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Australia urgently needs housing and population policies that put Australians FIRST. The Liberal-Labor uni-party has been pushing massive immigration, making many Australians homeless by opening the floodgates.
With a record 2.43 million temporary visa holders (excluding tourists), we now need up to a million extra houses. Fewer international students mean more homes for Australians, as proven during COVID when our borders were closed.
Some universities and private education providers are exploiting the system, using student visas as a backdoor for work rights and permanent residency. Many on student visas work full-time illegally and send money back to their country - hitting a record $11 billion in 2023. The claim that international students are a major export is misleading, as most work to support themselves here in Australia.
Until housing and infrastructure catch up, immigration must be reduced to zero, and foreign ownership banned.
You can trust One Nation to put Australians first.
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And the less students the less money needed to accommodate students and the lesser universities required OR just a down grade of universities . How about accommodate more Australian students and put the brakes on the money making machine.
I don’t understand what the objective was to open up our country to so many unvetted people in such huge numbers?! Is there a plan to run the average Australian family into homelessness and below poverty despite working into the ground? It’s not just a select few, it’s the majority of our working class families, the actual back bone of this country!! If we don’t look after these people our quality of life for everyone including wealthy is going to be impacted and guess what, we have crime rising up in all classes, and you bring in people from very different backgrounds from countries that don’t respect others and it’s an all out threat to our peaceful country created by the perfect storm! Who is steering this ship?? 😬
If the Country does not have modern industry, manufacturing in other words any good income from selling high tech things overseas than it turns to banana republic and you zero immigration policy would not make any difference I am afraid. We always need smart new people here. Half of Australian GPs are overseas trained
2.43 million too many!
It’s a pity we don’t educate Aussie students to become doctors so bloody wrong. We need Aussie doctors
How much is your boss worth 30 million? Not bad for a fish and chip shop
I was a witness at the scene, and this is the recorded video breakingnewsalerta.blogspot.com/us
The truth we want to hear. The more we hear it the more we will adjust. long over due. Control and the start of a new and beautiful Australia in May.
When you actually see “multiple” student beds squashed into 1 or 2 bed apartments in inner city Melbourne then it’s a Proven Fact & issue !!!
and I se epeople on all sizes support this yet the 2 uni paries continue to increase the numbers
Albo and the Labor party will just gaslight us and say if we bring in a million more migrants they will build the house's
Albo has just agreed to bring in 25.500 Ukraine . Absolute moron
You can blame Anthony Albanese for this so corrupt
While ever there are people that believe that the major political partys represent different ideals and are totally seperate entities, nothing will change. It's pretty obvious to the marginally asstute that this was the plan from the begining. Get the plebs to believe they have a real choice at the ballot box.
No more Muslims ! Bring in white South African farmers who are being murdered daily in South Africa !
Australia needs to stop immigration and start deportation or Australia will become a shit hole like the UK and Europe.
While i agree with what you are saying, why is it that you need to read off a script? Seriously, if you knew your subject the paper in front of you would just have points 1 to 50, just in case you got sidetracked. Donald Trump doesnt use a script, neither did Ferdinand Marcos back in the day. All of you use scripts, Labor Liberal and the other gangster trash! Except so called 'disgraced' Rod Culleton.
Agreed, plus rent increase limits. Ive just got a $120pw rent increase.
The foreigners should be made to give Australian born people their home
Well Said
Onya Mal
The Greens are leading us down the path to destruction. They promise "lots of free stuff" yet their policies are:
👉 Destroying our reliable energy system, driving up electricity costs
👉 Killing our agricultural land, threatening our food security
👉 Pushing destructive wind and solar that harm our environment, causing damage to our beautiful landscape
Join us this Saturday from 10am in standing up for:
✅ Affordable energy
✅ Strong agriculture
✅ Real environmental protection
✅ Australian prosperity
See you there!
📍 Anzac Park, Dean Street, Toowong.
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Vote them out, put them last !!!!
it's funny how the average working class people off Australia are now the ones fighting against the greens and their stupid ideas to save the environment
Definitely put them last.
Last belongs to labour libs are second last The greens should be left out altogether
Labor greens teals filth
I'd be there , but due to the cost of existence , I can no longer afford it .
The most toxic party in the country!
I'd put them beyond last if possible 😄
There garbage the greens. Vote them last as liberal and Labor..
There called " watermelons 🍉 " ...green on the outside red to the core,
So true Hope to see a real change
Comrade Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese by Trevor Loudon
I am putting the Greens third last in front of the duopoly.David Shoebridge is a standout politician IMHO.
Great idea ! Anything like this in Vic????
And the Teals please
Hopefully their days are numbered ! All bloody lunatics !
Labour and Liberal last, greens third for me! We need to shake things up!
Time to wake up and put Australia first. Ditch labor and greens
Greens second last. One nation fruitloops last.
The sooner people wake up and understand that it’s not free you pay for it with taxes, on your pay,food,electricity,rates, registration,flights,clothing and on and on the better. Because you can’t escape it tax is on everything and sometimes it’s tax on tax lol 😂 Hello get some sense, oh and politics is paid for by tax so it’s not government money it’s your money !!!! Anyone ?
😒 🤔 wonder if any were/are What Ever For young global leaders?
All these years they have been there and they can only muster up 9% of votes at best. The most hideous party just as much as hideous Labor. Dictator D, McGowan McClown Palashite and Gunner the Runner. Ring a bell with anyone. All of them ran for their lives. Greens, Labor, Teals not for the people, for THEMSELVES!
