Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament

Indonesia ‘free trade’ agreement a stinker
Foreign Ownership, Speeches, United Nations
How the Greens implement the UN’s 2030 Agenda
Speeches, United Nations
Farmers: The best protectors of the environment
Property Rights, Speeches, United Nations, Water
How the Lima Declaration devastates Australian Industries
Speeches, United Nations
Big stick legislation: A big Government failure
Energy, SpeechesSOCIAL MEDIA
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Australians First! This is how we fix Australian politics. ... See MoreSee Less
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We just got smashed by labour over here in WA again unbelievable 😔
Did you guy's get any votes in WA just don't understand people 🤔
love your work Malcolm
Trumps having a bit of trouble putting Americans first. Crazy world we live in.
We need to undo what this labor government have done to the Aussies land owner www.facebook.com/reel/612124341807614?fs=e&s=cl
You put yourself first before us plebiscites
whats wrong with the speople, like lambs to the slaughter, dumb sheople !
No hope for WA or Victoria. Stockholm syndrome.
Why divide Australia into two make racism as no place in this country following what disgrace full history we got are you trying to make your owe racist history to be remember by open up all the allegations of paedophilia in you government make real history.
You obviously missed yesterday's state election, you got 0
That's what Pauline says and then employs a rapist yes good morals
Sheep 🐑 🐏 🐑 Voted labour in W.A.
You're doing a great job! 😀
Come out and speak the truth about the 28 names in the wood royal commission suppression orders and all other pedo suppression orders, then people might believe you, until the truth is exposed we will not believe anything you or any other unconstitutional unlawful politicians say
Start by exposure of Australia aid selling drugs illegal tobacco and weapons
Decrease in frequency and intensity of cyclones in Australia and worldwide
Despite some academics, some politicians and activists claiming the opposite
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The largest ever cyclone recorded in qld to hit, Cyclone media! 🌀
Fact based comment, excellent. Not agenda based as AA took the oportunity to make in lieu of facts.
Cant let facts get in the way of a good story
The world is slowly changing, we know that to be a fact as we can measure the movement of the tectonic plates,Australia has moved 2 cm per year. So that’s 1.4 meters in my 70 years. The same is happening around the globe. This will affect sea levels and weather
This is cyclone Alfred 10 days ago which I screen recorded. Does it look like something is helping it along?
Seriously, anyone who believes Malcolm Roberts, needs help. Malcolm isn't here to help people, he is here to push some weird ideological belief, that never makes sense. Whilst EV drivers are running their cars for $1 per 100km (and even less with their solar), Malcolm still wants us to believe it's better to spend $14 per 100km, to buy petrol, with most of that being spent overseas. The Earth's atmosphere is a closed loop, just like a person house (or maybe even a green house). Add extra heat into that closed room, and things are not going to be the same. This is grade 4 stuff, but Malcolm refuses to grasp it. There's a very good reason why Malcolm is always telling his followers how smart people are doing so well, it's because his followers do the dumb things that Malcolm suggests.
I am blessed that I was born in the 50's so that I can witness the major events since my birth. Cyclones; bush fires; very cold winters (late 60's and 70's) and very hot summers with no AC (60's - 80's) There have been much fewer cyclones in current times and nothing in my memory has ever been more extreme than cyclone Tracy. The media hype about all things weather just blows me away.
It must be costing them to much money keep trying to make them
This is the start of climate lockdowns 😡
Albo's credibility is shot on this issue!
The problem or benefit, however you see it, is that information is so quick to reach the masses now days that it seems that there is more frequent weather extremes. Years ago, we only heard about cyclones, earthquakes etc. if they were really big or did a lot of damage.
When I was a teenager me and my Dad would go surfing when there was cyclones out to sea, it would be a cyclone season every year around January to February. They never really made land fall. This was in the mid to late 90's. Rarely hear of one coming down the coast now.
If anyone bothered to actually read the related article on BoM for this data, you would see it's not at all like Malcom is trying to say... From the BoM report "Analysis of historical tropical cyclone data has limitations due to changes in observing practices and technology that have occurred over time. With new and improved meteorological satellites our ability to detect tropical cyclones has improved, as has our ability to differentiate tropical cyclones from other tropical weather systems such as monsoon depressions, which in the past may have been incorrectly named as tropical cyclones. A particularly important change occurred in the late 1970s when regular satellite images became first available from geostationary satellites above the Earth's equator. The time series of analysed tropical cyclone activity in the Australian region (south of the equator; 90-160°E) show that the total number of cyclones appears to have decreased. However, there was a change to the definition for tropical cyclones in 1978 which led to some systems which would previously have been classified as tropical cyclones instead being considered sub-tropical systems. This contributes somewhat to the apparent decline in total numbers."
It. Seems that the cyclone was a fizzer but the real tropical storm hitting Brisbane 5 pm Saturday the 8 th - Sunday 9fh was not. Strange the airport after closing on Friday is now trying to open on Sunday with gale force winds also strange is the beams through the storm
Now why would a senator post such a controversial bit of information without referencing where he got it from?
Must be tiring spinning the incessant lies
Facts don’t matter to alarmists.
Strange how they were less severe during covid 2021-2022 ????
Yet year after year, payouts by Australian insurance companies for weather events are skyrocketing - as are insurance premiums. A million Australian homes are expected to be uninsurable in just 5 years (i.e. premiums of more than $30,000 a year making insurance unaffordable to most people).
You forgot to mention Vote One Nation we have a Policy to stop Cyclones, to keep our snouts in the trough of an Unlawful Parliament
Albo loves a bit of climate misinformation. This is the easiest one to debunk.
