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Rapper Zuby, in a very well-delivered address in 2022 at CPAC, observed that most politicians don’t care if people die—and he is correct. Most politicians don’t care if people die.

There’s no royal commission. There’s no Senate inquiry. There’s no access to contracts—they’re commercial-in-confidence we’re told. Years after they were signed, they’re still commercial-in-confidence. Taxpayers paid for the injections, yet we cannot see what we paid for. We can’t even see how much we paid. Censorship. What are they hiding?

Bill Gates paid for censorship in the mouthpiece Big Brother media that is often owned by the same people who own Pfizer. Bill Gates paid for censorship across social media. Gates is an investor in big pharma—a massive investor in big pharma—and a massive contributor to the World Health Organization, the UN’s World Health Organization.

I hold the whole Senate accountable, apart from six senators withstanding the catcalls.

At last Thursday’s Senate inquiry into anti-discrimination bills—one of which was moved by Senator Hanson and another one by Senator Canavan, Senator Antic and Senator Rennick—four of the five senators grilling Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA were from Queensland. Four, plus Senator Antic. Pfizer did not know where to go.

Clearly Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA all disgraced themselves and showed themselves to be inhuman. Clearly none feel accountable for the deaths, the chronic and crippling injuries, the severe injuries—not federal government or its health departments, not the state premiers or their health departments, not employers mandating injections. No-one takes accountability.

We will chase you until you are held accountable.


As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, I speak in support of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023, because with indemnity comes impunity, and this parliament needs huge doses of accountability to change it from exploiting the people and return it to serving the people.

The main process for distributing vaccines in Australia is through the National Immunisation Program. Section 9B of the National Health Act 1953 allows the minister for health to provide, or arrange for the provision of, injections for distribution through the National Immunisation Program. Injections distributed via the National Immunisation Program must be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The purchase of injections occurs through the Commonwealth entering into supply contracts with the relevant pharmaceutical companies. These arrangements would include the amount of compensation the Commonwealth is liable to pay in exchange for the injections and are generally subject to the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.

During COVID, the Liberal government, with the full support of the Labor opposition and the Greens, simply tore up the rule book. Pfizer were given a blanket immunity. Pfizer knew, when the injection was being developed and tested, that they had a blanket immunity. What could go wrong? Firstly, accountability is shredded. The outcome of this ill-considered decision was an excess mortality rate in Australia of 27 per cent above normal since the ‘fakecines’ were rolled out. Most likely 30,000 Australians will die this year from side effects of our COVID response, including the injectables. Did they really think Pfizer, a multinational pharmaceutical company with an appalling track record, would suddenly turn into a model corporate citizen when asked to produce the COVID injections? Did you?

Prior to COVID, Pfizer had been fined US$3 billion for criminal acts. They are a habitual offender, persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. We know Pfizer suppressed bad trial data in the COVID trials, fabricated results, excluded test subjects that became sick and failed to test for a full range of adverse effects. They did this knowingly. The ‘fakecines’ were then manufactured in a shoddy fashion and did not use good manufacturing process as they were supposed to and as every other product approved in Australia must.

Live DNA derived from E. coli used in production has been found in large quantities in the Pfizer product—up to a billion strands or parts of strands in every dose. Huge variations between batches suggest huge variations in manufacturing quality. I say ‘suggest’ because we have no idea what is actually in these products, because the TGA accepts batch testing from the manufacturer and has not conducted the testing on each batch as it arrives. It has not conducted the testing. The TGA took the US FDA’s word for the results of the stage 2/3 clinical trials, and the FDA took Pfizer’s word for it. We’re relying on Pfizer’s word for these.

To give a product immunity, the TGA should have thoroughly tested these injections, not looked the other way. We have no idea what harm these products will eventually cause, because there was no long-term safety testing conducted—none. Why would they spend that money when they already had the immunity? That’s what immunity has done to them—more profit for Pfizer, more money in the pocket for CEO Albert Bourla, who banked US$30 million in salary and bonuses last financial year. Overall, Pfizer sold $36 billion in COVID products in 2022, pushing Pfizer to a record $100 billion in sales. I am slightly encouraged to see their share price is down 40 per cent from the peak of 2021, and projected revenue in 2023 is down 80 per cent.

