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Albanese wants me to buy Australian.
But everything is made in China using Australian Coal because of him.
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All comes from China or elsewhere and packaged in Australia stating Australian.
Well instead of whining about it change it … o think we are all sick to death of hearing you ear bash each other .. gives us solutions not problems
Using their 1161 coal power plants on 9.5million km2, while we're meant to have none on 8 million km2. 🤔 Treason or fools?
We have enough intelligent, creative and hard working Australian Men & Women to provide all that we need.. We could be a thriving Country within ourselves, its such a shame many businesses have been crushed or the ones still going have it very very tough... We need a strong PM who will look after us, the people and put us and our Country first.. Giving millions and millions to overseas is a slap in the face to all of us..
I think our last large glass manufacture has shut citing high energy costs haven't they? Isn't our largest brick manufacturer on thin ice too? This means to build all these houses people are promising we are relying on an increasing amount of imported building materials. I don't even think we make tinned cans to put baked beans in do we? We don't make Saline for a medical system, refined salt water. Look around you, your office, house, pantry, car, work site. Our day to day lives are completely dependent on China (and India). We are literally their retail outlet. Back in 2020 I realised one day that the work boots I was wearing, the socks, work jeans, undies, work shirt, ear plugs, welding jacket, gloves, boot spats, safety glasses, the pliers, chalk, chisel in pocket, the steel I was welding, the welding wire, the components I was welding on, the dish I was about to eat lunch from, the microwave I heated it up in, the tinned tomatoes in tge food (that's a fun rabbit hole lol), my fork, the frying pan at home I cooked in last night, tge fridge keeping my food cold, the slippers I had on my feet, the tires on my (Japanese) 4x4 etc.....ALL FROM CHINA and I try to actively buy AUSTRALIAN. My welding helmet and respirator was from Sweden or somewhere but still an import. The wife's car, Korea. Her workbooks, pants etc and the steel she was cutting on tge bandsaw, the paint she was using, the bandsaw blade she broke cos she was rushing, her prescription glasses, our water bottles, her sock overs, the pen she was using.....all imports. Buy Australian....where?
What a joke! Nothing is made in this country any more thanks to the poor decisions of previous governments selling this country down the drane. If this country is to prosper like it once did we need a good strong leader who will make decisions that will enable this country to be economically strong again and stop selling our resources for nix. We are rich in natural resources and should be one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Is it mismanagement or is there another agenda for why this country is in the mess its in?
With Albo sending 27000 small businesses broke there is hardly anything Australian made just walk into any supermarket most shelves are bare
neither Dutton or Albo are good for the Country same shoes different feet. I'm tired of loosing half my pay to tax to work harder to live. Its crazy stupid how we are the worker ants while they laugh and tell us they can't afford to fix roads ect but they can take a pay rise and happy for a golden handshake. Why are tax payers paying for a road to albos mansion? but we can't get the Bruce hwy fixed.. They have gone made with power and money
We will never have big industry in Australia because of energy costs and huge TAXES also l don’t think the average person realise the cost of Work cover and superannuation, this is why a lot of businesses are going under or closing, our government has got to wake up and stop all the unnecessary spending and helping other countries. Look after Australians first .
Good statement Senator Roberts. How can one possibly purchase anything from Australia today when everything is from places like China and Bangladesh.
Could you imagine the quality of beef we’d have in our shops if the gov didn’t sell the best supply overseas?? Like it’s not as if Australia really needs much international import when we pretty much have everything we need here to survive! We’d just have the privilege of buying locally grown & manufactured stuff that’s all & it’s always quality!
And all other commodities we give them. Albo now sends our grain and barley priority over Australians
We should have the cheapest power in the world. But Albo is a puppet for the WEF and China.
What a sick comment, everything has been Made in China for 50 years.
Stop selling out manufacturers in Australia then, support them.. Politicians are Australia's biggest problem. Same as fruit and food production.
Come on Malcolm. Give Albo a break. Poor man lacks a backbone. He needs speech therapy, is clueless to the plight of the average Australian and is doing his best to destroy our culture. You have my vote not the Labor circus.
Assembled in Australia is not made in Australia either
Voting should be made voluntary. Since the number of politicians and parties worth voting for are becoming just like Australian made. Fewer options.
Let's not rely on foreign fuel and medicines... how about that idea.
