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Labor brought in 200,000 international students - in February alone.
Only One Nation will make migration net-negative.
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4741524175Tracey Toye, Dave Mack and 569 others reacted to this
Damien MarkWhat about the millions of "skilled workers " that were let in and we still have a skilled worker shortage.
1 hour ago 9Kip AndersenAnd how many of that 200k are actually actively in study or just just driving cabs or working in syndicate bought businesses???
1 hour ago 33Micheline HaddadThose 200,000 students paid hundreds of thousands in fees. It's a great source of income to the country
1 hour ago 1Zontia Manular Ishrayhow many of them are getting grants from Australian tax payers to be able to complete these said studies?
1 hour ago 8Preet KahlonSo Australia received $10K average tuition fee for 6 months that’s 2B income for Universities.
& Another 2B there after for 6 months.
3K Average visa fee that’s 600M to the government.
I see $4.6Bil brought in to Australia.
, this sector employs thousands of Australian & keeping the government afloat.
Senator Malcolm Roberts
START taxing Gas & resources.
STOP Exports of resources that are required in Aus.
Then gradually slow down immigration to a sustainable level.
Yoni YettrAustralians dying at a rapid rate labour just bring in more immigrants to prop population back up in hope no one noticed! I'm sick of it! We need to fix the country ground level up to to make it great again! That's why I'm voting one nation!,
Gary FoxGreat work One Nation keep putting it out there
1 hour ago 8Andre WagnerWe stand with you Pauline Hanson One Nation
Jennifer SkinnerIf they really want to study Australian Uni’s, why can’t the do remote learning from their own country? Keep the places for Aussies
51 minutes agoDon StewartAUSSIE INDUSTRIAL SCALE GREED PRODUCTION OF SCAM WAGYU BEEF BY BEEF BARONS & OTHERS IS BACKFIRING ON THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY /COUNTRY/ OZ CONSUMER Republican rancher introduces bill for 70pc tariff on Australian Wagyu As American producers lobby Donald Trump to put tariffs on Australian meat imports, a Republican cattle-rancher takes the fight to the US Congress. Read more That most of the Wagyu Beef Barons including AACo,CPCo, Hughes family & Gina Reinhart are using leasehold land & grain feed- lotting in self-regulated feedlots with 400 day stays without cruelty monitoring speaks to the involvement of Government USA is Australia's biggest beef market & that they would like to send beef to OZ speaks to the failure of grain feed lotting to produce the healthy lean grass fed beef that consumers are looking for. Australia produces the sought after 90CL beef in northern Oz where there is no processing & the cattle are exported live to unhealthy Wet Markets & in the case of Vietnam there is now a modern export processing plant . That grain fed beef is not labeled "Grain Fed" speaks to Govt involvement along with having a Beef Baron as Shadow Minister for Northern Oz. In mid-April the beneficiaries of the successful Class Action Damages Clain against the Govt stoppage of Live Exports will return to Court using $30million AFFF funds seeking a more substantial payout than the Govt is offering. As a result of Live Cattle Exports wiping out processing in northern Oz cattle for processing from the Kimberley are now travelling to Victoria & Oz has concentrated ownership of processing in southern Oz some of them facing Fraud charges in the USA. Live Cattle Exporters are parasites on consumers supported by the Govt, NFF & ABC . Production of Wagyu beef started in Oz in the seventies, so it is not breed specific as the Wagyu cattle did not arrive until the nineties.
1 hour ago 2Paul Murray& how many of those are working more hours over their visa limit?
49 minutes agoBeryl DwyerMany more here than that. We are importing students and workers to man coffee shops and food outlets. In my area only one outlet in a large food court employs White local Aussies. In our own Country.
1 hour agoZara Von FritzA shrinking economy? I guess you'll need an alternative to capitalism then.
Claire TaylorThat's unreal
Vivienne Schnellwe shouldnt have anybody coming here on 'student visas.' Places in academia should be going to AUSTRALIAN students.
1Shelley BrownThey can study on their own country
Dean Mckenzie1.8 million migrants in 5 years coming to this country our homes are filled with other country's problems when our own is homeless or can't buy into the market or rent into the market 0 HOUSES has been built under Labor and power bills will be a lot worse in the next 3 years Labor can't fix anything they just spend spend spend debt wont go down but hey if Labor gets in again in 3 years' time we all can say 6 years of a Labor government and nothing changed then there will be a LNP government for years to come VOTE 1 LNP
Rion SaitiAre youse all really mates? And this is just a big con job to confuse the masses?
