To you, 16/17 year old, don’t worry about protesting the end of the world. Focus on having fun, hanging out with your friends and getting your P plates.
We adults wish we had more time to do that.
This is my message to our 16- and 17-year-old Australians. You can okay boomer me as much as you want. I’ll happily cop it. Yet, as someone who is 67 and grey haired, I want to let you in on a little life secret. The Greens over here want you to think voting makes you an adult. It’s a trap. It’s something that no one here has really mentioned, but I remember that when I was your age you really don’t want to be an adult yet. Trust me, it kind of sucks and it’s hard.
The Greens are adults. Listening to their speeches, do they seem like happy people? Adults have lots of bills: car rego bills, electricity bills, water bills, gas bills, car insurance bills, private health bills, dental bills, phone bills and more. You might even have to start paying for your own Netflix. Then you have to go to work everyday, on repeat, daily, for 40 years until you retire or die. It’s 9 am to 5 pm—at least!—in an office. It’s up early before the sun rises if you’re a tradie. Don’t forget to do all your laundry in between as well. Then, if you work really hard and get a good job, the government will start stealing 33 cents out of every dollar you earn and waste it on something. These are just some of the responsibilities that come with being an adult.
As fun as I’m sure all this sounds, there’s much more. These are just some of the responsibilities that come with voting. They will all come more quickly than you think, and you will be voting sooner than you realise. Until then, just focus on finishing school or choosing a trade. Don’t listen to the people saying that you need to protest or the world will end. It won’t. For decades we’ve been told the lie that the world will end in five years or maybe 10 years. Hang out with your friends. Just have fun and practise to get your P-plates. You’ll soon have plenty of time to protest and vote and do all the boring stuff that comes with being an adult. It will be sooner than you think—much sooner than you think.
The operative word is “trap”. School kids are a captive voting block, you might as well let every teacher vote 30 or 40 times. The Trotskyist indoctrination being forced into our kids, makes it clear to me that only people with real life experience, should be allowed to vote. I reckon thats people 25 and above, in full time employment, should be the only people who are legally required yo vote, nobody under 20 should be allowed to vote, and the rest should be totally optional. We’re in this mess because of 40 years of creeping communism. 16 yo voters would make it much worse, very quickly.
A truer word has never been spoken. Let kids be kids. The government seems hell-bent on making them adults way too young. To what end? I would encourage teenagers to learn about politics and have strong opinions so that when they come of age they can participate in our voting system with intelligence. The only reason the Greens would want the voting age reduced is that the kids are being indoctrinated by the schooling system by the socialist left. And they would see this as an easy vote grab. Let the kids live in an adult world for just a bit and then let them see if they like their taxes so badly wasted.
Have fun kids and don’t rush to grow up as adulthood last forever.
This is true, they are counting on the fact that a young person doesn’t have the life experience or maturity to make an informed decision. Not to mention the indoctrination that has taken place in our schooling system for years to shape the minds and opinions of our young people to be left leaning. Definitely not a good idea to lower the voting age. Let the young people enjoy their freedom while they can.
A truer word has never been spoken. Let kids be kids. The government seems hell-bent on making them adults way too young. To what end? I would encourage teenagers to learn about politics and have strong opinions so that when they come of age they can participate in our voting system with intelligence. The only reason the Greens would want the voting age reduced is that the kids are being indoctrinated by the schooling system by the socialist left. And they would see this as an easy vote grab. Let the kids live in an adult world for just a bit and then let them see if they like their taxes so badly wasted.
Have fun kids and don’t rush to grow up as adulthood last forever.
18 year olds as a collective are not mature adults and don’t want responsibility. Why burden them with an important issue of choosing a representative for our country. The deviants would prey on these young folk and ruin of what little is left of our once abundant free country and society.
We were conned when Labor got the voting age reduced from 21 to 18. As Churchill famously said anyone when young isn’t a little bit red has no heart but anyone when older hasn’t become blue has no brains. However the market place is a good place to go for knowledge and insurance companies don’t accept drivers as being responsible until they are 25. In reality most of us don’t know the real policies of the parties or even the name of our local member.
Maybe because the new humans, the homoborgenisis, will be mature by then.