🚨 CLARE O’NEIL’S RECORD: HOUSING CRISIS, BROKEN PROMISES & ZERO RESULTS 🚨 Clare O’Neil and Labor keep making big promises about fixing Australia’s housing crisis, but let’s look at the reality: 🔴 55,000 homes promised – NOT ONE COMPLETED. Labor’s $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) was supposed to deliver 30,000 new homes in five years, yet nearly 18 months in, not a single house has been built. Contracts for 800 homes have been signed, but construction hasn’t even started. 🔴 Housing is less affordable than ever. Since Labor came into power: House prices have surged, locking out first-home buyers. Rents are at record highs, forcing families into financial stress. Mortgage stress is increasing, as interest rates rise and cost-of-living pressures mount. 🔴 Mass migration is pushing demand through the roof. Clare O’Neil oversaw one of the biggest migration waves in Australian history, without ensuring enough homes were built to support the population growth. More people, no new housing = higher prices for everyone. 🔴 The building industry is full of corruption – and Labor is doing nothing. Investigations have exposed bribery and dodgy deals in the building industry, yet there’s been no serious crackdown. Developers and insiders are cashing in while everyday Aussies suffer. 🔴 Labor’s “solutions” are just PR spin. O’Neil claims her "Home of Your Own Plan" will fix the crisis, but there’s no evidence it’s working. If Labor’s plan was effective, why is the housing crisis worse than ever? 💬 Clare O’Neil, where are the houses? Where’s the relief for renters? Where’s the crackdown on corruption? Australians don’t need more government announcements and broken promises. We need action. If Clare O’Neil and Labor can’t fix the crisis they helped create, they should step aside for someone who will. 📢 Share this—Australians deserve the truth! #ClareONeilFail #HousingCrisis #LaborLies #WhereAreTheHomes #CostOfLivingCrisis #HoldThemAccountable
I'd be more worried about Superanuation funds buying up our utillitiies and Privatising them. Then scamming us with charges for things that we the people previously owned..Ports rail water electricity oil and gas..endless..
We have to look after Australian people for them to be able to buy Anything. Senator Malcolm Roberts I left you a message on your post last night. Asking all you senators to have shipping containers seized by government put windows and doors in them insulate them put them on public land but not in a flood zone. this can be done by work for the dole with national pride seize Youse tempery of any requitements needed this gets our Australian people to safety. If there are any further attacks by foreighn forces. We have been told the only way to stop us going to any war is to turn up to Governor gates by the millions . well most people don't know about this you know its our right put it to a vote so we can say no to compromising's our defence force by sending them to foreign shores when we discovered a torpedo on beach here and foreign ships wolfing around our coast. We can defend Australia as we have a coast all the way around to man lookouts and weapon . but we need our people safe to do so. further seize any ships that can be fitted out with battle gear in case we have chase foreign forces off we can do this fast we can defend Australia i don't think we need subs . just good management we can defend AUSTRALIA only Australia. The Australian Government needs to improvise every where and act fast close our boarders as we dont want new people getting hurt if anymore torpedo's come our port need to be made safe . the people we have homed and work for the dole people could then be redeployed to make ammo to top up what we allready have no Bluff. I dont care if people buy whats allready here i do think they want us to have anymore anymore .We are ready and they will gang clear if we do this first man all look outs.
If he's so set on things being Australian made, why does he get his Australian population from anywhere but here?
Not just because of him, the other two political powers are just as much to blame. This didn’t just happen yesterday, all started years ago. Chooks are starting to come home to roost now. All major parties are rubbish, not listening and don’t care.
Don’t think you can blame him - many incompetent governments before as well
5 years is long enough for Australians to go without answers and justice.
We continue to seek compensation and treatment for all affected from lockdowns, vaccine mandates, business shutdowns, restrictions, injection injuries and deaths, ...
Australians deserve to know the truth about: ✖️ Secret health advice ✖️ Vaccine mandates ✖️ World's longest lockdowns
We need a Royal Commission NOW!
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A Royal Commission will never happen, because those who push it will be held accountable for crimes against humanity.
And those who were sacked and had to use all their savings and super to survive, careers and livelihood destroyed??????
Criminal investigation sounds better
Meet you under the hanging tree.
We lost our jobs house car and livelihoods over nothing. Hopefully full compensation will follow..
Somebody has too
Thank you Senators Roberts n Hanson 🙏
And financial compensation?
