Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
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There must be transparency and a specific medical assessment, not just general tests. ... See MoreSee Less
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Yes, I agree. pilots definitely need to be screened more than ever - since mandated into taking the toxic shots.
It was a mandate not federal law, the amount of people who did not put two and two together at the start was phenomenal, the gov is not in the interest of the people
100% it's that bloody wax. Only common denominator.
CASA have relaxed the heart test criteria in light of the pilots being vaccinated. Many would have already been ruled not fit to fly using the old criteria...fact..
What does ' Hoody' have to say about this?
I thought that virtually everyone pilot is now ineligible to fly under CASA rules, as they’ve participated in a medical trial…or something along those lines….
Well done Senator Malcolm Roberts , at least someone’s got our back , and the right pathway to the “Elephant” in the room !
Casa here and the faa in the US had to change the allowable heart rhythm window in pilot medicals after the jab rollout due to almost all of them not passing their medicals due to abnormal heart rhythm.
This is what Graham Hood has been talking about since all this began.
In a perfect World airlines would get savvy and appreciate pure bloods, are worth our weight in gold. Tick tock .... as time goes on, we are, as we already know, more precious than ever. Not just pilots, heavy goods licence holders on our roads need to be replaced, surgeons etc. There is no doubt we are the future. And of course all unvaccinated workers would be at the very least subsidised to receive live blood analysis and when necessary utilise the likes of green light laser, chelation or ozone as required to ensure staff are in tip top shape. Everyday life now sees us exposed to contamination from shedding dependent on time, distance, frequency.
They have no intention of owning up.
That's why I'll never ever fly again..this last 4 years has shown how many died suddenly or have severe heart injuries or strokes,
I am afraid that crossing the pond with 3 fully vaxxed pilots and crew is dangerous .
Was predicted!!!
The problem is as someone who is vaccine injured myself most of the time there is no evidence that this is gonna happen. It’s the spike protein in your blood. I’m also getting tired of hearing how many people have had cardiac arrests in their 20s and 30s and even 40s isn’t acceptable. I know it happened but not at the rates it’s happening today. The medical profession is too scared to help you because they’re worried the government they will then come after them . It’s been one hell of a fight even my workers comp was denied and I work within emergency services when I receive the vaccine it’s been life ruining and now there’s only still minimal help and that’s a few specialist who will stick their neck out who are speaking out but I’m sure they’ll be shut down soon too . I just wish families of those who are having all these cardiac arrest would wonder why rather than be annoyed at anyone that could suggest it could be related . Even I’m scared driving my car I make sure the children know how to stop it if an emergency happens now imagine having to worry about that kind of thing. It wasn’t anything I worried about before I was fit and healthy
They really don’t want people flying anymore. Crashes, near misses, emergency landings, terror plots are the new normal!
Exactly, we have to look into it, it's why no one talks about the massive increase in near miss aviation 'incidents' .....Keep fighting Senator Roberts💪
I smell a very large criminal suite
Never happen, it'll just open up a can of worms , they can't afford to let the cat out of the bag at any cost.
It looks like Ann Krieg has removed her comments. If Ann was a not here to agitate people she would know Malcolm has already asked CASA and the Minister about testing pilots for specifics like inflammation of the heart from spike protein.
If you want to restrict air travel in the future, not a bad outcome
Absolutely 💯 % , it is a very real safety concern ,,
I have noticed in recent years that there has been an alarming amount of small aircraft falling from the sky. I suspect, with no other pilots aboard that in some cases there might be a 'medical' reason for that to happen. I mentioned my suspicion to a friend who is involved in aircraft accident investigations, and while he didn't {couldn't} comment directly, he did say that they had an extraordinary amount of work that doesn't diminish for the last few years.
Not sure why the laughing emoji.. some think safety is a laughing matter
This will be a disaster for airlines!
The claim that solar and wind energy are cheaper because the wind and sun are free is not supported by the evidence. In reality, adding more solar and wind to the grid increases electricity costs. The reason is straightforward: while the wind and sun are free, the infrastructure—wind turbines, solar panels, backup batteries, 15,000 kilometers of extra transmission lines, and access roads—is very expensive to produce, transport, install, and maintain.
Unlike modern coal or nuclear power plants that last 60 years, solar panels, wind turbines and backup batteries only last 15 years. The $1.9 trillion investment will only get us to 2050. After that, every 15 years, solar and wind infrastructure will need to be replaced at a cost of hundreds of billions more.
This madness must end!
One Nation will abolish the federal department of climate change along with all related agencies and programs, including net zero measures and mandates.
This will return $30 billion a year to the Treasury, contributing to One Nation's pledge to reduce $80 billion plus in government spending in our first term.
More importantly, it will put billions of dollars back into the pockets of Australians and businesses, making everything more affordable. That's how we solve the cost-of-living crisis.
It's time to end the net zero scam. One Nation will make it happen.
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We need to end this expensive green agenda, energy prices are a joke , with a country so rich in coal our energy prices should be the the most affordable in the world, instead it is an absolute joke ,
End net zero. Biggest lie ever!
What are we paying politicians for - they are never present in parliament . Senator Roberts of the only intelligent senators they have ever had and no one is there to listen.
Here Here Mr Roberts , keep hounding these corporate employee,s masquerading as a legitimate government , they are all sellouts of Australia,s wealth and resources to enrich themselves and their corporate employers
Coming soon - NBN style failed government infrastructure fiasco v2 The nuclear project. We need to go nuclear but these governments couldn't run a bath and would fail at building a nuclear power station under an unlimited budget
Water is free Look how expensive that is
If wind is so good, why aren't they replacing the ones in Western Victoria, and, if they aren't worth replacing when they already have all the expensive infrastructure in place. How is it viable at all to install them where there is no infrastructure at all ??? And in that instance, we are talking units based on dry land ! Putting them 30kms off shore can't be cheaper????