Robert MattVery disappointed that you won't be looking after North Queensland. Having someone in far north Queensland they won't be able to look after both. The distance is to great and she won't be able to cope
Steve ReedThey have destroyed austraila just go catch a train in Sydney your a stranger in your own country now
10Davide ConsalvoYup, cultural enrichment makes up apart of their dodgy GDP figures, should see what msm is refusing to cover on the state of our cites & crime rates, these grubs should be held accountable period..
Are you concerned about the future of Australia? Don't miss this excellent opportunity to voice your concerns, share your ideas, and be part of the conversation.
I will be joining Brendan Kross, One N
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848Callum Whatmore, Mezza Mezza and 90 others reacted to this
John DrewI will be there.
14 hours agoMareeMaxWorth a listen if you can get past the Liberal party
14 hours agoPosew BurioI was a witness at the scene, and this is the recorded video-

Did you know up to $3 BILLION of your tax dollars are being lost to Medicare fraud each year? This is outrageous!
While bulk billing rates plummet and Aussies struggle to see a doctor, billions are bei
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2261111121Nahan Leeson, Bracey Brace and 259 others reacted to this
Terry PeakeWhen abuse is reported, nothing happens. A lot of 457 visa types as well . Country towns I have noted were particularly bad. The hospital pays for the day visit, then they double dip with Medicare. No one cares. Albeit this whas some time ago. Needs an active whistleblower line that will investigate.
14 hours ago 1Darren MackieNeed to stop the push to the American private health system, especially at the expense of Medicare.
14 hours agoAdrian J RobinsonI pay $95 up in Mildura and it's going up the clinic said from July 1st , I get about $34 back . If I pay yearly it's $180 or family $380. If I see specialist it's like nearly $280 up here then after it's about $140 a visit. Issue not paying even tho like it be lot less , the issue Albo today about free gp visits it's a lie
14 hours ago 1Lila JamesAbolish taxes and introduce higher taxes on those corporations buy all our export resource's turn the tables around.
14 hours agoAdrian J RobinsonDodge is needed
Graeme FisherScew bulk billing, how about you look at how the government is stealing our homes by refusing to supply a deed of ownership?
14 hours ago 4Lynn DefoeNdis is worse
14 hours ago 1Esther LaarmanYes bring it back at lot of people cannot pay $80 - $100 up front to see a doctor
14 hours agoGabriel VeeHow about you start with the 40,000 politicians on a $80,000 pension? How about we get rid of that?
14 hours ago 2Paul AvramThe whole government needs to be thrown out by the ear
14 hours agoSuzi Hill Kakies$120 to see a Dr on the Sunny coast. There is not one bulk billing Dr up here. I just don’t go to the drs. I don’t know how people can afford it.
14 hours agoJim Jooneas a child born in 1981, and very rarely using the system. The simple fact i cannot get in to see a gp is actually atrocious.
Larry SatchmoWe need a Doge
1Michael DonaldsonBeen going on about this for years, doctors have the governments credit card and we don’t even need a PIN number to access it. Stupidity. They bill with no patient, bill for long consultations when short. They know there is virtually zero punishment. Medicare fraud should result in instant disbarment and jail.
8Lynn DefoeOne of our local clinics always charges for a long appointment.... Most frontline GPs are useless . They are all recent imports and all they do is refer to specialists or for scans. What is the point of them?
James DavidDoctors need to be told you expect Medicare or not practice.. simple I had my doctor try n push me out the door after 6 mins because the ppl before hand took 35 mins and made him late . I sat there n said no I need this letter and script . In total 8 minutes I stop watched it. Pay $159 month hospital extra silver private for no benefit
Scrubby WeatherburnAnd our corrupt politicians are to blame, even the ones who say their on your side. Take a look
Ross MartinBulk billing is already here. Doctors can CHOOSE whether to bb or not.
ON will NEVER be on a position to change policy. Be TRUTHFUL, or you'll be as bad as labor.
Mick GullyDrain the swamp. DOGE!!
Ann-Marie HicksThe medical and pharmaceutical sectors be reigned in and stop using humans as a bottomless pit to fund their greed
Grant Shirley

Lucky DoogMass fraud driven by shonky doctors & ‘health professionals’
Dan EdeyJessie wiseman
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Major parties team up to vote down Aged Care Amendment
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Labor Government abandons children, languishes investigating medical transitioning of minors
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