Believe it when I see it
No one has to date
Serious question: where is the money for compensation to come from? Oh, that’s right - tax payers as we fund everything governments do, including what you may promise. In as much there needs to be justice in response to Covid, I say be careful what you promise or you’re no better than Labor or LNP.
There is always so much chatter but never any real action on anything like this when it's bought up. the senate never gets any real answers when i watch it. just people lined up to answer questions and they dont answer if they dont want to or 'take it on notice''and then come back with nothing.
Thank you Senator! As one of the many people disabled by the COVID “vaccines” I appreciate your hard work and persistence ❤️
One Nation, is the only Party who actually work and care for the people. Hopefully the population wakes up and make their rights count. It is frightening to see the brainwashing of the woke system. I hope it also comes to an end in Australia.
The silence, is deafening, especially from MSM.
As somebody who has suffered from a traumatic, forced vaccine injury, I plead that you never put this to rest until we have justice.
You couldn’t hold in a fart You are just a seat warmer and have no power to do anything!
Make this your official pitch in the event of a Hung Parliament.
About time someone did ! And that means all the apollies who pushed it as well.
And shame on those that haven’t 😡
Sadly One Nation preferences Liberal Party and as a result Stephen Andrew MP lost his seat and that was a real blow for the truth and for the people. And while I respect you greatly Senator Malcolm Roberts and appreciate all you have done and continue to do, I'm not prepared to risk a vote for One Nation and many people I have spoken to feel the same way. I would really love to see you resign from One Nation and join the People First Party. Senator Gerrard Rennick has all the policies to heal this country...
Hope you get enough power to do it
And the companies that accommodated it.
There should be compensation.. 100k per injection per person. That would ease the cost of living Also human rights laws should not be supersede in the name of emergency measures... it's always our body our choice..
We so need this for our loved ones that were harmed and died .
It was a pleasure to join Sam from Forbes Australia and their members.
Culture is one of the most important aspects of any organisation, including nations.
If you're living in Australia, you should respect the Australian culture!
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st pats day and nobody complains , Ramadan no one complains , Chinese new year no one complains so on and so on until you get to Australia day then it offends other cultures to the point councils reject Australia day citizenships / celebrations , high and mighty whop in uk cancels celebrations, lefties come supporting its ban , AUSTRALIAN culture needs to protected and celebrated.
We need you Senator
Respect our flag and our country
If you live in Australia you live the Australian culure or go back where the culure came from that you want to live with
Don't like our flag go back to where ever you come from and stay there.
The Inconvenient TRUTH. There has been no lawfully appointed Government since Federation, thanks to Western Australia, they were the last state to join the Federation before our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 was proclaimed and Gazetted. Here is why. this research was carried out By Wayne Glew, one of the most conversant people on the laws contained in the above constitution. Before Federation, there were only 6 colonies of England here. And when they became States at federation they had in place their individual Constitutions brought forward from their previous Status as Colonies. Queen Victoria set these Constitutions under her letters patents, which means that only a Monarch re: Herself before her death could alter them or remove them, and those monarchs of England after her gained that privilege while they were on the throne of England. and at present it is King Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who Holds these letters patents. So, Western Australia removed 32 Clauses from their original Constitution prior to Federation, without approval from Queen Victoria, thus breaching the Letters patent and thus annulled Western Australia as a lawful State Entity. Therefore, instead of there being 6 Lawful States at Federation, There were only 5 lawful States. Now when you read the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted, to hold a Federal Election it clearly says that the candidates must be picked from the 6 States of the Commonwealth, But we only have 5 Lawful States at federation, so! Therefore there could not be an election held to form a Federal Government from then until now as there must be 6 lawful States involved in a Federal Election. So the provision to hold Elections for the Federal Parliament was breached. s. 128 of our 1901 Constitution says that the only way our Constitution can be altered is through s.128 via a referendum. But even if there was a referendum it would be invalid because only a Monarch can Change the letters patent. Since Federation all the States have removed their original Constitutions under letters patents without the Consent of our Monarchs since federation. Therefore there are no Lawful State Legislatures or Federal Legislatures. All sit in treason. Also, these unlawful Legislatures sign up to many foreign powers without asking the people via s.128. And by doing so they breached s 44 of the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted, and also clause 5 of the preamble to our constitution. there are no such entities as governments, prime ministers, premiers, chief ministers or Magistrates, and the ACT and the Northern Territory do not exist in Constitutional law, there had to be referendums carried out for those possibilities. so they both sit in treason of our Constitution. There is much more evidence of treachery and treason folks. Many thanks for reading we need to take our Country back. It follows that if we accept the above as fact and can be proven via research and documentation, then How to vote becomes redundant, pointless, unless of course the population at large want to continue to contribute to their own demise and end up in total slavery. Following this path of self destruction is inevitable if that path is followed. An old military tactic is simple in construction, deprive the enemy of supply, that supply being votes, which equals cash ,which equals power, it then becomes just a matter of time, with enough pressure that the enemy will fail in their objective. The enemy are criminal frauds, Cartels, deprive them of supply and we are on the track to victory. Oh and message to those on the east coast, remember who supplies 48% of the wealth to this nation, getting involved in West Coast affairs isn't wise, especially as the east side of Australia can't even fix its own messes up, ie All eastern states are a mess, Victoria especially. Pay attention to the above information, because if you are not part of the solution, you sure are part of the problem.
