Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
With Rebecca Konz at Meringandan Pub
Come & join us at tonight’s forum on One Nation’s policies to put more money back in your pocket
Gold Park Sporting Club
341 Hume St, Centenary Heights
(South Toowoomba)
And Q&A
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Great pub good meals
The Inconvenient TRUTH. There has been no lawfully appointed Government since Federation, thanks to Western Australia, they were the last state to join the Federation before our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 was proclaimed and Gazetted. Here is why. this research was carried out By Wayne Glew, one of the most conversant people on the laws contained in the above constitution. Before Federation, there were only 6 colonies of England here. And when they became States at federation they had in place their individual Constitutions brought forward from their previous Status as Colonies. Queen Victoria set these Constitutions under her letters patents, which means that only a Monarch re: Herself before her death could alter them or remove them, and those monarchs of England after her gained that privilege while they were on the throne of England. and at present it is King Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who Holds these letters patents. So, Western Australia removed 32 Clauses from their original Constitution prior to Federation, without approval from Queen Victoria, thus breaching the Letters patent and thus annulled Western Australia as a lawful State Entity. Therefore, instead of there being 6 Lawful States at Federation, There were only 5 lawful States. Now when you read the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted, to hold a Federal Election it clearly says that the candidates must be picked from the 6 States of the Commonwealth, But we only have 5 Lawful States at federation, so! Therefore there could not be an election held to form a Federal Government from then until now as there must be 6 lawful States involved in a Federal Election. So the provision to hold Elections for the Federal Parliament was breached. s. 128 of our 1901 Constitution says that the only way our Constitution can be altered is through s.128 via a referendum. But even if there was a referendum it would be invalid because only a Monarch can Change the letters patent. Since Federation all the States have removed their original Constitutions under letters patents without the Consent of our Monarchs since federation. Therefore there are no Lawful State Legislatures or Federal Legislatures. All sit in treason. Also, these unlawful Legislatures sign up to many foreign powers without asking the people via s.128. And by doing so they breached s 44 of the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted, and also clause 5 of the preamble to our constitution. there are no such entities as governments, prime ministers, premiers, chief ministers or Magistrates, and the ACT and the Northern Territory do not exist in Constitutional law, there had to be referendums carried out for those possibilities. so they both sit in treason of our Constitution. There is much more evidence of treachery and treason folks. Many thanks for reading we need to take our Country back. It follows that if we accept the above as fact and can be proven via research and documentation, then How to vote becomes redundant, pointless, unless of course the population at large want to continue to contribute to their own demise and end up in total slavery. Following this path of self destruction is inevitable if that path is followed. An old military tactic is simple in construction, deprive the enemy of supply, that supply being votes, which equals cash ,which equals power, it then becomes just a matter of time, with enough pressure that the enemy will fail in their objective. The enemy are criminal frauds, Cartels, deprive them of supply and we are on the track to victory. Oh and message to those on the east coast, remember who supplies 48% of the wealth to this nation, getting involved in West Coast affairs isn't wise, especially as the east side of Australia can't even fix its own messes up, ie All eastern states are a mess, Victoria especially. Pay attention to the above information, because if you are not part of the solution, you sure are part of the problem.
I would love to, except, distance and bad weather 😟
Just up the road from me!
More lies Malcolm?
Hey Senator Malcolm Roberts what's the go with the convicted rapist working for One Nation????
Sunday evening Sydney for podcasts
Monday Alice Springs listening to aboriginal elders looking for real, meaningful solutions for youths & communities - we introduced our Northern Crossing to open up the north
Today in Groom electorate (Toowoomba region) with Rebecca Konz
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I’d like to know where the independent woman in Coffs Harbour is getting all her money. She’s every where. Already
In the past five years, there's been a staggering 111% increase in parents choosing to home-school their children.
Despite overwhelming evidence, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) insists there's no issue with woke or politically biased content in the curriculum.
Our children are suffering because these authorities are diverting the education system's focus away from the basics like literacy and numeracy.
One Nation will ensure our education system is back on the right path. Vote One Nation!
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The education system is designed to dumb average people down.
The system is broken, and needs to be reset,,,
How about supporting parents who choose to home educate their own children. Other countries provide financial payments, why doesn't Australia?
Easy fix. Make parents more responsible and/or accountable rather than treating our education system as a daycare provider.
A so called sex educator visited our 15 year olds classroom and the opening introductory statement was about how there are many genders. There are modules and assessments around only using approved information sources. Rather than teaching our youth to spot a good independent research study we are corralling them into narrow viewpoints. Yes the curriculum has indeed been influenced.
When you push trans and woke ideology instead of accurate education for people to understand wealth and health then yes it makes alot of sense.
It's not just the woke crap, that's just the tipping point, the issue is that Schools have failed children, they are meant to teach our kids skills but all they do is hound them with repetition, bogas tests that do not take peoples individual learning abilities into account, every person that graduates high school should, have a first aid certificate, know how to drive and fix basics on a car, know how to cook and nutrition, know how tax's and voting work, know how to swim, know how laws work just to name a few, the education system has failed us (though to be fair it was never to benefit us it was used for indoctrination to the work force). Schools are a blanket 1 size fits all and unfortunately if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will spend its whole life believing it is a failure.
