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One Nation 100% opposes the Albanese plan to put Australian soldiers' boots on the ground in Ukraine. ... See MoreSee Less
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And so do the people of Australia.. dude just has hearing problems
Why are we fighting others wars and funding them? Why don't we focus on our own country and the massive amount of problems we have from so many weak governments.
Excellent decision! now get rid of the WHO the WEF and the UN. Australia would be almost back to normal.
Albo needs to go, get him out of parliament, he does not belong there.
Not our war
It's not our war. Albo can go instead along with all the other parties who support it.
So do I what is he thinking
Albo can go himself if he wants boots on the ground, though he probably has never laced up a pair of boots in his life
Do an investigation into the immigration officers here in Australia. Extremely corrupt
How about our taxpayer money going to decolonisation of breastfeeding, this government is absolutely disgusting!
That’s a good way to get nuked!
Totally agree. What on earth is Albo thinking. He just wants to look important. Trust if this happens his son is first in line to fight in Ukraine.
It's not our war seeing videos of Australian vehicles and equipment just been abandoned. We are wasting our country's money over there so many issues here in Australia that could use the money for .But go and help a country that would never help us .
Definitely NOT
Yes. He's signing a warrant for himself with this stupid move.
It's ok as long as they are Volunteers
Great thinking Albonehead get Australia involved in a war that has nothing to do with us
Not our war, not our responsibility. Ask the people , I'm confident the answer would be NO
He can send his kids to fight. He will never see my vote again.
If Albanese does that he can kiss his backside goodbye
I thought the left opposed violence?
So do all Australians
Change the law so kids of those that vote to go have to be deployed on the front line. And be inaction. It’s funny how those that want to trade Australian defence members lives for a seat at the un or some other gov posting don’t do the fighting. Also to this. The job description is in the title. Australian defence force. Not Australian peace keeping force or Ukraine police.
i think anyone with a brain does.
Such a stupid decision. None of our business
Brisbane showing of Australian movie-documentary summarising basic rights & laws that governments, agencies & departments flouted or broke in dishonest mismanagement of Covid
Amazing legal & medical research presented as a police complaint & spoken in everyday words
... See MoreSee Less
Senator Malcolm Roberts Do you think there will be other options to view in the future for those who can't attend?
This Witness Statement has also been sent to every Member of the Corrupt Parliament, Every Hospital, Every GP, Every Police station, Every Council, and possibly more. The silence is beyond disgusting.
Truth has been exposed since 2020 and not one person has been made accountable. Politicians and high ranking bureaucrats are simply untouchable
Make guillotines great again
Senator Malcolm Roberts I live in Victoria but very interested.
Bunch of criminals and ex premier should be in prison
Maybe McCullough will have his supplements to cure everyone's ailments, and the world leaders in their field, oh please
will this be available on line Senator Malcolm Roberts ? as could be great evidence for the coming royal commission
Bring $$$, all currencies accepted. Siincerely, AFAB (Anything For A Buck)
The who's who of grifters.
Paul Marik: Disparaging chemotherapy in order to sell cancer quackery
Makis has since made unsubstantiated accusations of pedophiles and child sex traffickers working within the health-care system, falsely claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine killed 80 doctors, and accused without merit medical professionals of covering up sudden deaths caused by the same vaccine.
“We want to be where decisions are made” !! All ages, dis/abilities, and circumstances……. fb.watch/ynaabDYakj/?
Makis was a nuclear medicine physician at the Cross Cancer Institute until October 2016. His employment was terminated after complaints of professional misconduct, including an incident where he was accused of confronting a colleague — accusing her of lying to a college investigator and threatening her.