While Pfizer made out like the fraudulent bandits they are, the Australian taxpayers are on the hook for who knows how much. The budget papers are required to show every potential liability the government has. There is an entry for our liability under the COVID products, yet they have not quantified it. You have not quantified it; there’s no figure there. That can’t continue. This liability will run into the billions. Australia needs this bill from Senator Babet to make sure no greedy, dishonest, opportunistic pharmaceutical company is allowed to get away with financial murder again. Australia needs this bill to make sure that no inhuman monster like the former health minister Greg Hunt, like the former prime minister Scott Morrison, like premiers Palaszczuk, McGowan and Andrews, is allowed to get away with malfeasance forcing experimental gene therapy based injections leading to tens of thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of people permanently crippled for life and hundreds of thousands of people injured, and uncounted people in mourning. Those are the nuts and bolts.

Now we go to the morality because governments cannot be trusted. With immunity, comes impunity. The simple reason for lack of accountability is the hiding of government actions through indemnities. Firstly, my position on medications including injections: we all want safe treatment. We are all pro-medicine. We all want that each of us decides what is put into our body—my body, my choice. We all want freedom to make our choice and for our choice to be accepted and respected. We all wholeheartedly support medicines that are fully tested and proven safe, effective, affordable and accessible. I am opposed to untested drugs, forcing untested experimental injections on to people, forcing untested experimental injections on to people with the only alternative being to lose one’s livelihood or let your children starve. How could any human allow this to happen?

How could any human allow this to happen, yet you did. Then in your shame, your cowardice, your guilt, the best you could do to those of us who stood up to this inhuman, monstrous and at times murderous madness was to call us ‘anti-vaxxers’. Pathetic—labels are the refuge of the ignorant, the incompetent, the dishonest, the guilty and the fearful, name-calling as you sling words at us for protecting innocent good people. But your vilification means nothing to us because we go for the truth. I oppose coercion, I oppose mandates, I oppose confidentiality hiding details from taxpayers. These untested injections from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca were forced on people using lies. Daily for two weeks former prime minister Morrison said, ‘There are no vaccine mandates in Australia.’ That was a lie, a murderous lie killing 30,000 Australians annually in excess deaths above normal. Worse, the Morrison-Hunt duo enabled and drove the injection mandate. Here is how: the Morrison-Hunt duo bought the injections. The Morrison-Hunt duo gave them to the states. The Morrison-Hunt duo indemnified the states. The Morrison-Hunt duo made federal health department data available to the states.

That was the only way the states could enforce their mandates, which really were driven by the Morrison-Hunt duo. State premiers admitted their vaccine mandates were in line with the bogus so-called ‘National Cabinet’, which was headed by Scott Morrison. The Morrison federal government mandated injections in Defence, the Australian Electoral Commission, aged care, the Australian Federal Police and others, but there are no vaccine mandates in Australia, he said. Then on Tuesday, I spoke about the Medical Countermeasures Consortium, which drove the whole lot, the four nations’ defence departments, from Canada, America, Britain and Australia. This was planned and delivered, and Pfizer did the work on behalf of the American Department of Defense. That’s why it bypassed the testing. Now we have 30,000 excess deaths That’s the equivalent to two Boeing 787 Dreamliner crashes every week for a year—every week for a year! Yet we have Queensland nurses still suspended. Foreign nurses are being recruited by Premier Palaszczuk to take their jobs. Then she’s told us repeatedly for the last three years, ‘The health system is crashing.’ Disgraceful, inhuman. The police are mandated, and they’ve lost many. The teachers have been mandated, and, when they finally lifted the mandate, many of them didn’t come back. We found children were crippled, affected. The teachers were fined. Doctors were mandated and many have left the profession. How can Australia put up with that? That’s going to hurt the patients. The pilots were mandated and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, CASA, cares not a bit. It’s wilfully blind, it’s misfeasance and it’s betraying passenger air safety.

