Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
In the past five years, there's been a staggering 111% increase in parents choosing to home-school their children.
Despite overwhelming evidence, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) insists there's no issue with woke or politically biased content in the curriculum.
Our children are suffering because these authorities are diverting the education system's focus away from the basics like literacy and numeracy.
One Nation will ensure our education system is back on the right path. Vote One Nation!
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Also doesn't help that my kids in school come home reading the books and doing book reports on the same books I did at school for English.....and I finished school in 1990. Plus learning French......never used French in my life. Life schooling is what's needed alongside an updated relevant curriculum.
The deliberate dumbing down had to happen..The world was watching..We were just too damn good. Those at the very top despised being shown up. Theyve actively been stomping their boots on the necks of us for decades. Government were happy to help.
Their answer will be to stop kids being homeschooled. WA Ed Dept is trying hard, with ever increasing requirements
Good o you Senator Malcolm Roberts Always enjoy you putting forward relevant concerns
The education system is designed to dumb average people down.
It's not school for education it is only to groom the kids for their woke agenda
Dirty Scomo and ALBONESE have stollen money away from education The children are suffering
School is just daycare, and the education system for the masses is specifically designed to keep them slaves. I won't be sending my kids to be raised by the government
Also parents don't want to poison there kids with vaccines anymore. If I did it again I wouldn't either.
Schools are just a brainwashing machine for activists to run and parents are awake to that fact , just imagine having smart educated kids taught at home and then look at the brain dead morons they produce in schools
School teachers who can't teach!
They don't want you educating your children so the actually know stuff and are ready for life.
Cause people are sick of having their kids indoctrinated
Because the idiots writing the curriculum to teach children nothing useful in life
Senator Malcolm Roberts because they're awake to the Treasonous grubernments health and education systems
Our plan will put more money in your pocket by slashing government waste and building essential infrastructure that will generate more wealth for Australia.
Vote One Nation for common sense, "Australians First" policies!
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Australian government spending should be audited
We need DOGE here in Oz
All they all say is just words...she has given details for years but everyone called her racist etc etc. Most of what she predicted is coming true. I will not vote LNP, Labor or definitely not Greens.
Most so called freedom parties unite please.
The Australian voting system is confusing to most people someone needs to explain the proper process to ensure their vote counts
Yep, I’m in. All Australian tax payer’s can not deny it is well and truly overdue. Full transparency.
How about find out what the 1.2 million people that work for the government do all day , including the 31 staff of an al 🤨
Can we have the actual details of what you want to do. These are just words
Nothing will change as people will still vote for the uni parties & Teals & Greens as people don’t want change and think the government will look after them. Hope Pauline does well and fingers crossed.
And let's look into politicians entitlements???bet one nation won't,,
An area of waste is within the PATS system. City doctors/specialists need to be fined/penalised if they book a country patient for an ‘in person’ appt that if can be done via Telehealth should be. I heard just this week of a Port Lincoln patient that flew to adel for a specialist appt they was told they’d need to get some X-rays done before anything else can be assessed. That consult could have been done over the phone saving approx $200 each way on airfares.
Look closely at Australia Post, not only were the Managemet theiving, but they would give key positions to friends or family or yes people, rather than the best candidates for the job. I left when I applied for a position and did not even get an interview. A month later my boss told me that she had a special assignment for me, I was to train the successful candidate for the job which I did not even get an interview. That was enough for me. I hope to sue them in the near future.
Aboriginal corporation 63 billion a year
I long for the day I see a DOGE AUDIT in my wasteful over governed country !!!
Good 👍 we are bullied enough by the ato
You guys got my vote
Seeing the way Labor and Liberals handle recent issues , I might just give PHON a top 2 vote
Bring it on!
A bold plan. Necessary . .. education could benefit immensely
Shhh don’t mention the 28
I love it. Great plan that will work.
Voting One Natiin
If you get in Iam buying fish and chips for everyone 😉🤦♂️
Many graduates are asking whether attending university and getting a HECS debt was worth it. For many, the answer is no.
With Vice-Chancellors earning over $1 million a year, degrees are costing more yet worth less.
One Nation would stop universities ripping off students and cut the HECS debt being accumulated.
We'll also require universities to publish the average salaries of graduates for each degree, so you know what you're signing up for.
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Did you know a student at a Victorian uni, got marks deducted from her essay because she didn’t a knlowedge the First Nations people? No one has named the uni. It was on Ben Foldhams radio show.
My Son ended his schooling last year with a 97.05 Atar result. He refused to go to University due to the cost and woke style of teaching. He is working his as a Mechanical Technician on his way towards the ultimate goal of becoming a engineer on way to fighter pilot. I just continue to encourage him to do his best at whatever it is.
University= brain washing facility.
Had I not been dyslexic and unqualified ,discouraged and from the education system. I had access to free university then and now deeply regret not being eligible to attend University and the benefits of a higher education. To all those who can access university, well done applying yourselves and achieving the opportunity. Do your best !!!
A debit because you want to make a contribution to society and improve yourself and hopefully you can afford to buy a home. Not so! I know several young people who can't afford a knock down house in the Sydney catchment area. These people have doubled degrees in engineering, computer programming and others in medicine. And No! they do not have smashed avo for breakfast every day at a Cafe. I worked in a industrial environment and my wife was a clerk when we got married 30 years ago. We've upgraded our home 3 times and these young people aren't even able to save a deposit because inflation is beating them. Some get 30k annual payrises but even with dual incomes they can only just scrape through the criteria for 1 million dollar loan. The repayments are $62000 pa interest only! Over 35 years is $2.17 million in repayments. Assuming the interest rates don't increase. Hecs for Australian citizens is a crime against the people who want to advance Australia and their lives.
Great Australia Party has FREE EDUCATION for all levels. Australia needs skills.
No, one reason being mandates still in place for alot of jobs. It's absolute bullshit
That’s because universities are corporate businesses. They don’t care about the students. It’s a crock of 💩
What ever happened to our resource taxes that were to go to help fund education
Comrade Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese by Trevor Loudon
Especially when your tertiary quals expire after 10 years. What a joke!
Learn how to write an essay...uni sux
The highest paid public servant should be the Prime Minister.
You just have to see how many people are working in the field they studied, not many. I want a full refund, my degree did nothing for job prospects!
It’s not about uni fees, it’s about career entry and fair pay for your expertise. Senator Malcolm Roberts Let’s face it- most of your followers aren’t on this path (for various reasons) Let’s discuss it realistically. (PS I WILL be running once my kid finishes school and I WILL use you and others as an example) Be honest.
Spot on!
Senator Malcolm Roberts Universities do rip off students, thats spot on. however, there are also a lot of professional students out there who rack up a debt and have no intention of applying the qualification or even working to pay it off. Thats who the government should be cracking down on too.
Salary information is a google search away, dumbass.
Yep, I know some blokes that went to university graduated and all they're doing now is sitting on the doll 
Yes, how much does a critical race theory gender studies basket weaving degree pay?
Senator Malcolm Roberts you rolled the same stuff out a couple of months ago. So you’re saying that the government will fully fund University degrees?
Won’t he need a university degree to become a fighter pilot?
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Home Affairs Collaborated with Social Media During COVID
October 2023, Senate Estimates
Distinguished Service Medals Might Be Illegal
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