Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
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Cairns and North Queensland produce so much for the state but are FORGOTTEN by liberal & labor in Brisbane and Canberra.
Time for a change #OneNation
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It’s not just regional Queensland that’s been forgotten it’s all regional areas right across Australia.
Anywhere above Brisbane is forgotten
Queensland is predominantly the food bowl of Australia's food security now. Most people have little idea where their food is grown.
Yep that's why we wanted Qld cut in half to stop all our money going to the bit down the bottom end.
Yes 👍 But we’ve no big thinking in Parliament
I'm voting One Nation
southern regional in drought people having to buy water if this was CHINA the govt would reroute northern flood water to interior then down south would never be in drought again ,pity there is not many votes in rural areas ,joe in qld
We work away from our families and we're taxed so much. It's absolutely disgraceful!
Unfortunately people can't see past liberal and Labor. They choose to be blind to any alternatives, which are what we seriously need in this country right now. Liberal and Labor have destroyed this country, and the dumb arse people choose to not trust the alternatives. I really hope you have success at this election.
That’s because in their mind anything past Rockhampton doesn’t exist,
It is the same in NSW, the seem to think it stands for Newcastle Sydney Wollongong.
So is the Sunshine Coast
Senator Roberts, I think you need to have a look at the Queensland firearms registry not hanging out permits as they believe high calibre rifles are about to be banned, the police are out of touch here, they are just following what has happened in Western Australia, cheers mate and good luck
Malcolm Senator Malcolm Roberts…could you please explain to me how to vote so that the preferences actually go to who you vote for please…. I realise that there are only 2 major parties and that all the independents can’t form office…such as liberal or labour…but to get the independents of your choice in to make those in at the top accountable is so important…in saying that I do not mean for teals or the greens…I’m totally against both of those …could you pm me on this issue please
Throw your support behind Trumpet of Patriots. Unite the smaller parties.
Absolutely 💯
Yes ..not important enough..
Yes That’d be great
You had a representative up their but one nation screwed him over and preferenced LNP over him and as a direct result of that he lost his seat to LNP. You lot are full of crap 💩
Are you taking the leadership from Pauline?
Malcolm you keep saying the coastal part of Queensland produces everything that is straight out wrong. 90% comes from Land on the western side of the great dividing range. Ring that one up in your next meeting and see if we can get something done about hospitals schools roads that's just a start see how you go. 
Nth QLD forgotten just like OneNation forgot to vote on the hate speech laws. Plenty of other freedom fighter parties
The highway of death needs an upgrade.
The elites made sure that it was flooded to destroy the great food bowl…getting ready for the next planned COVID…or similar!🤬
Backing one nation All the way both of them need the boot. We're sick of therm
How’s this for a team - a great event to launch the QLD Senate team in Cairns last night.
All of Queensland will get the representation it deserve with One Nation.
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Has my vote. Tired of Liberals and labor parties all they do is argue with each other. Instead of doing anything constructive for what is left, of the once, The Lucky Country. Hard to believe how the two major parties have systematically destroyed Australia they should be held accountable as traitors and treasonous criminals they are. Rot in prison.
Need you running this country
Great people,you have my vote .
The Inconvenient TRUTH. There has been no lawfully appointed Government since Federation, thanks to Western Australia, they were the last state to join the Federation before our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 was proclaimed and Gazetted. Here is why. this research was carried out By Wayne Glew, one of the most conversant people on the laws contained in the above constitution. Before Federation, there were only 6 colonies of England here. And when they became States at federation they had in place their individual Constitutions brought forward from their previous Status as Colonies. Queen Victoria set these Constitutions under her letters patents, which means that only a Monarch re: Herself before her death could alter them or remove them, and those monarchs of England after her gained that privilege while they were on the throne of England. and at present it is King Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who Holds these letters patents. So, Western Australia removed 32 Clauses from their original Constitution prior to Federation, without approval from Queen Victoria, thus breaching the Letters patent and thus annulled Western Australia as a lawful State Entity. Therefore, instead of there being 6 Lawful States at Federation, There were only 5 lawful States. Now when you read the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and Gazetted, to hold a Federal Election it clearly says that the candidates must be picked from the 6 States of the Commonwealth, But we only have 5 Lawful States at federation, so! Therefore there could not be an election held to form a Federal Government from then until now as there must be 6 lawful States involved in a Federal Election. So the provision to