Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
One Nation will save $90 billion in waste and abuse and put $40 billion directly back in your pocket, pay down our national debt and build the infrastructure that our children's children will benefit from.
One Nation has a vision for the country that will see all Australians succeed.
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From an Aussie living in NZ Please please back this new party it’s the ONLY way to implement the complete change needed! I doubt there’ll ever be a time when a political party is capable of pleasing all the people all the time BUT What we should ALL be able to agree on by now is that TOTAL CHANGE Is desperately needed
How about no income tax at all... The royalties from all our resources (that the grUBs have given away for almost nothing in return, or pay taxes) would be more than enough for each Australian... The Commonwealth of Australia.../ We the people.. it's our assets that they are stealing... People don't understand our constitution and how much power we the people have...
We need more millionaire standing up in politics
This is where change starts
Australia should focus more on rearmament. Australia needs to sustain and defend itself in times of war.
A landslide for everything that is good. After the elections.They can't con us anymore. Come on Aussie come on.
Here here! 👏🏽
Still waiting for the free holiday in Tassie for everyone
We hate the other to party’s time for a huge. Change
I'll believe it when I see it
It’s a bit hard if the elections are rigged
I'm going to need a bigger pocket.
Our 'taxpayer dollars' are so disrespected by our public government servants 🙄
One. Nation all the way, Useless labor mafia, idiot greenies have to be removed from parliament…
Decision boils down to uniparty you get cbdc and everything in your national trusted digital identity fancy crypto wallet stolen, everything the identity 'owns' Or vote one nation for no cbdc and no theft of everything the identity owns.
How have we got national debt when that clown thinks were pulling defacets...are these cunts all on the glass barbie
One Nation Party for the win 👍
Johannes Leak nails it - again
🎯 & 😂
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Australia had Tarriffs, whole tax, sales TAX ,import duties. Etc. Paul Keating axed some of them.
Just stick the tariffs paperwork up ya and light it at least you would blow the shit out
New medical condition that is fatal to Politicians - CO2 Derangement Syndrome
Malcolm Ieuan Roberts ·apparently you wanted the Hate Speech Bill to include Under 14s yet you Abstained from voting!. So your true colors were you must have been in favor of it Please Explain????
Anyone that actually knows anything about Co2 knows this is a huge scam designed to separate people from their meagre funds.
Dumb and dumber!
Sewer dwellers.
Australian should be the richest country in the world and it can be again with One Nation's plan to put more money back in your pocket.
Whether it's 26 cents a litre on fuel, $9,500 to families with joint tax filing, reducing power prices by 20% or any other one of our policies, we've made sure they are costed and compensated in the budget with savings from waste and duplication.
From our news conference in Cairns just before we officially launched the One Nation Queensland Senate Campaign.
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We have just joined One Nation, we need, no Australia demands more people like Malcolm to protect Australians way of life. Remember the saying, she'll be right mate. Well One Nation will bring that back. God bless Australia and my His spirit fill our land and throw out all those who reject the Australian way of life.
We need you more than ever 👌
Doing a great job keep up the good work Senator Roberts
Vote one nation
Love your common sense approach and dedication to Australian citizens. One of the very few politicians I have any respect for.
Senator Malcolm Roberts Why doesn't the government impose tariffs on America, or is this government too weak to stand up to the US.🤔🤔
I heard many years ago from someone that income tax was originally introduced as temporary measure to obtain funds so our Australian military could fight in the First World War to defend Mother England. The story goes like this that once the Government got it’s grubby little hands of such high swathes of finance they have been digging deeper and deeper into the pockets of the Australian Tax payer but the icing on the cake comes when this story says that because this taxation measure was made under a state of emergency which is also temporary within itself and for that reason the legislation was never signed into law through Parliament or Gazetted. As I said I don’t know how factual this story is but it certainly makes a good story. It would make an even better movie! So the long and short of it all is this! If anyone out can add to this and produce the necessary links that could either verify or deny the authenticity of this that would be amazing. All the best you team of political researchers.
If you were Leader of party I believe you would have more votes. While I admire Pauline and strength she shows Australians have no faith in her ability to rule. We love your ideas for our economy etc etc and I will definitely vote One Nation first!