In a shining light, the Australian Firefighters Alliance was formed because their union would not stand up for them. Many unions went rogue and did not stand up for their members. The Australian Firefighters Alliance resisted. They developed, from the very start, a defensive strategy and an offensive strategy and that’s the only one that Premier Palaszczuk did not mandate. It’s based on a false premise. Livelihoods and lives have been destroyed.

We had the absurdity of the drugs failure, the vaccine failure, the injections failure being falsely blamed on the people who didn’t take it. Indemnities encourage impunity and rogue behaviour, irresponsible behaviour, destructive behaviour, cruel, monstrous, inhuman behaviour. Indemnities destroy accountability because everything is hidden, and indemnities are given. There’s no problem disclosed and so there’s no compensation. Millions of people suffer in silence and this Labor government perpetuates the misery, the deceit.

Rapper Zuby, in a very well-delivered address in 2022 at CPAC observed that most politicians don’t care if people die—and he is correct. Most politicians don’t care if people die. There’s no royal commission. There’s no Senate inquiry. There’s no access to contracts—they’re commercial-in-confidence we’re told. Years after they were signed, they’re still commercial-in-confidence. Taxpayers paid for injections, yet we cannot see what we paid for. We can’t even see how much we paid. Censorship. What are they hiding? Bill Gates paid for censorship in the mouthpiece Big Brother media that is often owned by the same people who own Pfizer. Bill Gates paid for censorship across social media. Gates is an investor in big pharma—a massive investor in big pharma—and a massive contributor to the World Health Organization, the UN’s World Health Organization.

I hold the whole Senate accountable, the whole Senate, apart from six senators withstanding the catcalls. At last Thursday’s Senate inquiry into antidiscrimination bills—one of which was moved by Senator Hanson and another one by Senator Canavan, Senator Antic and Senator Rennick—four of the five senators grilling Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA were from Queensland. Four, plus Senator Antic. Pfizer did not know where to go. Clearly Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA all disgraced themselves and showed themselves to be inhuman. Clearly none feel accountable for the deaths, the chronic and crippling injuries, the severe injuries—not federal government or its health departments, not the state premiers or their health departments, not employers mandating injections. No-one takes accountability. We will chase you until you are held accountable.

We’ve had airline employees taken to hospital and then returned and Qantas insisted they be injected. There are too many other stories there; I won’t go into them. But we see people awakening. We see the situation has created heroes: Hoody, Maria Zeee, Chris Spicer and many, many more from the independent people’s media; doctors who formed the Australian Medical Professionals Society; Dr William Bay, and he is a doctor; nurses like Dee; firies like Dan; police like Krystal; paramedics like Peter; doctors like Camillo; pilots like Alan; and thousands of construction workers and other workers. You’ve woken the people up. Thank you so much for being our heroes. Here and globally, you’re wakening people up.

When indemnities are granted, especially in secret, accountability is removed, and you in this Senate, in this parliament, have demonstrated that repeatedly. You’ve confirmed it. All who oppose this bill will be voting to continue the needless deaths and lies. This bill will prevent recurrence. Ending indemnity will end impunity. It will contribute to restoring accountability. Transparency restores trust. I wholeheartedly support this bill and urge all senators to vote in support.

40 replies
    • Col
      Col says:

      Dear Jade and Jaye,

      How were these comments posted before the date / time of the posting “The Latest from S……” ?

      Check with Wikipedia re Josephine Cashman.


  1. Peter Angel
    Peter Angel says:

    100% agree The government doesn’t value people’s lives and they need to be held accountable they don’t serve the people as they should be and it flows from the government though to police and government departments

  2. Ian Potterton
    Ian Potterton says:

    Dear Senator Malcolm Roberts
    I was completely happy and in full support of your amazing speech regarding covid big pharma accountability. I fact, I ff it onto Alex Greenwich MP Sydney, Tanya Plibersek Federal MP Sydney, Clover Moore Lord Mayor City of Sydney and the secretary of my NSW Council of Civil Liberties.
    All these politicians and lawyers were in lock-step in diabolical covid malfeasance, that killed 4 people I knew.
    Keep up the great work!

