Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Governments have forgotten that their first obligation is to Australians and no-one else.
No more UN control, no more foreign ownership of our homes, no more international agreements stealing our sovereignty!
It's time Australians were put before unelected foreign bureaucrats! One Nation stands firm - AUSTRALIANS FIRST!
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- Comments: 109
You have my vote.
How about pushing for a royalty increase in gas and iron ore. We've wasted 20 years of a minerals boom which could've cleared our record debt. The royalty rate is exceptionally low and a bad deal for Australians.
“They didn’t forget—they chose. Prioritizing global interests over Australians wasn’t a mistake, it was deliberate.”
Referendum to remove ourselves from the commonwealth, create a new constitution preventing prozzy pollys from being able to serve anybody else's needs but our own
Is it true that the certificate the titles office hands over to us when mortgage is paid of in full is not the crown title that our parents received stamped with the crown seal, and is it true that the certificate is really a type of paid in full lease and that is why we have to get council approvel to remove dangerous trees. Or put a bore hole down, because when my husband and l bought our property over twenty years ago getting a small loan to cover stamp duty and the bit we needed to loan, we worked all our lives to own our own piece of land and home, now retired and semi retired, could you tell us have we slaved our lives paying taxes contributing to a better future for nothing.
Senator I agree with what you guys are trying to do! But australia is not run by Australians you know this we are run by big businessoverseas! We where convicts 200+yrs ago and we are convicts now!
Totally agree.
Hear, hear.
Yes Amen
Keep fighting thankyou
Get us away from UN and globalists you have my vote
I support you Senator Malcolm Roberts
Spot on Malcolm.
Totally agree
They never forgot their obligation of putting Australians first, because we never were an obligation to them! We never factored into their backhanded pocket lining schemes at all! Facts!!! 🙅♂️
You have got it ✅️
You have my and my family’s vote as well
With you in that mate.
It seems to have been all done on purpose.
I TRULY HOPE millions of people vote for you
Thank you Malcolm Keep the Australian dream Alive I’m voting your way
No more false grubernments Senator Malcolm Roberts The Inconvenient TRUTH. There has been no lawfully appointed Government since Federation, thanks to Western Australia, they were the last state to join the Federation before our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 was proclaimed and Gazetted. Here is why. this research was carried out By Wayne Glew, one of the most conversant people on the laws contained in the above constitution. Before Federation, there were only 6 colonies of England here. And when they became States at federation they had in place their individual Constitutions brought forward from their previous Status as Colonies. Queen Victoria set these Constitutions under her letters patents, which means that only a Monarch re: Herself before her death could alter them or remove them, and those monarchs of England after her gained that privilege while they were on the throne of England. and at present it is King Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who Holds these letters patents. So, Western Australia removed 32 Clauses from their original Constitution prior to Federation, without approval from Queen Victoria, thus breaching the Letters patent and thus annulled Western Australia as a lawful State Entity. Therefore, instead of there being 6 Lawful States at Federation, There were only 5 lawful States. Now when you read the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted, to hold a Federal Election it clearly says that the candidates must be picked from the 6 States of the Commonwealth, But we only have 5 Lawful States at federation, so! Therefore there could not be an election held to form a Federal Government from then until now as there must be 6 lawful States involved in a Federal Election. So the provision to hold Elections for the Federal Parliament was breached. s. 128 of our 1901 Constitution says that the only way our Constitution can be altered is through s.128 via a referendum. But even if there was a referendum it would be invalid because only a Monarch can Change the letters patent. Since Federation all the States have removed their original Constitutions under letters patents without the Consent of our Monarchs since federation. Therefore there are no Lawful State Legislatures or Federal Legislatures. All sit in treason. Also, these unlawful Legislatures sign up to many foreign powers without asking the people via s.128. And by doing so they breached s 44 of the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted, and also clause 5 of the preamble to our constitution. there are no such entities as governments, prime ministers, premiers, chief ministers or Magistrates, and the ACT and the Northern Territory do not exist in Constitutional law, there had to be referendums carried out for those possibilities. so they both sit in treason of our Constitution. There is much more evidence of treachery and treason folks. Many thanks for reading we need to take our Country back. It follows that if we accept the above as fact and can be proven via research and documentation, then How to vote becomes redundant, pointless, unless of course the population at large want to continue to contribute to their own demise and end up in total slavery. Following this path of self destruction is inevitable if that path is followed. An old military tactic is simple in construction, deprive the enemy of supply, that supply being votes, which equals cash ,which equals power, it then becomes just a matter of time, with enough pressure that the enemy will fail in their objective. The enemy are criminal frauds, Cartels, deprive them of supply and we are on the track to victory. Oh and message to those on the east coast, remember who supplies 48% of the wealth to this nation, getting involved in West Coast affairs isn't wise, especially as the east side of Australia can't even fix its own messes up, ie All eastern states are a mess, Victoria especially. Pay attention to the above information, because if you are not part of the solution, you sure are part of the problem.
