One Nation DOES NOT support children having irreversible, elective medical procedures before they can even vote and before therapeutic treatment such as counselling is applied. That stance is not transphobic, as much as the greens want to pretend it is.
One Nation does not support this motion, as it misrepresents the intentions behind One Nation’s stance on protecting our children. All children, including those who present with gender dysphoria, have a right to therapeutic and medical care. Therapeutic care is underutilised for children presenting with gender dysphoria. Children should not be put on a medical pathway with irreversible outcomes. It is not helpful to all children who need support to label everyone who disagrees with Senator Rice’s world view as being transphobic. That will never address the anguish that these children and parents face. It will suppress alternative views. It is subtle censorship based on trying to shame people whose views differ. One Nation supports an inclusive approach because we do not carve out special groups to protect at the expense of others. Inclusiveness starts with a state of mind, and a thousand variations on a man and a woman will never include everyone as long as there are those who choose to identify as a victim first.