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Let's pull apart the latest crazy ideas from the government that will do more harm than good and discuss how One Nation's plans to cut fuel excise, alcohol excise, tax and inflation will put more mone ... See MoreSee Less
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381Ralph Cunningham, Amelia Peach and 37 others reacted to this
Brendan Bruce YourellWe lost that last tax time
38 minutes ago
What real money back in your pocket looks like
Jennifer Lee Predo, Jan Bevan and 26 others like this
Why is China allowed to use Aussie coal to make things Australia buys
Yet Australia can't use our own coal to make things here?
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463913518Mark Conlan, Kay Danes and 497 others reacted to this
Dave AndersonIt has something to do with the calibre of the people in the ALP & LNP I think. I can't be sure, but it's been going on for as long as either of those 2 parties have held the reins.
10Maria KrizanovaOur whole government is either corrupt or stupid, that’s why!
4 hours ago 10John RosserIt’s just a crime that our government s are allowing and doing to our country Australia
Gloria CicchiniAnd we sell coal to a country that fires off war ships in our waters
4 hours ago 8Ross StephensThe cost of labour is why manufacturing is unviable here. The matter if electricity generation using coal enables low cist energy which would benefit everyone as it has done for a century. That doesn't satisfy the idealogy of the current government. They would rather have us eating excrement metaphorically and actually than admit to their abject stupidity, IMO.
4 hours ago 3Dave JohnsonWhy do we send all our resources offshore and then buy them back once refined into products while castrating a country for emissions not created here? Why are things called Australian made when literally they are only components assembled here from overseas manufacturing?
4 hours ago 1Gail LewisAustralia wants to watch China never trust another country ,things can change build our defence force now stop relying on other country's to supply our needs
4 hours ago 1Karen HendersonI've just heard the only glass manufacturing company we have in Australia has been forced to close for good because the price of Gas (our natural resource) is too high for local consumption. So, guess what? Not only is our gas shipped to China, China will now be selling glass to us. You just couldn't make this stuff up
Richard HallThe entire world needs to wake up to corruption everywhere. Doge, proof. And that one and only USaid is less than 2 % of what heads in all other directions
4Karen Walker RobertBecause we are fools and they are all over it.
3Snowmie SparkyBecause they are their own country and they can do whst they want.. What's stopping us using coal besides our bought of politicians. We don't have to do what China does and they don't have to follow our stupid policies
Max McGrathThanks how dumb our leaders are.
5Damo Skip JohnsonYep keep creating division n not achieving anything beneficial.
2Lindsay HensbyIf you really want an answer just look at The Lima Agreement. Australia and other wealthy countries gave and is still giving up and coming emerging countries aid, including our manufacturing. China is still classified as an emerging country even though it has surpassed Australia in so many ways and yet our imbecilic politicians just keep on giving everything we own away instead of making Australia prosperous. Why vote for politicians (ALP & LNP) who care more for immigrants and countries than they do for their own people?
Brian McKoyGive them coal and iron ore, they could send us back a nuclear sub, in quick time, even with built in tracking devices, job jobbed
Shane MarkhamWhy haven't we got a steel mill in the Pilbara ridiculous
4 hours ago 1Jim HandsTalk is cheap ! Get back to a Lawful Government Not the Unlawful Treasonous one which you are a part of and do Nothing about it therefore you are part of the problem and know it full well as you have been notified of this on many occasions
1Jerry DoultIt's totally insane for sure!
3Damien SerotzkiOh don’t worry they certainly use the royalties to make shit - the M1 proudly brought to you by the Bowen Basin
Dee HaberThe electricity here probably costs to much to make it here.
1Nick WallBecause it goes against the climate change narrative that they insist on pushing so they can justify spending trillions of dollars on renewables that will never be able to handle our electricity consumption
9Lorraine DicksonBecause we have stupid governments in power can't see past their noses what they have let China get away with.
1Cassandra BickleyDon’t forget our natural gas as well ! Ridiculous
1BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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ATAGI Moderna recommendation for 6 month to 5 year olds disgraceful abandonment of precautionary principle
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Minister forced to explain potentially misleading Senate about Foot and Mouth disease
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