Labor is gagging the senate and forcing a vote on bills without debate.
These are bills relating to legislation of great significance, which will impact the lives of everyday Australians.
The Senate’s role is to ensure legislation has proper scrutiny. This is 1000s of pages of legislation, including the Identity Verification Services Bill which is a defacto digital identity. This is a shocking decision.
Each of these bills would normally require a day’s scrutiny, debate and potential amendments before passing. This Labor government, which promised Australians transparency and accountability, is strong-arming the bills through the senate.
What deals have been done to make this happen? And with whom?

Thank you for your diligent work on behalf of all Australians
Get rid of the rot, sack the lot. All MP’s are contracted & paid by the people.
Thank you for all you do. This current government is a complete disgrace. Things need to change and fast!!!
Hi Senator Roberts I ser that the health bill concerning tobacco and other products is in you sheets of legislation. I’m all for banning disposable vapes as they are aimed at kids but us adults and I say again adults should have the right to choose if we vape or not. Regulation and stricter purchasing availability is what’s need. You need Identification to buy cigarettes so why can’t we do that with vapes. Follow the New Zealand 🇳🇿 and UK 🇬🇧 model and there will be a lot less cost on the government in healthcare. I picked up a vape 5 years ago and I haven’t had a cigarette since and I feel much better mote healthy and an not coughing all the time like I used to with the smokes. I hope I can rely on your vote when it comes to this legislation. Thanks
Regards Chris Walker.