Who would belief that more than one government sell their own country’s rights. To a foreign organisation .
Fully agree
I never see you speaking up against the government eroding our right to have firearms. Thats the nutbag UN
Since COVID, we have discovered that the measures implemented, such as school closures, lockdowns, business closures, masking and social distancing, were not based on research. Our decision-makers knew at the time that there was no justification for these actions. The lockdowns weren't about protecting lives, they were based on a single criteria - control.
This documentary - Lockdown Kids: How to Break a Generation - examines the disastrous outcomes of these measures—outcomes that our “health authorities” were unaware of because no research was ever conducted into the adverse outcomes.
The stories of lives lost and suffering is heartbreaking. I wonder if anyone who promoted these measures will bother watching this documentary. I doubt it!
One Nation believes that this catastrophic level of harm and loss of life due to reckless decision-makers demands a Royal Commission.
The government must be held accountable.
Watch episodes here: senroberts.com/4kQWC8q
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Government need to be held accountable for thier action esp massively botched policy like covid was
Yep, our government system gives control to, somehow a few people to make decisions without morals or conscience or repercussions for the actions they take. Private enterprise, the Business would be in court for same actions. Either government is corrupted or the Australian legal system is. Just my view.
Governments need to be jailed for this
The re strictive measures, police brutality etc of Daniel Andrews has to be accounted for, plus all who agreed with him. Not only that Senator the firms, companies , employers who enforced those rules have to answer also
There used to be a time when only the sick were quarantined. They should have done that. 😡
The worse part is that those responsible couldn't care less.
I want compo for my job and the damage
Job losses, careers ruined?
The politicians didn't get the Vax but was forced upon us, that is disgusting as they forced the Covid vaccine mandates on the rest of Australia should be a Royal Commision.
Of course nothing will get done politicians kill people in cold blood the cops there law system judges you name it don't do a thing. They just let the politician walk away and live happily ever. After with their massive political retirement package the taxpayer gives them and should never be given to any politician. You get voted out. You lose your job. You get nothing go back to work like every day person does. 
Roberts was a Senator when all this was going on now wants to rave on about it
and red dan got a medal should have got jail
There never was any evidence to lock us down
Senator Malcolm Roberts: One thing I have not seen anywhere else - perhaps because it is the truth of the matter.. - is this: Various state and territory governments took advisement from international /overseas medical institutions and in some cases from organizations' personnel who had zero medical training and expertise. a). In the case of overseas qualified medicos. Those same medicos would not be able to practice medicine in Australia without further and additional training. So why did our medicos and 'authorities eg, TGA, take their advice? b). In the case of WHO management /CEO etc who are not medical people at all, taking them as authoritative sources on actions under Australian jurisdiction then becomes a matter of gross medical negligence (Med. Neg.). c). Our medical authorities have significant facilities at their disposal in the case of serious or potentially serious public health concerns, such as the IMVS, Universities, large Public Hospitals research departments, even the CSIRO and private labs. NONE of which was done by our so called health professionals. That alone makes them culpable outright. d). Every State and Territory Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is culpable of this. They failed their Duty of Care in every instance, they failed their pecuniary liabilities and they failed their public office. This makes them criminally culpable and they should be arrested and charged with such offences. A case in point for Public Officers are the 6 Geologists in Italy who went to jail for failing to advise the government there of impending earthquakes of which they had reasonable expectation of occurring.. and they did and people died. They failed their public office. The principle is the same. They were paid by the state and FAILED to take reasonable actions to ascertain the actual threat level, failed to do ANY research on the matter at hand and relied exclusively on medical authorities who would not be able to hold license under Australian [medical] jurisdiction.
If covid vaccine was saving lives then why am I and others waiting years for surgery as we can die with our complex damages ??? They didn’t want to give me surgery but told me I need the vaccine if I want to get a dr or surgery !!!!!!!!!!! Shove that in there faces !!! Tired of the bs .
