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As forecast under Liberal-Labor-Nationals-Greens policies pushing UN Net Zero and UN Paris “Agreement.”
As always, we the people pay.
One Nation policies will end the climate and energy lies, and immediately cut electricity prices by 20%
And later cut prices in half.
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So Over Corrupt self serving politicians driving this country into the ground
Still can't understand why we don't burn our rubbish for power
Sending my power bill to Bowen, let him pay it.
Please stop using the word honerble , nothing honerble about any of them... They are all a disgrace...
LED lights, solar panels, wind farms etc has done nothing. What a load of rubbish plus will have to increase landfill sites.
Shocking !
Someone has to have shares in renewables,surely no one could be that stupid
Well said..👍 Bowen will bring Labor down on his own.
Some years back even climate scientist Bjorn Lomberg was banned from lectures at leading University’s here, they labelled him a climate denier. The left just won’t debate
One of the biggest Scams in modern history!!
You know what the government can go do hell
Bowen you need to resign
The left and the right wing are both part of the same bird, vote differently otherwise the same old thing the definition of madness is voting the same old way and expecting a different result, there are alternatives out some thought into your vote otherwise stop bitching about the government you elected
Yes One Nation for Me
You noticed the side step as well🙊🙉🙈
Australian government selling us out to UN agendas
9% more price rise comeon how is that cheap power it will keep going up
A big part of the reason for the extreme costs of these so called renewables is the costs associated with just having them. For eg a windfarm was recently built up the road from me called Flat Rocks and it's spead over 4 farms or use to be farms and they are paying the farmers $40000 per windmill per year just to have them on their properties. There are 18 so far more to come that's $720000 per year cost before anything or any power has been produced and all this for a shire of just over 1000 people. I've got Western Power now forcibly changing all the house meters in the area they won't allow opting out of getting a new smart meter. It all a load of crap costing people an unnecessary fortune I'm going to just remove myself from the grid and just run off a petrol generator which I think will be cheaper
This is why those of us with a brain have given up!
If Barnaby had any scruples and pride in himself.. he would follow Senator Gerard Rennick and leave the party based on his conscience ..
Bowen probably stands in the sun all day hoping to create a spark at bedtime
No truer words have been spoken Barnaby. These career politicians from the big smoke haven't got a bloody clue!
Ted O'brien is NOT against wind & solar, the LNP must appose it all.....
That’s a big problem with ideological driven parties like the USA Democrats & Australi’s Greens, Teals, Labor, Libs
It’s what happens when policies & opinions are based on virtue signalling not solid, objective real world data
EVs are suitable for some people. Yet they are resource hogs & have huge negative impacts on our natural environment & on affordability
That’s a fact regardless of a person’s views on Elon Musk
(Thank you for sharing, Larry)
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Comment from Adam, below: Malcolm ... they are an "alleged" solution to a problem that does not exist ... OH and FYI .... the only reason that Tesla is successful is because of the billions in government handouts 🎯
Malcolm ... they are an "alleged" solution to a problem that does not exist ... OH and FYI .... the only reason that Tesla is successful is because of the billions in government handouts
Ideologies don't belong in government policy. The government's function is to allocate tax revenue to services and provide fair laws for the country's public. The current uniparty seems even more preoccupied with control of speech than control of government spending. I am convinced that Labor and Liberals are working under a basis of managed decline instead of managed prosperity for our economy and our way of life. This is treasonous.
Elon doesnt promote Tesla cars as a 'green' adjunct against 'climate change' , but simply a 'cool' thing that he always wanted to see on the roads. Elon needs to be seen as not a genius, because his Aspbergers Syndrome closes his vision on many aspects of intelligence. He is easily steered because he lacks a wider view in his mind. He is brilliant on things he likes and wants to do, but is quite obstinate and ignorant on many other things. So, quite clearly, EV's are a niche vehicle, with huge problems in both manufacture, ecological damage and practicality (and price). The number of people who want one has already peaked and demand will drop rapidly from here onwards. The number of vehicle manufacturers who have ditched EV's is growing and the only way is down.
As a car enthusiast I was always against electric cars but since we have fallen in love with Elon I had to go and have a look at his cars, they put me in a model 3 performance and what a fantastic car they are. It’s certainly not a car for left wing/ greenies and so there is certainly a place for a Tesla in my collection and I will be very proud to have contributed in supporting him.
The hate is not against EV's but specifically Tesla because of Musk. But you know that Senator Malcolm Roberts, and won't let the truth get in the way of a good, made up story.