hold Elections for the Federal Parliament was breached. s. 128 of our 1901 Constitution says that the only way our Constitution can be altered is through s.128 via a referendum. But even if there was a referendum it would be invalid because only a Monarch can Change the letters patent. Since Federation all the States have removed their original Constitutions under letters patents without the Consent of our Monarchs since federation. Therefore there are no Lawful State Legislatures or Federal Legislatures. All sit in treason. Also, these unlawful Legislatures sign up to many foreign powers without asking the people via s.128. And by doing so they breached s 44 of the Constitution Act 1901 as proclaimed and gazetted, and also clause 5 of the preamble to our constitution. there are no such entities as governments, prime ministers, premiers, chief ministers or Magistrates, and the ACT and the Northern Territory do not exist in Constitutional law, there had to be referendums carried out for those possibilities. so they both sit in treason of our Constitution. There is much more evidence of treachery and treason folks. Many thanks for reading we need to take our Country back. It follows that if we accept the above as fact and can be proven via research and documentation, then How to vote becomes redundant, pointless, unless of course the population at large want to continue to contribute to their own demise and end up in total slavery. Following this path of self destruction is inevitable if that path is followed. An old military tactic is simple in construction, deprive the enemy of supply, that supply being votes, which equals cash ,which equals power, it then becomes just a matter of time, with enough pressure that the enemy will fail in their objective. The enemy are criminal frauds, Cartels, deprive them of supply and we are on the track to victory. Oh and message to those on the east coast, remember who supplies 48% of the wealth to this nation, getting involved in West Coast affairs isn't wise, especially as the east side of Australia can't even fix its own messes up, ie All eastern states are a mess, Victoria especially. Pay attention to the above information, because if you are not part of the solution, you sure are part of the problem.
Got my vote
Lousy not a hope of changing anything so why waste a vote on these traitors
Fix the Kuranda Range and we'll see how good you are at representing (Far North) Queensland, we seem to be forgotten about up here.
Gilmore needs a candidate
What about NSW?
Ever thought of changing the Name to ‘ Our Nation ‘ Might change how people perceive your govt
QLD is lucky to have you guys
We need to get labour and the liberals and the greens out 🤬👊🏼
Look good
And when does NSW get representation Not in the big 4
Mine too
G there’s some wingers must be English born Hahahahaa
One Nation our only hope for our future
One Nation has my vote !
Anyone else not know they had a daughter together?
Who is running for wide bay.
Definitely vote one nation all the way
Hell yer , all ready had my vote 👍👍🍻
Can you blokes put together a list of the indepandants and who they are backed by ie Robert Holmes Acourt
A Vote for one nation is a wasted vote
But what does the rest of Australia get ?
Without solar & wind subsidies it’s a fact that wind & solar are dead
And that’s without reclamation costs
Coal-fired power operates without subsidies & does full mining & power station reclamation
The false claim that solar & wind are cheaper than coal is a blatant lie
CSIRO’s GenCost report saying solar & wind are cheaper than coal is a fraud
Even without costs of reclamation, batteries & transmission lines, it’s a fact that solar & wind are more expensive. Much more expensive than coal
Taxpayers pay CSIRO to give fraudulent reports that lead to solar & wind with taxpayers paying high electricity prices due to subsidies for solar & wind
Politicians lie. Bureaucrats lie. CSIRO lies. Parasitic billionaires & multinational corporations collect subsidies.
As always under Liberal-Nationals-Labor-Greens-Teals pushing UN Net Zero, it’s we the people who pay
Note: the wind turbine capital costs are already spent. That means the wind turbines only face operating costs which are supposedly cheap because “the wind is free”.
Yet they’re still shutting
Here’s the story:
After only 15 years of operation, Germany’s first offshore wind farm being scrapped. Germany’s Alpha Vatus offshore wind farm in operation for 15 years will be dismantled due to unprofitability after subsidies were expired. It has become too unprofitable to operate without massive subsidies. According to Blackout News, a decisive factor for dismantling the Pioneer project is expiration of generous subsidies made possible through Germany’s E. EG renewable energies feed in act. The subsidy meant that the Alpha Ventus wind farm got 15.4 cents per kilowatt hour after being put in operation. Now that the subsidy is run out, the wind farm operators received only basic tariff of 3.9 cents per kilowatt hour, making the farm unprofitable. Here’s the bottom line. This is going on around the world. And when you take the soft money or the maintenance dollars out of it, you’re talking some serious problems with quote unquote renewable and wind and solar. Here’s the big problem coming around the corner, and that is who’s going to do the land reclamation costs because it has been proven that they cannot be installed from day one with profit. And then if they had to tag on the land reclamation for each wind farm or each solar panel, they would not be doing it. So we’re about to have a welcome to Rutrow in the world of renewable, non-sustainable energy around the world. Who’s gonna pay for it? So buckle up, hang on.
