BOVAER is a chemical additive that has been approved in Australia for feeding ruminants, including cows.
Bovaer is a trade name. The active substance is 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP), which is diluted in propylene glycol and adsorbed on silicic acid. The chemical suppresses methane production by 99% in laboratory trials, but only 45% in field trials, and 28% when used for 12 months. This suggests that either the animals develop resistance to the chemical, or the chemical degrades in storage.
3-NOP is not approved for use in organic beef or milk in Australia, so those wishing to avoid the chemical can purchase organic products.
Bovaer itself is harmful if it comes into contact with human skin, and the Product Safety Sheet requires the use of personal protective equipment.
The amount of Bovaer used in cow feeding is very small. If used as directed, the product does not affect the animal and does not appear in meat or milk fat. Additionally, the animal consumes 5% less feed for the same output.
However, food.gov.uk conducted testing at levels above the recommended dose and found that at (double) the dose, effects identified included decreased ovary size. At five times the dose, the chemical WAS found in milk fat. Further research at higher levels was prevented by the premature slaughter of the animal, which is a red flag to One Nation.
Long-term genotoxicity testing concluded there was evidence of carcinogenicity in female rats. However, the makers hired “experts” to contest the result. There has been no attempt to determine the happiness of the animals, i.e. does consuming this chemical cause them any discomfort?
The primary purpose of the product is to reduce methane emissions. However, ruminants have been part of the ecosystem since time began and bovine methane actually helps the environment.
There is no reason to add this chemical to stockfeed, regardless of its safety. This product is nothing more than a fundraiser for climate carpetbaggers to create a billion-dollar industry for themselves where none existed and none is needed.
For these reasons, One Nation opposes the use of Bovaer.
Who in their right mind would put human life at risk not to mention the poor cows putting this poisonous substance into our food for the sake of reinforcing a climate crises is upon us when this is simply just “ NOT THE CASE .”
Labor’s wind turbines on farmers land for renewables being put in place under the Paris agreement , farmers are not having a bar of it .
Now Dutton too is saying he is staying with the Paris agreement . Does this mean he too will be pushing these turbines onto farmers too
want to know what Dutton will do should he win the next election
I totally agree with what you say, especially the fact that this is just another way to keep adding to their ‘climate change’ COFFERS! However, who really knows what this may do to humans?!
What agency is responsible for approving it? FSANZ or APVMA ? Both of which are controlled by the groups the are meant to oversee.
We need to contact Coles, Woolworths, Pauls, Dairy Farmers, Norco, your local butcher etc to express our disapproval of this ill-conceived, illogical and illness-inducing crime? We did not vote for it. We don’t want it.
One Nation should be calling out the junk science that is behind thie ridiculous claim that methane makes climate change worse; it does no such thing
In the 1970-80’s a product named Railgro was sold to increase weight gain in cattle. Initial claims were that there were no harmful effects. However it was found that the claims were untrue, and the product was withdrawn from the market.
Do we really need this product? Since when does methane from cattle kill humans? What proof do we have that this new product is not harmful to humans?