Malcom would be the best pm Australia could ever have
Remember this, a whistleblower is someone from the inside, support freedom parties as they have seen it first hand, Takes one to know one. Stop the gravy train the rest of them are so intent on hiding from you.
What exactly is "Australian culture"? I've always believed it is built on the spirit of mateship and a fair go for all. People are people in my book regardless of where they come from. I thought most of us born and bred Aussies thought the same. But do they ? Because sadly I'm hearing a lot of racist 💩 lately.
Well said
Really like what TRUMP promised and is now doing. To win votes simply platform your election campaign on what Trump is doing. Have to comment Trump is not a great person/individual but the government reforms and accountability and making USA great again could be replicated in Australia and would be what the average Australian wants and NEEDS.
We need a flag that represents us all not just the Nazi British flag it only represents the elite capitalists .
It's exactly the same in the UK France Germany Sweden etc etc
Haha. Senator Malcolm Roberts lecturing on victim complexes is a bit rich isn't it?!
This is what happens when you let a majority of Muslims into a peaceful loving country they want to take over and make it like the shithole they came from. Just look at the UK.
And you Senator don't even stad up for Our Lawful Constitution but sit with the Australian flag behind you when you know full well that you are sitting Unlawfully! Bit hypocritical don't you think?
Go for it Malcolm Stand up Stand your ground You always tell the truth And they don't like it. Keep going please.
Senator Malcolm Roberts You’ve ignored me‼️‼️ How about you come to execution! I’ll be out of your hair!! Cunt!!! A Request for the Australian Government to Execute me in Broad Daylight Considering This Is What They Want‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ I am asking the Australian government to come and execute me in broad daylight. If this is how you want it, bring the cameras. I’ll kneel down in the driveway and you can film it to show your rule and dominion over this earth and I’ll leave you to it…. Is that what you want? A public execution? Back to the old days? Or the present, but you do it in secret….. This is a formal request for a public execution if that is what the government wants. Let’s do it. Come on Plibersek. It’s all yours. You’re the mastermind. Bring Frecklington. There will be a mess, so bring a cleanup crew. At least I get to leave this hell hole. I have no medication or access to Medicare. Everything’s cancelled. You’ve tried to lock me out of my email. You may as well finish it right? Bring the media. The journalists and executives. You will all be free to murder more people if you publically execute me!!! I’ll be gone! You’ll be free to rule in blood! Imagine the fucking ratings! That’s what you want right? Do it. Send some corrupt cops. Dan Purdie and the police commissioner and let’s finish it 🙄🤷♂️ Bloodthirsty cunts! P.s For any idiot that doesn’t understand, read my page! And any trolls, ring the corrupt attorney general and ask why my criminal case isn’t logged! That’s a fucking criminal offence in itself! Idiots 🙄
Bill McCormack
Weak leadership by a very very weak man! Look at the disgusting voice episode look at the 1.4 million immigrants over 2 years look at what it caused homelessness unaffordable rents unaffordable house prices overrun hospitals overrun medical facilities schools etc. He then imports Hamas sympethisez ( no other country did) followed by 12000 citizenship giveaways prior to an election. If this labor this anti Australian labor get in again heaven help this once great country
Senator Malcolm Roberts Please pass this on to Pauline n What’s your thoughts on this Green’s POS??
That's because immigration is purposely chosen to hate our British Christian origins
Talk about how it’s a fake government and a corporation you all know but continue to gaslight the Australian people
Same as Canada under the LibTARDED globalist leftists. #MassDeportationsRequired
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Regional Queensland Ripped off by the South
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