Too terrible! Hoping they catch every single culprit
Has Steggles Chicken chook got her EV yet, I thought she was getting rid of her gas guzzler in favor of EV but then down the track could not afford to, if she on $200.000 a year cannot afford an EV what in hell chance have the rest of us, all talk and wind, whole lot of them.
Senator Malcolm Roberts have you seen a video of a French Senator giving a speech in parliament about Trump.
Malcolm @ my age I call it just “knee jerk”reaction,& haven’t we had some
These people are dangerous sickoes.
More rubbish talk - it’s not about EV vehicles- it’s about the illegal, callous disregard for people’s well being and destruction of democracy!
EVs will end up just like the 'environmental friendly' conversion of petrol engines to liquified gas. A non-event
Stoopid 'leci cars are not able to be put out after they catch on fire....n haven't we seen lots of unexplained fires in the last coupla years. Ask the fire fighter if they like 'leci cars? The Archer Park Raceway has banned them also 'cause if they catch on fire they can't rescue the driver. I don't even want to park next to one thanks so much.
It's a childish, hysterical ideology that cannot tolerate alternate opinions. How do you bring these people to a 'normal' understanding of the world as it actually is?
Everything you said was a lie, Malcolm.
Electric vehicles Power increases IC vehicles fuel increases seem there is a comparison
You forgot to mention that dickhead, Clive Palmer!
We've always been against evs, now people are finally standing up.
Anarchists (not any dominant political party) are angry at Elon Musk, an unelected official trashing a nation and making a a mockery of personal privacy rights, not EVs. The US has a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs... I wonder who that is benefiting?
The hate is for Elon Musk, not EVs. There are other EV options besides Tesla. More misinformation from Roberts.
There is no dignity in starting a gang, to hurt people who disagree with you.
You’re purposely missing some key information here with your meme - they aren’t boycotting any other EV manufacturer, are they? It’s just Tesla, because of Musk. Consequences of his own actions and the will of the free market.
When dopey Bowen tries to push everyone towards EVs, he has NO idea that those with a pacemaker or sensitive to EMFs consider them a 'death trap' ... not to mention that if you ever test the EMF output of an EV with a gauss meter, you would NEVER set foot inside one!!! Definitely similar to sitting inside a microwave oven! The readings are off the chart!!! (EMFs should be zero or no higher than 3mG.)
Has there ever been a bigger failure than the minister for electricity prices?
Bowen must go.
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Now he is trying to blame the electricity price on coal power stations breaking down. After he has starved them of maintenance funds for years.
Bowen needs to be sacked!
I had a good laugh when i saw Albo blaming coal fired power stations breaking down for the price hike. An idiot should know if you don’t maintain machinery it’s going to break down. So what does that make Albo and Bowen.
Hi Malcolm, we really need One Nation to work woty the other freedom parties this federal election. The only thing that matters is 6 Senators by the freedom parties collectively.
The issue is he thinks his plans are the best path Australia should take and there is no convincing him or his ego otherwise.
The “smart meters” are a rort, they need to go too
Both sides of government are working against Australians. It is time for a shift, the smaller conservative parties need to align and set a new course, starting with a Bill of Rights for citizens.
Labor give reluctantly with one hand and take back double with the other.
We have all been taking for a ride.
No but Whitlam went close.
Fingers crossed they’ll all be gone on a little over a month 🤞
I believe this is all part of “managed decline”
Chris Bowen is a Charlatan.
Sack him Albo just to show your not the weak PM we know you are.
What would one nation do..
And more to come
It’s not about anything else other than giving you a rebate so you become reliant on them and vote for them people need to really think about what the labour party is about and how there achieving there goals
Its clear they don’t work for the people and their own country anymore! It’s been this easy for decades! They’ve all sold us out in one way or another! Corrupt traitors the lot! They all need their bank accounts and assets audited
The man is useless and so arrogant ………
Yep force you to go electric everything then hike up the prices
When I see his face, I start to stress, but if I hear him speak all the lies, my stomach hurts.
What happened to a vote of no confidence ??
The power outages in SA regional and metropolitan areas this last week are unacceptable. The absence of locally provided power at base load is showing the renewable energy only concept, cannot cope. The following excuses given by the state ALP excuse peddlers, that the cause was dirty unwashed insulators, it also unbelievable.
Senator Malcolm Roberts I love it when politicians use the word “Mandate” “the people gave us a mandate to do xyz” is their excuse ! Well the people gave you a mandate to fix electricity prices which is one of the reasons they elected you .. election promises should be kept .. and the people gave you a mandate to keep that promise!
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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