  3. Lorraine Cobcroft
    Lorraine Cobcroft says:

    Thank you for standing up for human rights and demanding integrity in government. How sad that you are in a minority in Parliament. The Covid vax has done so much harm in our society. I am mid-70s and I would never have conceived it possible that our government could betray us the way it did.
    My daughter is a teacher in Qld and suffered horrendous mental anguish plus the loss of tens of thousands in income because she refused to risk her health in a medical experiment. My nephew’s partner had a stillborn two days after the jab – after 8.5 months of perfectly healthy pregnancy and a pre-jab check showing bub was perfect! My neighbour miscarried the day after the jab. Another relative’s very fit and athletic 49 yr old husband dropped dead from ”unknown causes” two days after the jab. My brother-in-law, aged 64 and previously very fit and healthy, is disabled and dying slowly and doctors now attribute to the jab. My daughter-in-law, aged 45 and very healthy until jabbed now has permanent heart damage. A 73 yr old dear friend had a pacemaker but was otherwise healthy until the jab caused liver and kidney failure that killed him less than a month after the second booster.
    How can our government ignore the extent of injuries and damage? How can they keep supporting Big Pharma and covering up? It defies comprehension.
    Please continue the fight. I know it’s hard to stand with the minority, but so many Aussies are deeply grateful to you and in awe of your strength and integrity. If only we could clone you!

    • Alan Vaughn
      Alan Vaughn says:

      You’ve certainly seen what this so-called ‘vaccine’ REALLY IS Lorraine and reading your account of what you’ve witnessed is truly heartbreaking.
      You also said:
      “Please continue the fight. I know it’s hard to stand with the minority, but so many Aussies are deeply grateful to you and in awe of your strength and integrity. IF ONLY WE COULD CLONE YOU!”
      Actually, we CAN.
      That comment says a lot more than most people realize…
      What really needs to happen Lorraine is for ALL Australians to firstly WAKE UP – realize that they’re UNDER ATTACK. This is WAR! War has been declared against US (‘we the people’), yet most of us either, can’t see it, or refuse to see it. Once they concur that yes, we’re under attack, they need to grow a backbone and stand up for their God-given human rights and freedom, which they were duped into surrendering by rampant & relentless fear propaganda, to those humanity loathing murderous tyrants.
      IOW: Everyone MUST STOP COMPLYING with their own enslavement! Refuse to obey the mandates and diktats laid down by these utterly Satanic LIARS in our governments who are subservient, not to us, but to an UNELECTED, thus largely unknown overseas based oligarchy, located in the WHO and UN and meet in closed meetings at Davos at the WEF’s HQ, to plan our dystopian future.
      This cabal of pondlife is rapidly ushering in an evil, anti-humanity agenda, to literally destroy our whole society and way of life and to literally murder billions of innocent and productive human beings, because the members of this DANGEROUS and hateful cabal of delusional & deranged psychopaths believes they know what’s best for humanity the world.
      They believe they are better than God.
      Their anti-humanity agenda is based on 100% fakery and LIES about nonexistent ‘deadly pandemics’ and ‘catastrophic climate change’, which they claim is our fault and where they deploy FEAR and patently obvious lies to force us into submission to their orders under the pretext of it all being ‘for the greater good’.
      Yes, THEIR greater good.
      If EVERYONE or at least large numbers of us simply REFUSED to comply with their dehumanizing mandates (i.e. wearing hideous face-diapers, ‘social distancing’, partaking in FAKE, yet dangerous ‘PCR Tests’, being injected with Bill Gates’s patented overpopulation cure, and locking themselves in their homes etc., etc.), their whole global genocide plan would just collapse like a feeble house of cards, in next to no time.
      No politician, not Malcolm, nor some hot-shot lawyer, not even the ‘Great’ Donald Trump is coming to save humanity. The solution to ending this nightmare is entirely in OUR hands, by deploying passive resistance, i.e., NOT attending pointless and violent protests in city streets, where the violent and lawless, order-following ‘police’ and military will just beat you up; and where the biased and controlled LYING media will film the event and feature it on the next evening news bulletin, to scapegoat and ridicule us as deranged & dangerous misinformation spreading anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. Total waste of time and achieves absolutely nothing.
      En masse civil disobedience in the form of simple non-compliance can be practiced anywhere at any time by anyone.