We taught our son and gran kids to Read ,to count,not sure what they do there.
Why send them to school to be conditioned to be soldier ants and do as the government says
Many changes need to be made to schooling. I guess many parents see it as indoctrination of agendas that have been pushed of late & the feeling of children being introduced to the sex agenda world of the added confusion in their children's lives which many parents do not want their children to be apart of. Just reading, writing & arithmetic & maybe taking a leaf out of the caps from what's happening within the Japanese schools. Happy, prepared children being children & not having others ideologies pushed down their throats.
Children that are home schooled learn more than in school these days. That's a faked.
Also doesn't help that my kids in school come home reading the books and doing book reports on the same books I did at school for English.....and I finished school in 1990. Plus learning French......never used French in my life. Life schooling is what's needed alongside an updated relevant curriculum.
Our Daughter and her husband are adamant they will not be sending their three Boys into mainstream schooling, opting for homeschooling. The unacceptable , brainwashing ideologies taken over our corriculum is their reasoning. With their youngest 5 this year, we as grandparents give our grandchildren Love, kindness and commonsense. We share our values of Family, knowledge of veggie gardens, worm farms, Bee hives. They get the grass roots of all things nature from Nan&Pop.
Hundred percent. The education system and it's curriculum is FD. For the amount of tax payer funds and the time that systemized schooling has been around in our society, our results and quality of education should be getting better, not worse. And the quality of our teachers should be the same too. But our teachers are snowed under in admin not directly related to lessons and usually the student to teacher ratio is out of control too. Get way better dedication and focus without half the admin burden teaching your own kids. Plus not having to worry about insane daycare/childcare costs.
The move back to explicit and systematic instruction in literacy and mathematics in recent years is reaping results, however. Back to teaching phonics, explicit modelling of good sentence structure, using rich texts, and explicitly teaching and intentional review of numeracy knowledge and skills is resulting in much higher levels of competency. The data collected in schools using this approach, attests to its value
Absolutely it’s parents are homeschooling because of indoctrination and woke agendas
I chose to homeschool due to ongoing bullying at school and nothing done about it. School staff were also choosing which students they will provide support to and which ones went without despite being in a support unit. The curriculum content is for other parents a reason to homeschool. However, my family’s experience was purely on bullying and lack of support. Constant phone calls. My child singled out and placed on partial attendance. All because staff couldn’t control all the kids. My child retaliated and stood up to the bully guess what my child was suspended and the principal needed time to come up a student plan. My child already had a student plan in place which was not followed. More wasted paperwork that no one will look at.
So my 8 year old grandaughter had a question in primary school. She asked me.. I have 3 possible answers. She had one answer, but, it was not right according to the teacher. Like a good marxist the teacher says to her "there is only one answer accepted, and it is this one".
You need literacy and numeracy,to learn other subjects.
My wife and I work harder and go without things so our daughter can go to a private school. The quality of education is just so much better.
Children are all different. I raised four children and have seven grandchildren, so far 😉. They ALL learn differently. Some breeze through school and excel, others find it more difficult. What I find is that when my grandchildren are with me and we’re outside in the garden, in the paddock with the cattle, lying on the grass looking at the clouds, going on adventures in the forest, looking at the stars or baking in the kitchen whatever we discuss they are actively involved, they are watching, listening, questioning and LEARNING. Schools today don’t cater for curiosity and creativity. They are far too regimented and therefore restricted in their system. They don’t allow for children to think for themselves or discover. The greatest reward is seeing a child’s face that comprehends an outcome through experience. These lessons are NEVER forgotten and the children LOVE it and don’t even realise they’ve been being educated.
Rubbish - teacher at Christian school went woke and SMH ran her story when she was let go! Plenty of other schools to teach at. She wanted to have a say about our children as if they were hers.
I had to home-school my daughter after a bullying problem in grade 8. She passed year 8 with consistent B marks. However, when I started schooling her myself, I discovered that the teachers had lost her in around year 5, especially with Maths. So, we went back to basics. In two years, I brought her up to standard and with one on one and teaching her self learning techniques, she ploughed along. We moved to Perth and because she had been in Qld and home schooled, she had to sit literacy and numeracy tests to be able to start year 11 in a main stream highshool. Turns out she was way ahead of all the other kids entering year 11, so they offered her extra incentives as well. She did brick laying, hydroponic, interior decorating, welding and gardening courses as well as the normal curriculum. At the end of year 12, she was the school prefect and had earned several awards with her high school certificate of education. Also, she didn't suffer peer pressure, had a healthy respect for rules and regulations, put her school work first because she was used to doing that before she could do anything else while I home schooled her. She is a strong, well read, independent woman who thinks for herself. Couldn't be prouder of her.
schools teach children what to think, not how to think.
Exactly why my kids were homeschooled. Too many government agendas and anti Christian sentiment in public schools.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Senator Roberts Rejects White-Wash Inquiry and Calls for COVID Royal Commission
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