Agree 100%. With that Peter. 👍
Abolish personal income tax
The Inconvenient TRUTH. There has been no lawfully appointed Government since Federation, thanks to Western Australia, they were the last state to join the Federation before our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 was proclaimed and Gazetted. Here is why. this research was carried out By Wayne Glew, one of the most conversant people on the laws contained in the above constitution. Before Federation, there were only 6 colonies of England here. And when they became States at federation they had in place their individual Constitutions brought forward from their previous Status as Colonies. Queen Victoria set these Constitutions under her letters patents, which means that only a Monarch re: Herself before her death could alter them or remove them, and those monarchs of England after her gained that privilege while they were on the throne of England. and at present it is King Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who Holds these letters patents. So, Western Australia removed 32 Clauses from their original Constitution prior to Federation, without approval from Queen Victoria, thus breaching the Letters patent and thus annulled Western Australia as a lawful State Entity. Therefore, instead of there being 6 Lawful States at Federation, There were only 5 lawful States. Now when you read the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted, to hold a Federal Election it clearly says that the candidates must be picked from the 6 States of the Commonwealth, But we only have 5 Lawful States at federation, so! Therefore there could not be an election held to form a Federal Government from then until now as there must be 6 lawful States involved in a Federal Election. So the provision to hold Elections for the Federal Parliament was breached. s. 128 of our 1901 Constitution says that the only way our Constitution can be altered is through s.128 via a referendum. But even if there was a referendum it would be invalid because only a Monarch can Change the letters patent. Since Federation all the States have removed their original Constitutions under letters patents without the Consent of our Monarchs since federation. Therefore there are no Lawful State Legislatures or Federal Legislatures. All sit in treason. Also, these unlawful Legislatures sign up to many foreign powers without asking the people via s.128. And by doing so they breached s 44 of the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted, and also clause 5 of the preamble to our constitution. there are no such entities as governments, prime ministers, premiers, chief ministers or Magistrates, and the ACT and the Northern Territory do not exist in Constitutional law, there had to be referendums carried out for those possibilities. so they both sit in treason of our Constitution. There is much more evidence of treachery and treason folks. Many thanks for reading we need to take our Country back. It follows that if we accept the above as fact and can be proven via research and documentation, then How to vote becomes redundant, pointless, unless of course the population at large want to continue to contribute to their own demise and end up in total slavery. Following this path of self destruction is inevitable if that path is followed. An old military tactic is simple in construction, deprive the enemy of supply, that supply being votes, which equals cash ,which equals power, it then becomes just a matter of time, with enough pressure that the enemy will fail in their objective. The enemy are criminal frauds, Cartels, deprive them of supply and we are on the track to victory. Oh and message to those on the east coast, remember who supplies 48% of the wealth to this nation, getting involved in West Coast affairs isn't wise, especially as the east side of Australia can't even fix its own messes up, ie All eastern states are a mess, Victoria especially. Pay attention to the above information, because if you are not part of the solution, you sure are part of the problem.
Your page is growing Malcolm. Well done, keep up the good work.
We need to hold the deeds to the homes we have paid for. What can your party do about that? Noone is talking about this.
I think the UN and WEF have different ideas for Australia
Is Senator Roberts a Freemason?
You going to be able to pay LNPs decade of debt aswell..massive up until covid then grew more
Well done you have my it's critical
One Nations policies are fair and looking after the everyday Aussie's hip pocket. I'm voting One Nation !
Best of luck. Good folks badly needed. Folks who KNOW what is going on in Australia, especially 100K's ++ from the tram tracks.
Go Malcom you legend
How about we just get rid of the government entirely and start again new... problem solved.
Watch the areas these politicians go and where they stay is it to avoid the 5G towers as they know what's going on its genocidal bipartisan support agenda laws and bilateral agreements forced on this earth
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Greedy Banks abandon the bush
Bills go up $1,150 a month under Labor
How much is getting invented for $4.5 billion?
Huge Immigration numbers causing rental crisis
Pelvic mesh victims held to ransom by Labor
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s Fight
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