all prop up the Australian economy with billions. Yet what is being spent from road tax or commodities to port is bugger all on up keep. The roads smash drivers from one end of the country to the other, or if your in Victoria you need a good contract coz the goat tracks will have trippled your maintenance bill or broken your driver's back.
The vehicles have to be road worthy, why shouldn’t the roads have to be vehicle worthy
The roads are a safety hazard. Actually they are a death trap, where else can you be travelling at 100 then hit a series of bumps and have to hang on and plant your feet into the floor? In Australia is where.
Where the money is being spent on roads needs to be looked into as well. Roads are part of UN agenda 2030 UN General Assembly Resolution 74/299 declared a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, with the target to reduce road traffic deaths & injuries by 50% during that period. We are seeing increasing Road deaths in Australia since this 'decade of action' started. Below are the figures (I've included the pre covid lockdowns 2019 figure as it will be a more reliable base figure as it excludes covid response impacts such as lockdowns. 2019 1186 road deaths Population was about 25,522,169 2020 1097 road deaths. 2021 1130 road deaths. 2022 1178 road deaths. 2023 1258 road deaths. 2024 1306 road deaths 2024. Population was about 27,204,809 Over the period 2019 to 2024 there was about a 6.5% increase in population and about a 10.1% increase in road deaths. Now, the UN SDG's to reduce road deaths by half by 2030 are basically city centric, because world wide the majority of road deaths occur in city/urban areas. The last figures I've seen for Australia indicated the majority of road deaths occurred in rural areas in Australia. So the question needs to be asked. Is Australia spending money on roads implementing city centric roads policy's as per the UN SDG's, when more of the money should be spent in rural areas where the majority of Australia's road deaths happen? That would certainly be a possible explanation why our road deaths are increasing instead of reducing toward halving by 2030.
That’s a lot of moneys worth of outfit there every bump in the road would start taking its toll on every part of that outfit If he hits a pothole could fracture his steer tyre then 200 k down the road it lets go but all you would hear is the driver lost control possibly fatigue was the cause not that the roads are fatigued Which is another way of saying f&@ked
That would be a great idea. New England Hwy btwn Stanthorpe and Cunningham's gap have some tracking and potholes that could launch your motorbike over the top of B doubles.
Bruce Highway should be classified as a Priority Military Road.
Yes travelling several times from WA to NSW the inland parts were terrible with pot holes, trucks were coming over to wrong side.
Truckies are the best on the road! ❤
The road is a workplace for these guys - if that was a building then safe work would throw the book at you for violations.
Senator Malcolm Roberts can we also get rid of the biggest problem in the trucking industry? The unwanted , an the public never voted for , the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator ! For a start they are not national , and costing a ridiculous amount of money and we get no value for it !
90 billion would only just scratch the surface of the number of crap roads in regional Australia. Prob need more like 900 billion to fix them all properly
Australia is a basket case, what till the mega floods come. We will be diving on rocks.
Australian wasteful government spending needs to be audited
Build roads for trucks so cars can drive on them. Don’t build them for cars so trucks can drive on them
Over fifty million dollars a day in fuel tax and then they have rego and insurance. You would think they would fix something with it.
Strength to your arms
Lisa Rasmussen
The roads are stuffed in the bush. They are stuffed everywhere but particularly in the bush and it’s many past governments we can blame for it not least the mob of incompetents who are trying and failing to run the country now!!
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Snowy Hydro 2.0 – The whitest white elephant in Australia
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Science is for debating, not blindly following
Climate Change, Speeches
Government isn’t doing enough to stop Foot and Mouth disease
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