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Australia's vaccine regulator, the TGA, received over $45 million from COVID Vaccine manufacturers over the last 5 years.
The TGA receives 93% of their funding from the pharma companies they are meant to be regulating. This is a clear conflict of interest.
Are you going to tell the companies that give you $45 million their product isn't safe?
Call a COVID Royal Commission now!
(TGA FOI 5348)
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It's almost comical how blatant the corruption is. It would be funny if it didn't cause so much suffering.
Again charges need to happen
And here I was thinking the Fed Govt funded all of our "Regulatory" Authorities. 🤬
Absolutely disgusting conflict of interest. Not for the people they are supposed to protect.
This is horrific. Treacherous betrayal.
This corruption must stop, we need a Royal Commission and arrests
No wonder why the censoring us all! Money over our health.....
come on law suits and where do I sign up
The Quickest way to get Rich is Government Deals
This not only happens with Big Pharma but also research funding for Universities and Research Institutions. Where there is conflict of interest, there is no truth. It's an illusion of it, to make you see what they want you to.
We have known this for years and nothing ever happens.
This is disturbing and criminal
It’s criminal what is going on
This needs to stop NOW
No wonder they don't think there's an issue with their 'employers' product.
The board should all be audited.
The country spends billions on foreign aid each year but relies on donations from foreign pharmaceutical companies to keep its TGA a float. What a joke! Time to throw away the TGA’s begging bowl and look after Australia first..,
Senator Reddick needs to show this graph to the TGA directly next time he grills them. Very interested to listen to their responses🙂 .
Follow the money trail,goes all the way to the very top and beyond. Corruption,runs the world.
And they say crime doesn't pay...
Yep, lining their pockets no doubt.
Fark me! You know things are bad, but this is extreme next level jerry springer 💩
Same with animal products. The regulator receives hundreds of millions in fees and commissions from the companies they regulate. I raised this with both Barnaby Joyce (Minister of Ag at the time) and Joel Fitzgibbon (opp Ag Minister) and they both seemed more concerned about protecting the income for whichever government was in power, or hope to be in power. It's a cash cow for government.
Is any of that money filtered through to aprah or do they get their own hush money
As a result of massive overreach, abuse & fraud during western nations’ Covid response, we live in an age when people are waking up
Challenging some sacred cows
Opportunities ahead to vastly improve the quality of all aspects of human life
(Thank you for sharing Larry)
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This article is 7 years old...
This is so interesting, Thankyou Senator Roberts. I’ve been questioning this for a long time trying to understand why our Hospitals back in the 1950’s to 1970’s of my youth were always practically empty except for elderly and new borns to these times where they are bulging at the seams. Now that I am seeing a Doctor who practices Eastern medicine he explained to me Western medicine’s training is to treat you, not cure you, hence he changed his training to Eastern. This all makes sense now.
Business model, all it is is BIG business disguised in the wording of HEALTH CARE.
They have a lot of other businesses with them that live by the mantra... To Cure Is Not Profitable To Treat Is Outcome Is Not Of Priority
Must have a Royal Commission, no matter who is culpable, they must be bought to account.
That question says it all doesn't it? If this is their adopted ethos, do we trust their "business model" no way.
Perhaps instead of funnelling billions of taxpayer dollars into them for research without any return we should OFFER those billions for some actual results!!!! No results, no money! Just like the rest of us working stiffs. I don't know just a thought.
Its so obvious, as we advance, medicine should be shrinking as we know more, but its expanding because cures don't make money. Health and medicine shouldn't be a business to make money.
It's all big pharma moto
😐 not surprised at all.
Hmmmm...Orwell was right or are we looking at Soliant Green 🤔
Of course it isn't,,,if u want to make money ,,,,be like Pfizer, haven't cured a thing in 150 yrs
Legislate the health and medical sector to be strictly not for profit
This must be complicated by the concept of voluntary euthanasia.
Quote from my friend who owns a retail store ..." i got the jabs because I'm a smoker and I can't afford to get sick " I asked, " was this advice from your Dr " Reply, " yes " I nearly fell out of the car laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tell me again how much money these doctors pay to be ' trained '
Translated :- Is making patients SICK, a sustainable business model ?