Financial analyst David Martin misrepresents studies and patent applications to promote the baseless claim that SARS-CoV-2 was developed as a bioweapon
Prosecute them all for fraud and Treason against the people of the Commonwealth of Australia and the dejure Commonwealth Constitution 19 0 1. Capital Punishment for all the guilty.. They used the Commomwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 to exempt themselves but forced the people of the Commonwealth of Australia to have the jab... S51 23a Cth Constitution.... no mandatory Medical Services. Time to prosecute all involved... Politicians and Judges exempt from mandates. The Commonwealth Constitution 1901 Trumps all legislation... www.facebook.com/petra.lovey.58/videos/3305805422980052/
"TRUTH" NO Australian TROOPS or Military Personal to help Ukraine's Dictator on Western Media LIES LIES LIES www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiK6DijNLGE
Are any of those people convicted rapists?🤔😉
I watched the pre-screening of this doco and it is exceptionally thorough and well documented. Definitely worth watching online or attending this screening in Warner. After viewing this doco, consider attending the Tyranny of Silence event in Hervey Bay and connect with hundreds of other Australians who continue to advocate for repentance, restitution, and reckoning. freedomhasavoice.com.au/herveybay
Blessings 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼
Two thousand years ago Roman historian & politician Tacitus wisely said:
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws”
In today’s nanny state choked in regulations controlling people’s lives across states, Australia & globally we see people being widely exploited
One Nation pledges to repeal bills & empower the people
... See MoreSee Less
The public need to understand why One Nation didn’t vote..
If things don’t change, I want a revolution in this country … period.
Having lived in 5 countries, Australia is by far the most over governed of them all. NZ is next.
It's about time the people and politicians went back and read our constitution 1901 the red book not the green book that the government changed without a referendums, to see alot that is going on is illegal.
A "Small" uncorrupted government needs to be established , as it stands it's not a government , it operates as a corporation masquerading as a government , with corrupt corporate employee,s working on behalf of the corporations interests , and that is , implementing idiotic policy,s , and scams , to steal all the wealth and resources for the benefit of the corporation,s agenda,s , and their own wealthy lifestyles ! Get rid of all the corporate aligned employee,s , pilfering all Australia,s wealth and resources that benefit thier corporate employers corporation , they are Sellouts ! that would be ninety percent of them gone , they are not needed , thus a small uncorrupted manageable government by the people , for the people , for Australia , for Australia,s economy , can be created , a new and reformed government governing for the people of Australia "First" , not for the interests of outside forces "First" as has been happening , is happening
Augusto Zimmerman said Australia is a electoral dictatorship
The sheer number of laws and regulations point to Australian Governments being extremely corrupt!!!
What are we up to 44 thousand 🧐 As the Great Kerry Packer said create one, repeal one… Mind you the old ones make more sense 🧐
The Roman Empire never fell. It established itself as a religion that has turned itself to a business through a catholic/christian belief that has become a thing of the past. The Church/Vaticon is the root of all evil..
I am so over all the bs rules and laws, I can’t keep track of all the things we could freely do a decade or 2 ago that are now either illegal or so bogged down in regulations that it’s not worth trying.
If common sense was legal and expected/taught in schools, we would not need anywhere near the amount of laws that we have. If someone kicks their big toe on the bed leg, govco makes a law to ban bed legs and another to forcibly remove all big toes at birth!! That’s how idiotic the dictatorship has become. Half the problem lies with the legal system and the insurance industry.
Our war in Australia is almost here & it’s with Islam! They hate us!
Says the guy who likes a bit of government overreach when it comes to what's in teenager's underpants.
So true
Makes absolute sense
So true
Spot on. Look at WA and its attacks on private property.
Victoria is the most corrupt in Australia by this standard I believe
And that was 2000 years ago and getting worse.
Sounds a bit fishy. Are you going to offer us some accountability?
I’ll put your party at no one
Something the same Kerry Packer pointed out during a Senate inquiry . Laws are made upon laws. Get rid of most of them and govern correctly.
Comrade Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese by Trevor Loudon
The democracy illusion. If we the people wanted we would have, but we don't. They pick and choose, create the divisive right and left, blue and red, create unjust laws that are not gods laws. They're destroying this country.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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World Health Organisation’s Dictator style power grab
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