      • Thanks Alan, well written. The TRUTH has to come out & it will, thanks to Senators like Malcom Roberts.
        Thanks Alan, well written. The TRUTH has to come out & it will, thanks to Senators like Malcom Roberts. says:

        Thanks Alan, well written,
        The TRUTH has to come out, thanks to Politicians like Senator Roberts.

      • Grant
        Grant says:

        Well said Alan , you covered pretty much every aspect of this deceitful and disgraceful act perpetrated upon the greater majority of the public in the most incidious ways possible ! People should be VERY VERY ANGRY about the entire thing and should stand against it as ONE NATION ( forgive the pun ) but the One Nation party is seemingly at this point the only VOICE ( Pun intended ) that l want to hear ! Again well done and THE POWER IS WITH THE PEOPLE BUT WE MUST STAND AS ONE !

    • Col
      Col says:

      Dear One Nation Staff,

      With all due consideration to the nature of the incidents reported in this posting would you please describe the level of verification applied by this website.

      Information such as;
      And Case Identification Numbers.

      Considering this website at times operates as a news site then such checks should have been performed before publication.


  4. Marlene
    Marlene says:

    Senator Malcom Roberts
    I am fully supporting all you stand for. This likely is a stupid question, but I fail to understand why you would not have access to these contracts when they were signed between the government and Pfizer. Who is it exactly who stands in your way of access?
    Thank you.

  5. Stephen C Due
    Stephen C Due says:

    This is one of thre best speeches I’ve ever read or heard, and I’m in my 70s. Every word of this speech is true. And the reality is much more horrifying, so the speech gets more credit for not exaggerating, In reality, the full truth – which has been documented extensively in heavily-censored publications by reputable, mainstream scientists and doctors – is more reminiscent of the Dark Ages in Europe or the witchdoctors of primitive tribes. The full truth is absolutely horrendous. So bad, in fact, that when I tell people the truth – that every government measure introduced during Covid was wrong, based on ignorance, deceit and lies – they simply cannot believe it could happen. That’s the power of propaganda.

  6. norma mcdonald
    norma mcdonald says:

    Only a handful of honest senators among so many, what a disgrace. Happy to sit back and accept their unearned pay cheques. So glad some of you are fighting to save us.

  7. Grant
    Grant says:

    Well done Malcolm ,you and One Nation are the voice of the silenced majority in what is the greatest country in the world which is gradually being decimated by greedy Big Pharma and ALL their co conspired crims like FAT BOY MORRISON AND COMMIE DAN ANDREWS who showed Australia what a farce the Lib/ Lab two party system is! My suggestion to all Australians would be to stand as one and NOT COMPLY as this is the avenue to forcing positive change in a country where most of us are now AWAKE to what can only be described as creeping Communism that MUST be nipped in the bud immediately less we fall victim to it forever with NO WAY BACK !!!

    • Alan Vaughn
      Alan Vaughn says:

      “My suggestion to all Australians would be to stand as one and NOT COMPLY as this is the avenue to forcing positive change in a country…”

      Well put Grant. Please see my comment in Reply to Lorraine Cobcroft (above).

  8. Bill M
    Bill M says:

    1000 Thankyou’s to a great Australian, Senator Malcom Roberts & ONE NATION. Without Leaders like you, we would be kept in the dark. How we have been deceived by Governments & big pharma is immoral. Employers, Media & others who went along with this criminal act must be held to account.
    Thank you & other Truth outlets who have bitten the bullet, exposing all the lies.
    Thank you for standing up for the people.
    Thank you for the Truth.
    Thank you for keeping us informed.

  9. Arthur
    Arthur says:

    I feel grateful, when I contemplate all the shining heroes that have been awoken by this sham of a pandemic. They are a glowing bright spots in all the gloom. Such a contrast of people! A real separating of the goats and sheep. Ordinary peoples become the heroes. The surprise fruit born out of the perfidious “leadership” at the state and federal level. Scoffers of the truth and blind to the suffering of those they take money to represent. At least the fear of accountability may at least discourage further promulgation of acts that should be viewed with shame.
    Also, I am heartened that 4 out of five representatives of the people are from Queensland. All five brave senators deserve our admiration.
    Much thanks for your courageous truth speaking Senator Roberts , Senator Hanson, Senator Canavan, Senator Antic and Senator Rennick, lighting the darkness with truth and hope!