Albo,blackout Bowen and the greens should be prosecuted for spreading misinformation
I was in Japan when a typhoon past over our ship in Yokohama Harbour. It actually past over Tokyo and Chiba. It shutdown trains and caused traffic chaos but life continued.
The biggest cyclone is the cyclone of shit from Albos mouth.
It's the same worldwide. Less than since dot.
Important questions for parents:
from teacher Dylan Oakley, registered 24 years & with 13 years in state system
Parents, teachers & students please read below from Dylan’s post raising vital questions:
Do Aussie Mums & Dads really know what’s happening in our schools after they drop their children off at the front gate?
Has the trust we put in teachers & school administrators been breached?
What kind of ‘education’ is going on without parents’ knowledge & approval?
These are photos I took in Marsden State High School (Australia’s largest school) in August last year. 😳
What are your children telling you?
Please listen to them.
If they’ve taken photos on their iPad, show interest & hold your school accountable.
Last week — in Queensland Parliament building — I met with MPs from ALP, LNP & KAP & argued that we MUST HAVE A PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into LGBT propaganda & queer theory being pushed on our children in schools.
I showed them these photos! What’s with the rainbow 🏳️🌈 on the school uniform?
We can’t put our heads in the sand. Our children need us at this time to stand up for them & call for accountability.
I have spoken with the office of Queensland’s LNP Minister for Education & requested a face-to-face meeting to talk through my submission.
I have created an email for concerned parents to send evidence of what is happening in their children’s schools:👇stopqueeringschools@freedomhasavoice.com.au
More info at: senroberts.com/4kq1WPI
Thank you, Dylan for your work protecting children.
Pauline & I will continue our years of work in the senate & in the community to support parents, teachers & CHILDREN.
Hands off our children
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There is acceptance of people and circumstances...then there is conditioning and misrepresentation
Thera the LGBTIQ+ or what we it is nowadays agenda being forced into primary education but also the Fist Nations lies and indoctrination of our children to have to learn about ‘First Nations’ culture and that they must say sorry and be ashamed of what their predecessors might have done 🤬 they have done nothing and do NOT need to be sorry or say sorry for anything and should not have this forced upon them under any circumstances
Keep this sinful rubbish away from vulnerable children they have no need to be exposed to this ideology
Sexual identity has nothing to do with education
Time to purge the Department of Education of these oddballs that are driving this agenda on the curriculum.
At my grand childs school, the teacher was trying to push their political beliefs on to my grandson, was told to tell his parents too.
This needs to stay out of schools !!
Matt Muller remember this place? 😂
God is watching this!
This rubbish needs to stop.
Unofficial religious indoctrination
It's time to send these freaks back to the shadow realm
Each to their own but not in our home 🙏
My older kids 16 and 14 both tell me this Rainbow pride propaganda and welcome to country is rammed down their throats daily. It is apart of the curriculum in most schools.
I could write a 5000 word essay on what is wrong with our education system and not even touch on this subject. It is deplorable that gender is even taught, that is the responsibility of the parents and natural progression. A solid education no matter what race, gender or demographic they come from, that includes mathematics, reading, writing, sciences, sport, politics and history. That should be the foundation, with learning accounting/taxation/economics, cooking/ home economics, how to change tyres and how to grow your own food. Keep the bull crap out of their lives.
I am a teacher and refuse to do any of this. We don’t all agree.
We also need an inquiry into what's being taught in schools as my daughter is always telling me what teachers are saying and it's so frustrating as they are grooming them into there opinions and not facts. My daughters HASS teacher labled Trump as bad as Hitler 😡😡😡 now opinions should not be pushed ever onto our impressionable kids.
This is disappointing to see our young and vulnerable children being subjected to mentally ill individuals within the education system pushing political and ideological messed up agendas. All levels of government are guilty of allowing this to occur. Vote these sick twisted mob out and allow the sane adults run the show.
There was a massive campaign across qld schools last year on the whole "acceptance and respect" of this community. Several designed posters all over the school. These topics shouldn't be taking away from basic education time.
I was told by high school kids in Ormeau last year that they no longer have boys and girl toilets. They took the urinals out of boys and Anyone can go into any toilet. When I queried if kids do this I was told that the kids still stick to the boy girl options and only a minor few will use the others toilet. Mainly for a stir. Appears kids have more sense than the bureaucracy. Can’t verify the validity of this though. 
...and this is why we scrimp and save to pay almost $18k per annum in private and Catholic school fees for our son and daughter!
Are these teachers ok. Surely not WTAF is wrong You can’t press your religious beliefs ect in school so why this BS
Absolutely abhorrent. We will look back on these days with absolute disgust that we allowed this to happen to our children. This is abuse.
Homeschooling is booming - not hard to see why
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805872597449818132
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1805533759519048180
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories

Faith in Healthcare Attacked by Canberra’s Autocrats
Double Jeopardy in Tax Unfair
The Senate is Supposed to be the House of Review
Government Fails to Produce Papers – Taipan Helicopter Ditching
The Labor-Green-Teal Coalition Con
How to Fix the Housing Crisis
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s Fight
- April 2022
- Assets
- Budget 20-21
- Climate Change
- Digital Identity Bill
- Energy
- Events
- February 2022
- Foreign Ownership
- Hybrid Bradfield
- Industrial Relations
- Infrastructure
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- May/June 2021
- Media
- Media Release
- Murray Darling Basin
- National
- October 2021
- October 2023
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- Property Rights
- Queensland
- Senate Estimates
- Senate Inquiry Public Hearings
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- Water