Nothing g to do with this but the uk gov just said no a inquiry into gang raps polical suicide
one of the things I have been questioning for years, well before the COVID saga, is the ever-increasing WAITING LIST for surgical procedures all over Australia,
Guess who now works for them , the Former Treasurer Josh Freudenberg
That has been the Big Pharma Mantra for Decades when they Combined with the Tobacco industry and Now it can Only get Worse now that they are Linked in with the Food Industry 😡😡😡
Goldman Sachs, jews again ! Turnbulls mob. Money is their god and always will be.
Pretty sure it will be a great business model if it involves them or their loved ones. These people are sociopaths
The Albanese Government's COVID review panel is a "toothless tiger made to whitewash everything".
👉 Every witness at the Senate inquiry UNANIMOUSLY supports a full Royal Commission!
👉 The PM promised a Royal Commission before the 2022 election and has now backflipped!
👉 70% of Australians support a Royal Commission!
Why choose a limited review when Australians deserve to know the truth about: ✖️ Secret health advice ✖️ Vaccine mandates ✖️ World's longest lockdowns
Australians want real answers, not cover-ups.
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Albo is the most pathetic Leader I have seen in my lifetime , unfortunately The opposition is just as pathetic
So many of our so called ‘leaders’ should be in jail for what they did 😡
Don’t expect criminals to convict them self, that’s why there’s no investigation.
I still can't believe people voted for this imbecile.
How about we vote not to keep them, pay them or give them free flights etc when they leave the job just like in any other job this will save us millions of dollars. They are still able to get a job overseas if they want.
This is just cementing there will be a change of government next election. It just means when the liberals get in they can bury the truth even deeper! The longer it takes, the easier it becomes for those who are culpable to slink off and hide. Some of them already have!
I expected nothing less from this evil dictatorship !!
Until people wake up and start voting differently, ie the two majors at the bottom of their ballot, the wake up will never happen, Btw my kids have gotten savy about the two major party BS. The greens are always last on the ballot. Stuff communisism. Vote one Nation, AUP, Senator Renicks new Party. Then the best of the worst two parties.
Albo the Liar does it again.. the magnificent Seven senators work their guts out only to get told.. I will have to put that on notice delaying and costing more money.. labor and the Greens are a disgrace to Australia and should be charged for treason.
The more they try to hide the facts the more they look like criminals trying to protect themselves.
I wonder is Peter Dutton is brave enough to call for, or establish a Royal Commission into the Covid pandemic?
What would we expect 🤔 I don't understand we are an island just should have stopped travelling overseas and stopped anyone coming into Australia and we could have just left the country open for us all
About time promises made by parties, and independent nominees as representatives of the sovereign people of Australia are required by law to sign a written contract stating their promises and policies and countersigned by the representative of the sovereign people of Australia, the Governor General of Australia. This would be a binding contract if elected, and any breach of that contract dealt with through the judicial system as reported by the Governor General. This would bring integrity to our elected government to uphold their individual or party honesty or suffer the consequences of prosecution and if found guilty, dismissed from government, and those members with a life ban.
He needs to be gone YESTERDAY!
The same with the Covid enquiry in the UK .. they say it’s so lessons can be learnt like they always say with these enquiries but they never are .. it should really be about prosecutions accountability and consequences!!!
Our governor general also has alot to answer for as, the governor general has allowed albo and Morrison to get away with so much, we have all been lied and bullied, now Australia is in crisis, I would urge albo and his government to hand over the keys well before March 8, as his government has done more than enough damage
We that care are aware,,the rest are to busy struggling to make ends meet to have time to contribute, It’s very poor government of this country since the early 1970’s to present day.
Agreed. A waste of my money. Protecting the political class to continue the two party BS.
As if labor are going to look into their own behalf over Covid. All but one state was under lockdown by labor.
I think his about turn on royal commission may have had something to do with $$$$ with a sea view ⛵
What investigative buracracy isn't in this country. ICAC was the latest to show us just how corupt they all are sadly.
It was always planned to be covered up, it's obviously not in their interests to have a royal commission. Seems most of what they try to do is in their interest rather than what the people want.
What I want is recall petitions to all politicians who lie and fail to represent the people. Would let the people decide how to deal with this. How about putting that into parliamenmt. You will soon see which politician's actually represent the people. But i doubt you'd even bother
A gutless wonder
Just one of many reasons why Albo will be defeated in a landslide at the next election
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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