  10. Mick
    Mick says:

    Thanks for your continued efforts Malcolm.

    You mention about contracts being commercial in confidence. That aspect of government has frustrated me for years. SInce the government is using taxpayer money (ie, our money) to pay these companies, we have the right to know how much we are paying and exactly what it is we are paying for. Any company who does business with the government (federal or state) should understand that what they will be paid is going to be a matter of public record. All of us should be able to see how the government is spending our money

  11. Ben
    Ben says:

    Hearing an Australian Politician with the guts and brains to bring before our Parliament’s attention, the murderous madness of what went on under the guise of “Health Care” in this country during the pandemic is an initiative I find immensely uplifting and extremely gratifying and I thank you sincerely.

    Not one to ever trust the political left, neither can I any longer trust mainstream conservative political parties as a result of the way the Morrison Government acted during the pandemic. They destroyed my faith and confidence in mainstream conservative political Parties.

    If Australia’s future lies with what Labor is offering, then I see very little hope for my future and that of my family, continuing to enjoy living in this once magnificent country! Thank you for nothing, Morrison Government!

  12. Stephen
    Stephen says:

    Great speech Malcolm. Keep up the good work. Unfortunately I don’t believe a Royal commission would achieve what we want. It would be biased and corrupt like our legal system. Australians need to unite stand up and fight like our ancestors did at Gallipoli.
    We need a change of government one that will stand up against big Parma, united nations, WHO ,WEF and
    Break ties with usa and Europe. Like some of our black African friends.

  13. Lilla
    Lilla says:

    I applaud you! I cannot thank you enough for your truth and fight for the Australian people. It make me so sick that you have to fight so hard in parliament on such normal human rights. Thank you, thank you. Sensor Malcolm,you are a true man of god!!

  14. Col
    Col says:


    You demand empirical evidence before accepting Global Warming / Climate Change.

    Forgive me if I ask for the empirical evidence on which you base the claims above.

    EG statistics .
    For the number of deaths attributed directly to COVID.
    The number of deaths directly attributed to COVID vaccines.
    Identified vaccine injuries can be included as injuries.
    Actual proof for the accusations of profiteering by various pharmaceutical companies and persons named.

    If the above claims are true then may I suggest a less “rabble rousing” and a more dignified approach may have been more effective.

    In the interests of “free speech” may I politely say your apparently disturbed presentation causes me great concern you yourself may be “hiding something”.

    An inability to provide the information requested may cause some doubt re accuracy.


    • Paul
      Paul says:

      So Col, you are controlled opposition.

      Fortunately, most people seeing your comment will dismiss you as such.
      (and I am fully aware I could be wasting my time, replying to a bot or a paid influencer for the “elites” responsible for this carnage)

      Your comment and attitude is however, quite horrific, in a psychopathic sense, as it dismisses the tens of thousands of deaths (in Australia alone, but millions worldwide), as well as the grief of 100x that number who have lost loved ones, or themselves have lost their health or livelihood and are suffering injuries. The stats are in now and very clear, so your query is perplexing at best, callous and vindictive at worst.

      There is now a plethora of information available – but if you are too lazy to look it up, simply go outside for a while and listen for the ambulances. Whereas seeing an ambulance was a reasonably rare event, I see, on average 5 or 6 per day now. I also hear them in the evening or early hours of the morning. And this, bear in mind, is during a period where ambulance crews are down in number (thanks to mandates that contravened the Nuremberg code and illegal redundancies and sackings) – and were it not for the shortages (also highlighted by wait times in the vicinity of 2,3,4 hours or more compared to minutes pre 2019), I’m sure we would see and hear many more ambulances on a daily basis.