Would never vote for these Dirt bags.
Albanese wants me to buy Australian.
But everything is made in China using Australian Coal because of him.
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All comes from China or elsewhere and packaged in Australia stating Australian.
Well instead of whining about it change it … o think we are all sick to death of hearing you ear bash each other .. gives us solutions not problems
Using their 1161 coal power plants on 9.5million km2, while we're meant to have none on 8 million km2. 🤔 Treason or fools?
Could you imagine the quality of beef we’d have in our shops if the gov didn’t sell the best supply overseas?? Like it’s not as if Australia really needs much international import when we pretty much have everything we need here to survive! We’d just have the privilege of buying locally grown & manufactured stuff that’s all & it’s always quality!
We will never have big industry in Australia because of energy costs and huge TAXES also l don’t think the average person realise the cost of Work cover and superannuation, this is why a lot of businesses are going under or closing, our government has got to wake up and stop all the unnecessary spending and helping other countries. Look after Australians first .
We have enough intelligent, creative and hard working Australian Men & Women to provide all that we need.. We could be a thriving Country within ourselves, its such a shame many businesses have been crushed or the ones still going have it very very tough... We need a strong PM who will look after us, the people and put us and our Country first.. Giving millions and millions to overseas is a slap in the face to all of us..
I think our last large glass manufacture has shut citing high energy costs haven't they? Isn't our largest brick manufacturer on thin ice too? This means to build all these houses people are promising we are relying on an increasing amount of imported building materials. I don't even think we make tinned cans to put baked beans in do we? We don't make Saline for a medical system, refined salt water. Look around you, your office, house, pantry, car, work site. Our day to day lives are completely dependent on China (and India). We are literally their retail outlet. Back in 2020 I realised one day that the work boots I was wearing, the socks, work jeans, undies, work shirt, ear plugs, welding jacket, gloves, boot spats, safety glasses, the pliers, chalk, chisel in pocket, the steel I was welding, the welding wire, the components I was welding on, the dish I was about to eat lunch from, the microwave I heated it up in, the tinned tomatoes in tge food (that's a fun rabbit hole lol), my fork, the frying pan at home I cooked in last night, tge fridge keeping my food cold, the slippers I had on my feet, the tires on my (Japanese) 4x4 etc.....ALL FROM CHINA and I try to actively buy AUSTRALIAN. My welding helmet and respirator was from Sweden or somewhere but still an import. The wife's car, Korea. Her workbooks, pants etc and the steel she was cutting on tge bandsaw, the paint she was using, the bandsaw blade she broke cos she was rushing, her prescription glasses, our water bottles, her sock overs, the pen she was using.....all imports. Buy Australian....where?
What a joke! Nothing is made in this country any more thanks to the poor decisions of previous governments selling this country down the drane. If this country is to prosper like it once did we need a good strong leader who will make decisions that will enable this country to be economically strong again and stop selling our resources for nix. We are rich in natural resources and should be one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Is it mismanagement or is there another agenda for why this country is in the mess its in?
Good statement Senator Roberts. How can one possibly purchase anything from Australia today when everything is from places like China and Bangladesh.
With Albo sending 27000 small businesses broke there is hardly anything Australian made just walk into any supermarket most shelves are bare
neither Dutton or Albo are good for the Country same shoes different feet. I'm tired of loosing half my pay to tax to work harder to live. Its crazy stupid how we are the worker ants while they laugh and tell us they can't afford to fix roads ect but they can take a pay rise and happy for a golden handshake. Why are tax payers paying for a road to albos mansion? but we can't get the Bruce hwy fixed.. They have gone made with power and money
Come on Malcolm. Give Albo a break. Poor man lacks a backbone. He needs speech therapy, is clueless to the plight of the average Australian and is doing his best to destroy our culture. You have my vote not the Labor circus.
To be fair, that started well before Albo sat in the seat and was supported by both sides of the fence over the years.
We should have the cheapest power in the world. But Albo is a puppet for the WEF and China.
Assembled in Australia is not made in Australia either
Maybe if Australian companies were able to buy the raw product tax free to manufacture at a reasonable cost then we wouldn't have a problem. Australia had a fantastic amount of industry. So many things used to be built here because we do things right and provide good customer service to back up our well made products.. example I have a 50yo mower. Made here in Oz. Still going. Can still get parts for it. Not much Chinese stuff out there that even lasts half that let alone has parts after maybe 10years. We need to make Australian industry better
And all other commodities we give them. Albo now sends our grain and barley priority over Australians
A bit hard when everything the government does kills manufacturing. Green tape, red tape, energy prices etc.
I’ve Always bought what I could get Australian,But you Sold everyPretty of our Australian stuff to China and America Albo.
I'd be more worried about Superanuation funds buying up our utillitiies and Privatising them. Then scamming us with charges for things that we the people previously owned..Ports rail water electricity oil and gas..endless..
Stop selling out manufacturers in Australia then, support them.. Politicians are Australia's biggest problem. Same as fruit and food production.
And unions pushed wages so high it’s not affordable to make anything here too
What a sick comment, everything has been Made in China for 50 years.
Bring back Coal and if people are so hell bent on solar and wind etc there is nothing wrong with both. We need a strong and reliable power grid to bring our industries back here. Sick of looking for Australian made cant find it on the shelves. The supermarkets should be putting our products first but instead they sell shelf space to imported products. Small Aussie businesses cant afford the cost. So many local products have disappeared from our stores.
Let's not rely on foreign fuel and medicines... how about that idea.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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