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Hmmm…coal power plants get very generous subsidies from Australian taxpayers….why didn’t Malcolm mention this? The coal price cap cost Australians around 1 billion, the Eraring coal power station gets subsidies from taxpayers is around 150 million a year…etc etc Qld taxpayers are subsidising emission reductions in coal mines for 520 million. The Callie Coal power station is receiving 185 million in subsidies. Etc etc etc It seems like Malcolm lies.
They insult our intelligence by lying bare faced to us I consider it gaslighting the population. This is happening all across the western world. Time to fight back. It’s so wrong.
They always lie and decieve. These green pipe dreams will never survive without subsidies. Always hiding half the data to paint their green picture.
funny how this is being scrapped as it becomes due for renewal ,15 yrs about lifespan of these eyesores joe in qld
Don’t forget the pumped hydro! Waste of our precious resources Also who owns the water in the top reservoirs when not on public land? Water security should be an issue surely..?
Watch this space. I believe that the farmers are compensated for using the land but in many cases they are responsible for rehab. if the project owners forfeit or have sneaked it into the lease agreements. With these massive towers and blades and 1000 cubic metres of highly reinforced high grade concrete in the ground how will they pay. This scam is bigger than Ben Hur. In Australia, the responsibility and cost of decommissioning wind farms typically rest with the project owner, as stipulated in planning permits and lease agreements. However, if the project owner defaults, the financial burden may shift to the landowner. This potential liability has raised concerns among landholders, especially considering that decommissioning a single wind turbine can cost between $400,000 and $600,000. Many wind farms are over 100 turbines and the project owners are overseas consortiums. look at the amount of useless waste that has to be taken care of and buried. Same goes with massive solar farms with the disposal of panels. All in the name of fixing a BS carbon reduction ponsie scheme to fix a falasy which doesnt exist.
Dubai just installed Nuclear in eight years all quickly and efficiently put place by a South Korean company.
This is so frustrating when will the people of Australia stand up against the blatant waste of taxpayer money to subsidise this Clean energy industry. It’s clear that it’s not going to stand on its own fiscal merits.
Considering the fact that our huge prices are 50% going to China, as they own most of the power stations in WA, Vic, SA, NSW & one in Qld. This wouldn't of happened if the government didn't sell off to foreign ownership. Government is supposed to put the people's needs first & protect our interests.
I haven't heard any one mention that if North Qld didn't have coal powered energy and only relied on solar and wind, they would have had no power for most of this year. What happens there ? Would like to hear Chris Bowen explain.
What gives me the shits about all this is politicians never do jail time, or have to pay back taxpayers for lying and stiling from them. That really stincks.
Multi nationals making big money out of the Australian taxpayer with nothing coming back to us
When are you going to admit you work for a corporation and the AEC and process is rigged / corrupt? 🤔
The corrupt, tree hugging lunatics that forced solar and wind generation onto us with lies, manipulation and fearmongering should pay for it out of their own pockets. No question about it.
Yeah Mike what subsidies and from whom?
Mike Miller please give evidence
What's needed is a comprehensive breakdown of all payouts & compensation packages, incentives delivered to companies from governments for these so called beneficial green energy schemes, alas it never seems to get displayed?
The real issue is greed.... Our energy source should not be privatised
I've been saying this for years if it was a real winner you don't need subsidies the market would decide.
What happened to Twiggy? He suddenly disappeared from Albo's and Blackout Bowen's sphere!
How they going to bring the wildlife that have been murdered for nothing back ?
SOOOOO Funny Who needs watch Monty Python when such educated stupidity has us surrounded? Poor, simple engineers either capitalise on the stupidity or if like me - LAUGH as societal ignorance dominates.
Australian Government has just confirmed there will be another 9% power increase from April 2025 - 3 x the inflation rate.
Think end all subsidies for everything including private school n unis tax gas by volume .. Tax exemption for use of ore in Australia in Australian materials like bluescope..
Someone made a lot of money And now everyone else gets to clean up the mess. Wonder who pays for that🤔
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

The Alex Jones Show with Maria Zeee
The Regional Wrap #72
Podcasts, Queensland
Treasurer Chalmers unleashes his inner soviet dictator
Albanese would rather go to Bill Gates than Alice Springs
United Nations
The Malcolm Roberts Show #1 – Climate Scientist Tony Heller
Climate Change, PodcastsMEDIA RELEASES
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s Fight
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- Climate Change
- Digital Identity Bill
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- Hybrid Bradfield
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- October 2023
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- Queensland
- Senate Estimates
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- Water