      Compounding this issue is a government largely “bought off” (or blackmailed?) by the few seeking total control – with only a few brave, honest politicians prepared to stand up for the people, as is their duty as representatives of the people in a democracy.

      Tens of thousands are dead and deaths will continue unless the totalitarian controls are challenged – yet your stance is to try and challenge those who want o get to the truth, to represent the people, save lives, and to ensure that democratic, sovereignty-focused processes prevail.

      I think that the burden of proof, in a situation where thousands are dying or disabled or injured, should be on YOU to prove that there are NO excess deaths, and NO injuries. You will not be able to provide such proof.

      The reason for such an approach is simple: 1) there is already plenty of proof of the deaths and injuries, and 2) in a time of crisis, to flip the burden of proof would result in more deaths – ie if you suspect that a bridge ahead may have collapsed, you stop the train until you can confirm otherwise rather than blundering ahead waiting for proof that the bridge is actually intact.

      In closing, you need to show respect for those who have died needlessly, those who have lost loved ones, those who are grieving, those who are injured, and those who are now caring for someone who is injured or suffering some other change to lifestyle, life-quality, or life-expectancy and the accompanying impact on their psychological health.

      It’s called caring, compassion and respect.
      But you’ve demonstrated lacking in these qualities – possibly because you’re a bot, or controlled opposition, or both.

      • Grant
        Grant says:

        To Paul , this guy is a TRUE KEYBOARD COWARD who better hope NO ONE ever finds out who he is as his mouth would be in certain danger of being SHUT maybe for good ! Good comments mate and best of luck for the future for you and all who are now AWAKE thanks to treason !

        • Col
          Col says:


          You do more harm to one nation than you realise.
          Your comments and threats would be removed by any self respecting website.

          The beginning of all ignorance is the refusal to question and listen.


    • Col
      Col says:


      I simply asked for data to verify Malcolm’s claims.

      Instead of a reasoned reply I receive a load of abuse and wild inaccurate accusations (Thanks)

      Again I ask for data to verify claims, in this case including your claims.

      I have not made any accusations therefore the onus of proof is not in my court.


        • Col
          Col says:


          As a matter of fact I have recently had my fifth (5th) injection with NO ill effect at all. (Not even a sore arm.)
          Same as my wife.

          May I wish you all the best if you have refused your Covid vaccinations that the “herd immunity” provided by those who have been vaccinated will protect you.

          Be careful there appears be another strain on the ascendancy.

          Do you wear a mask in public places?


      • Paul
        Paul says:

        There is plenty of evidence and data – including the Pf data (that they sought to hide for 75 years)
        Again, I do not see that you were “simply asking for data” (which is readily available)
        Your comments were very disrespectful to the many who have suffered injury and are having a very difficult time getting the govt (that mandated their Nuremberg-breaching medical procedure).
        Senator Roberts is providing a voice for them which is not only highly important as it concerns their health, lifestyle, (as well as financial impact if some cannot work or require medical assistance)
        Your comments are also disrespectful to Senator Roberts (suggesting he has something to hide? Classic psychopathic weaving of doubt and 180-degree accusations)
        I would imagine that if you were injured, you wold want a Senator speaking on your behalf with some passion and directed requests for action.
        You state above that you’ve had 5 shots. If you are not injured (not apparently to date anyway) then you have been relatively lucky. It is possible that you received “saline” shots (conjecture at this stage but it is well document by several statisticians that the injuries (EA’s) follow, it appears, 3 distinct patterns such that one “batch” appears to have nil effect (have the supposition it may be saline…unless there is a delayed effect) – one batch has moderately high AE’s and the final batch (about 4.8% of total shots) appears to be a “hot” batch with extremely high AE and death rate)

        So, if you are unaffected to date, you may be quite lucky compared to others. Ideally therefore, you should have a high level of compassion for those who have not been so lucky.
        Your comment above regarding relying on on others to provide “herd” immunity indicates you do not know much about how vaccines work and particularly regarding these “vaccines” (which have now been reclassified as “gene therapy”, and you also may lack knowledge on risk management and risk/benefit analysis.