Solar is a scam. We have a 6kw system and 72 panels. Our electricity bills are approx $700 per quarter (2 ppl) and the rebate is $65. Doesn’t even cover the GST.
Sending the country broke 🤯
Give this man a real job by supporting him in the election so he can gain the power to make Australia great again by draining the billabong of swamp creatures we call government.
Need to get rid of albo and Peter is no better.
The great con is wind and sun is free. Physics says no.
Translation: The corporations that sponsor us are heavily invested in fossil fuels and mining.
Gas appliances helped many people survive power outages during cyclone Alfred . Going all electric is plain stupid. Solar and wind don’t work during cyclones either. Time to bring common sense back .
everything has become so absurd, it has become downright ridiculous
Very expensive coal is pushing the price of electricity up. This is made worse because coal can not match the variation in the demand for electricity over 24 hours.
Thank you, Senator Malcolm Roberts, for all your hard work and everything you are doing.
The only people who gain from this are the companies that install them and then are subsidised by the taxpayer. A environmental disaster is looming due to greed and BS.
One Nation only winer
Coal is free too The cost comes getting it
Also wondering how this will work in the last week in qld and nsw
We just need a One Nation candidate in our electorate. Where do your preferences go??
So if war broke out and we have a nuclear power plant are we more vulnerable because of damage that would be caused if nuclear plants are targeted???? I am asking because I don't know and feel the potential nstability of nuclear power is a mistake that would cost more than money.
Don't let them do it is all evil
Yes I believe that coal is the cheapest way to produce electricity. And secure long term future of our great nation. Alternate sources of energy and tech, will be support, for the energy plan, but the core of Electricity production must be coal for now. Due to the conflict in Europe Most of eu have abandoned the 0 emission goals. Government should encourage installation of solar panels on all homes wherever feasible, but to rely on wind solar batteries is madness, as added measures we should look up to Norway for best practice and apply into gas infrastructure petroleum production refining and self sustaining and sustainable development and production. Not sell off resources energy gas petroleum to foreign consortium and recieve pittance in return.
There's $90 billion (and more) a year being spent on departments, agencies and programs that make life harder and more expensive for Australians.
One Nation will cut that $90 billion in waste and duplication and put $40 billion back in Australians pockets with instant cost of living relief.
One Nation will use the remaining $50 billion to pay down debt and build visionary infrastructure like the Northern Rail Crossing that will keep Australia wealthy for a hundred years.
The choice is clear, with your vote One Nation will serve Australians.
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Will you put a end to Politicians Salary for life after their term, so they just go get a normal job like everyone else?
Down size. No more admin bs. No more expensive green push. Stop wasting our money and resources
If only everyone would vote for you and drop the majors....
It would be great if one Nation gets in for serious change. Seriously thought 3 years ago would have seen a change for this but we got Labour with 30 percent vote which is not right if 70 percent of the population did not vote Labor.
Can you also make sure we have less politicians. Our ratio is way too high
And pensioners can't live with what they get so what is going to be 🤔🤔
Investigate, investigate, investigate. The tip of an iceberg. 4.7 Trillion paid to no names in the US out of the working peoples health a/c. How much here.
Vote them all out Local state and federal
Also need councils to reduce spending to cut rate bills by 90%
DEI is a university subject that needs to be axed. It has caused many children to turn against their parents and turned them from innocent and tolerant young adults into angry and self-loathing feminists. It gives students no tangible skills for their futures and only furthers leftist agendas, which has NO ROLE in universities - the place where free thinking and debate started.
If only the system allowed you to!
Gotta love the way One Nation puts Australians first and does not Prioritise Pandering To Non Elected Overseas Organisations as a steppingstone for future employment !!
You have my vote and I'm convincing people I meet to vote for you or anyone not associated with the greens, Labor or the LNP, BOTTOM FEEDERS! Get the LNP to understand that Australians are sick of leftist woke ideologies. If they choose not to form govt with the common sense parties and make an alliance with the left, we'll know what to do at the following election. Let's get rid of the 2 party state!
Vote for a real man into government Vote One Nation
You need to teach the Aussie public how to vote , as in we’re the preference go , as of the last election labour got in with only 30% of the votes , really need to do a campaign that shows the Aussie public, as a lot of voters thought they were voting for an independent but it went to labour anyway this really needs to be made transparent for the voter other wise there will be no change
If only people would wake up and vote for u
Yep fix this country
WA's mineral resource belong to WA, not Queensland. We will not give them to you.
Australians have to stand up or be trodden into the ground by our very own Govts
One nation all the way
Pensioners should unite as 1 and don't vote Labor greens teals Liberals Nationals give One Nation a go what have we got to loose cant be worse than what's been dished out for the last decade and beyond
All politicians are corrupt
So nice to hear that a party has an actual plan that goes beyond mud slinging and name calling.
What will happen to the redundant beuracats.
Malcom how these labour or libs acountble for what comes of there mouth. Or there lips are moving they lieing or can get some body to body language they would not come on the 6oclock news
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

The Future is Digital Says Westpac CEO
Australia Needs Independent Drug Scrutiny — the TGA is Compromised
COVID, National, Senate Estimates
TGA is Risking Your Health to Act as a Sales Agent for Big Pharma
National, Senate Estimates
Is the Referendum Rigged? Watch this
Event: International Men’s Day (QLD)
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s Fight
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