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Another punchy article from AMPS’ Kara Thomas in Quadrant magazine online:
The dramatic erosion of trust in Australia’s medical institutions represents more than just statistics – it proves a profound crisis in healthcare
the heavy-handed regulatory approach of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) is a core contributing element
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Let's get doctors who can speak well enough English to start with
Look out…..the trolls are out!
I wonder what those who persecute doctors will do when they need one but can't get in to see one because there aren't enough or have to wait months. Oh the irony, if they have to wait so long their diagnosis is too late because of their actions.
Albos noose in the article?
AFTER the covid episode... I HAVE NO TRUST IN AHPRA.And very little trust in the medical profesion.
AHPRA needs to be defunded...Let doctors do what they TRAINED in to do best .Doctors are the ONLY ones that know what's best for THEIR patients ..Not govt,not AHPRA!
I was a witness at the scene, and this is the recorded video breakingnewsalerta.blogspot.com/us
Despicable. We need doctors especially those Like Daniel who invented a mechanical heart to save those in heart failure Instead we have wacky politicians like Craig making up 5 boys in a small SA town who have myocarditis from a vaccine they never had Craig heard the story from a protester who heard it from a kid at a sports event she never knew Craig didn’t check the school ; parents ; hospital to find no one had myocarditis or at that stage vaccinated. This page is full of we know tons of people dying from a.vaccine story but don’t mention that it’s made up ; or those people died not from a vaccine but obesity ; smoking ; family history or junk food ;stress ; being elderly The we are ruined by a vaccine story yet all cases were investigated & compensated if genuine Even the hoax ones were investigated Tom van Dijik wasn’t vaccinated as no child was at the time he died exercising of cardiac arrest but his school ; parents ; siblings were harassed by those who decided to burn his parents at the stake like primitive people Steven Leary made up a son he never had too but Graham hood never checked it was a made up story & ran with it Roberts isn’t affected by a vaccine but instead of looking into facts gets demented people who enjoy made up stories on his page. Look after your electorate instead
One Nation has lost my trust because of their lies!! One Nation supports an authoritarian government!
The WHOLE FOCUS of the medical & pharmaceutical industries is, CUSTOMERS, NOT CURES 🤑🤑🤑
AHPRA are professional bullies 😈 thanks to them and their 2021 gag orders, trust in Doctors has been severely eroded.
We haven't seen a doctor in 3 years after my last was born. We trust doctors as much as trust the uni party. It's not that they aren't trying to do good but they have no backbone. They don't stand up for what's right. They don't do their own research, they regurgitate Rockerfella medical BS. They don't uphold the Hippocratic Oath. The integrity has been lost. Its an awful shame.
The gestapo aka ahpra must be destroyed
Senator Malcolm Roberts and you contributed to that. You should be ashamed. AHPRA has no influence on how people view doctors…of course, they should go after shonky doctors aggressively. Do you think they shouldn’t?
I would dare say our society trusts the medical establishment a lot more that they trust the political party who rehires a convicted rapist, wouldn't you little Malcolm?
Not just the regulator but the doctors and nurses themselves. Gaslighting jab pushing cnts and let’s not forget the pharmacist who’s made squillions injecting the pin cushions too.
Under Labor, 1.5 million people arrived in Australia in just 2 years.
The Coalition won't makes the promises One Nation will.
One Nation will make net migration negative - to put Australians first.
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Our leaders are running our country into the ground
How many of those people are actually gainfully employed and abiding by the law and how many are claiming Centrelink?
Completely unsustainable, deliberately decimated the housing markets , and affordability.. but many western countries have done the same thing the last few years ..
Yes and how many are working paying tax and how many on centrelink I bet labour won ,t give us these details,
Got my vote!
You have to also do something abou banning political donations and lobbying from all the greedy highrise property developers like Harry Triguboff from Meriton Apartments who openly admit to wanting to flood the country with as many migrants as possible because they get rich whilst everyone else gets screwed Senator Malcolm Roberts
Population in Australia has doubled since the ‘70’s. The infrastructure hasn’t.
But honestly you can make all them promises but that is just the political way of life promises mean absolutely nothing but I honestly wish you would keep your promises as we all know. The major parties never keep their promises. They just keep bowing down to the UN. 
You have my vote.
Right now I would vote for Genghis Khan rather than Libs or Labradors. Guess that's what happened in Germany in 1930s. People so fed up voted for an illusion of difference.
no surprise my neighborhood has turned into a ghetto...
Got my vote
It’s too late. They need to reverse the last 5 years
About time we have founda politician who will work for his country and the Australian people. It's been a while.
Deportations on a mass scale
Keep on to em mate …the good Aussie peeps will never give up 👍
Keep them out !!
Someone needs to.
Sorry unrelated to the topic,,?’,,CLARA..plan,, high speed rail….was giving 20,000,000 $$ for funding a business case,study,,for high rail,, between smart city,, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide ect….. also Why is the cost of schooling our University kids so bloody high,,, there never going to make it,,,, 😟😟
It’s never to late , if we are going to bring people here to settle make sure they are European.
If albo gets in then Australia's population will increase 10,000,000, and house prices will go through the roof.
Too many labor governments in this country,what chance do we have? Even trump hates them. Looks like Rudd is more than a dud. Albo should have been over there, he was scared of rejection. Not every country calls him a handsome boy. Yuk.
Think the figures are worse than you are relying!! Wtf is happening in this country when i work my ass of amd can’t afford a rental , let alone search for a room to rent amd 70 percent are fucking not Australian citizens
We dont need negative immigration. I dont think that will work. We just need to reduce net migration from the current crazy levels of half a million each year.
Great idea I mean albo has got thousands of immigrants coming is he serious
Join us this Friday for an evening at the elegant Rockhampton's Heritage Hotel with One Nation's candidate for Capricornia, Cheryl Kempton and special guest Adam Giles, former Northern Territory Chief Minister and current CEO of Hancock Agriculture and S. Kidman and Co. We'll be officially launching Cheryl's election campaign.
Don't miss this chance to be part of One Nation’s vision for the 2025 Federal Election.
We hope to see you there!
Book here: senroberts.com/4bJjQcd
Dress Code: Smart Casual - Business Attire
Cost includes a sit down meal.
Friday, 14 March 2025 | Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Heritage Hotel
28 Quay Street, Rockhampton QLD
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Oh please please please bring up how Adam Giles leased the Darwin port to the Chinese for 99 years we are still trying to get out of that wretched deal.
Gina's money Malcolm? Have you any idea how despised by real Aussies Sidney Kidman was.? Gina would know, ask her. 🐐
It's a cracker ,I LL live feed it
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

ABC cops a grilling at Senate Estimates – data shows conservative attack
National, Senate Estimates
Same place, same time, different temperatures. What’s the BOM hiding?
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