        Vaccination is like a bullet proof vest – ONLY the user is protected.
        Hence, it is an individual choice – based on risk/benefit assessment and profile

        Quick example: if the risk of death from a virus is 3%, risk of immunity from the vax is 90%, and risk of severe injury from the vax is 5% and risk of death from the vax is 0.1%, do you take the vax?
        These decisions are all personal of course.
        But then it gets more tricky….
        Imagine, as was the exact case right recently, that the effectiveness of the vax is unknown and the risk of AE or death is unknown.
        You can only draw hypotheticals, so consider:
        Virus death risk 5%; Vax effectiveness 90%; Vax AE risk 5%; Vax death risk 0.5%
        Let’s also throw in delayed AE from the vax – say in 5 years;- immune system shut down 80% (AIDS), or heart attack 5%; Cancer 10%; Dementia 15%
        What’s your decision?

        Now consider:
        Virus death risk 2%; Vax effectiveness 60%; Vax AE risk 8%; Vax death risk 1%
        Let’s also throw in delayed AE from the vax – say in 5 years;- immune system shut down 100% (AIDS), or heart attack 15%; Cancer 20%; Dementia 30%
        Now what’s your choice?

        These are the critical factors to be assessed by each person.
        YOU take the vax because YOU prefer those odds. And in that case YOU are protected, so what OTHERS do need not concern you.
        And if YOU are NOT protected, it means that the vax doesn’t work – so why should others take it for NO benefit, whilst they WILL take on the risks?!
        Considering that the factors (virus risk and AE apply to each individual, it is their decision.
        Obviously it means Informed Consent – so it also requires extremely accurate and open declaration of the effectiveness and the risks

        This approach is also safest from a community (and human survival) perspective.
        The approach of trying to vax everyone, besides being scientifically unsound, is also, in the case of a novel technology, basically “betting the farm” – it is “putting all on red” at the blackjack table or the draw of a card.
        If the card comes up wrong, you lose everything
        If it is found that there is a major flaw with a medical treatment and 100% are treated, then there is no fall-back or recovery position.
        Totally unscientific, Totally reckless, Totally inhumane

        Hopefully you’re 5 shots were “low AE” or even saline!?
        But either way, you need to respect those who were not so lucky and also have respect for those who are trying to get answers and some recompense or support for those who are suffering.

        Imagine if it was you or your wife drawing a short straw and suffering……

        • Col
          Col says:


          You do not understand the reason for my questions.
          Your opening sentences reveals the real problem.

          Many claim,as you have,
          “There is plenty of evidence and data – including the Pf data (that they sought to hide for 75 years)
          Again, I do not see that you were “simply asking for data” (which is readily available)”

          All I am asking is WHERE is this data and please SHOW how it can be found.
          I wish to investigate the information myself rather than be told what to believe.

          In fact, I am beginning to wonder if such data exists.
          Of the many claiming the existence of such data not one person on this site has provided the locality of the information requested.

          Most replies concentrate on abuse, ridicule and nothing else.

          You misunderstand my reference to “herd immunity” by placing the inverted commas only around the word “herd”.

          The concept is, if sufficient people are immunised the prevalence of the disease in the population will be reduced to the level where transmission to non vaccinated people is significantly minimised.

          Your statistical analysis is highly suspect and jumping to assumptions (AE, I assume means After Effects) renders your prose so speculative to be immaterial and inconsequential.

          Another problem.
          To quote
          “Your comment above regarding relying on on others to provide “herd” immunity indicates you do not know much about how vaccines work and particularly regarding these “vaccines” (which have now been reclassified as “gene therapy”, and you also may lack knowledge on risk management and risk/benefit analysis.”

          Prompts the question,
          What are the relationships between DNA, RNA, m-RNA and t-RNA in living organisms?
          A proper explanation will convince me you are fully aware of the mode of operation of vaccines of this particular type (meaning m-RNA vaccines)

          Awaiting your reply and explanations,

          PS. Your last sentence “suffering……” from what?

        • Col
          Col says:


          Still no answer re DNA, RNA , m-RNA and t-RNA after 5 days.

          I believe a reasonable time for an answer if you understand the functioning of vaccines.

          Is reality that obvious?


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