Unbelievable, these who get paid by Australian people did this knowingly. The governments are out of hand. Instead of voting for the two majors, people should be looking at something else
So many cancer diagnosis and heart attacks since then? ...my TV tells me it's from climate change?
The Government does not care. They will not be held to account.. Evil people.
Why all these characters in the movie didn’t join the people’s protests in the streets? They knew about them, without a doubt. I took part in eleven of them. Yet at no one time I had a “panic attack”. Because I knew, what’s right, and what’s wrong. And I stood up for what’s right. Along with many others. The stand doesn’t give you much time for a “panic attack”, trust me.
Pavlov’s Dogs experiment on steroids.. Royal Commission with teeth required !
Sad as it ! Many people were suffering and couldn’t live that lifestyle anymore, so who is going to take responsibility here first this ? Who ? government politicians on all sides should be jailed . Bring back capital punishment!!!
It was about control and testing compliance
Scotty Osborne Talia Osborne
Covid was fake . But now governments no now that they can twist everybody around the little finger a for the next Pandemic being developed in China
Cairns and North Queensland produce so much for the state but are FORGOTTEN by liberal & labor in Brisbane and Canberra.
Time for a change #OneNation
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It’s not just regional Queensland that’s been forgotten it’s all regional areas right across Australia.
Anywhere above Brisbane is forgotten
We work away from our families and we're taxed so much. It's absolutely disgraceful!
Yes 👍 But we’ve no big thinking in Parliament
Yep that's why we wanted Qld cut in half to stop all our money going to the bit down the bottom end.
Queensland is predominantly the food bowl of Australia's food security now. Most people have little idea where their food is grown.
That’s because in their mind anything past Rockhampton doesn’t exist,
southern regional in drought people having to buy water if this was CHINA the govt would reroute northern flood water to interior then down south would never be in drought again ,pity there is not many votes in rural areas ,joe in qld
Unfortunately people can't see past liberal and Labor. They choose to be blind to any alternatives, which are what we seriously need in this country right now. Liberal and Labor have destroyed this country, and the dumb arse people choose to not trust the alternatives. I really hope you have success at this election.
It is the same in NSW, the seem to think it stands for Newcastle Sydney Wollongong.
So is the Sunshine Coast
Senator Roberts, I think you need to have a look at the Queensland firearms registry not hanging out permits as they believe high calibre rifles are about to be banned, the police are out of touch here, they are just following what has happened in Western Australia, cheers mate and good luck
Throw your support behind Trumpet of Patriots. Unite the smaller parties.
Malcolm Senator Malcolm Roberts…could you please explain to me how to vote so that the preferences actually go to who you vote for please…. I realise that there are only 2 major parties and that all the independents can’t form office…such as liberal or labour…but to get the independents of your choice in to make those in at the top accountable is so important…in saying that I do not mean for teals or the greens…I’m totally against both of those …could you pm me on this issue please
Time for a Split ! "The State of "North" Queensland" With North Queensland,s own Parliament
Absolutely 💯
Yes ..not important enough..
Yes That’d be great
You had a representative up their but one nation screwed him over and preferenced LNP over him and as a direct result of that he lost his seat to LNP. You lot are full of crap 💩
Are you taking the leadership from Pauline?
Malcolm you keep saying the coastal part of Queensland produces everything that is straight out wrong. 90% comes from Land on the western side of the great dividing range. Ring that one up in your next meeting and see if we can get something done about hospitals schools roads that's just a start see how you go. 
Me to
Nth QLD forgotten just like OneNation forgot to vote on the hate speech laws. Plenty of other freedom fighter parties
The highway of death needs an upgrade.
The elites made sure that it was flooded to destroy the great food bowl…getting ready for the next planned COVID…or similar!🤬
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Iron Boomerang: A real nation building project
Infrastructure, Senate Estimates
Why is CASA changing the cardiac health guidelines for pilots?
Senate Estimates
RBA creates inflation by printing money out of thin air
Senate Estimates
Bogged Snowy 2.0 in a hole lot of trouble
Senate Estimates
Who’s going to keep the lights on?
Senate EstimatesMEDIA RELEASES
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s Fight
- April 2022
- Assets
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- Climate Change
- Digital Identity Bill
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- Foreign Ownership
- Hybrid Bradfield
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- May/June 2021
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- Murray Darling Basin
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- October 2021
- October 2023
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- Property Rights
- Queensland
- Senate Estimates
- Senate Inquiry Public Hearings
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- United Nations
- Water