Senator for Queensland with One Nation
With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.
Want to know what Malcolm thinks about something? See if you can find it by searching here
“The decades of Government inaction on issues in the, ‘too hard’ basket is killing our country. We’re not afraid to listen and take up the things affecting Australians everyday.”
With a strong background in engineering, mining and business leadership, Malcolm brings a real world perspective to Parliament that the ranks of major party lawyers and former union bosses miss.
He has led the operational development of Australia’s largest and most complex underground coal project, setting many new industry firsts.
After being disqualified along with 14 others from sitting in Parliament in the 2017-18 eligibility crisis, Malcolm campaigned for election again in 2019 where he was successful with a huge increase in vote.
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Wake up and stand together! The global elite wants us divided and self-loathing, pushing us towards a future where human connection and empathy are lost.
We've seen the same tactics during COVID—fear and isolation. But the truth is, when united, we have the power to reason, care, and love.
Don't be fooled by those claiming humans are a blight. Embrace your humanity, question the agenda, and let's protect our freedom and dignity.
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I'm completely over the constant division being pushed at us and the misplaced rage of those who cannot see it......
Well said Senator,!!!!
Schwab and the rest of his sick deciples have to be rounded up....and eliminated.
Here's is some Division we NEED, We need 2 completely separate blood donation and organ banks, one for the "anti vaxers" and one for the drug addicts!!! The Hospitals can still reject operations on non- drug addicts, how illegal and wrong is that.
It’s the same people committing genocide In Palestine.
I got a new MAGA hat Senator Malcolm Roberts MAKE ALBO GO AWAY! About to go shopping wearing it, fun fun fun & I can run...😂👍
Australia, with our vast continent, oceans and forests absorbs more than we produce.
When counting those "carbon sinks" properly, Australia is already at net-zero, so why do we need to do anything?
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100% Malcolm
We have 24 billion trees. We produce 499 tonne CO2 a year. It takes 46 trees to absorb 1 tonne CO2. I have always said australia has been net zero for millions of years
So you are telling us about control whilst telling us you should be in control??? That seems like an oxymoron, like when Pauline said that Hydo isn't a renewable!!! But sure, pretend you make the calls!
Tis a load of ol' bollocks n another method of control.
Trees grow better with carbon dioxide
Keep up the good work Malcolm
So human production of CO2 exists??? trump wanna be!
Thanks for your hard work and dedication Malcolm.
Thankyou! Senator Malcolm Roberts for keeping True blue, dinky dy and Fair Dinkum, alive 👍 We all owe you a debt of gratitude for sticking up for Australians and others 👏 Bless you 💜🙏
It’s still a good objective to reduce pollution. The issue is the equations they use. They don’t count a Polly on a private jet etc
Wealth transfer... Never heard that expression in my 60s~70s childhood.. Ohhhh you mean scamming fraud? "Financial gain by deception"? That's a crime in Australia.. Lying for monetary reward..? Hmmmm Why is this mob not in front of a disincentivised judge. Or are they a vanishing commodity too?
If we were at nett zero we wouldn't be burning ANY coal..job done.
it's a private company. Surely if it can be forced to repeat statements it disagrees with. Can you be forced to repeat statements you disagree with? Surely, that is communism. If not happy then combine to gether and setup and alternative.
Keep the Cash Cow active.
Senator Malcolm Roberts this sustainable idea thing came straight from King Charles the Drac.
Australia produces about 4% of the 3% of co2 that man produces. The other 97% is produced by nature, and so it is fanciful to think that we can make any difference , but you first have to believe in the greenhouse effect, lol. Gases are subject to creating convectional currents, and then there's thermal exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere, and that's really game over.
Vast Forests Senator Roberts? You clearly do not pay close attention to Satellite Photos unfortunately. I would 'estimate' that what remains of our original 'Forest' coverage would in the single digit percentages range. Given that the vast majority of our landmass is desert your statement does not align with reality IMO. Unfortunately, like so many of our elected representatives on particular topics, on this one you appear to be influenced by belief, agenda or other as opposed to being guided by science and raw factual data.
🤣 oh ffs, 🤣… the ocean absorbs carbon which then increases its acidity in a chemical process called ocean acidification. Ocean acidification threatens the fundamental chemical balance of ocean and coastal waters across the globe. Ocean acidification can create conditions that eat away at the minerals used by oysters, clams, shrimp, coral reefs, and other marine life to build their shells and skeletons. Human health is also a concern, as lab studies have shown that many harmful algal species produce more toxins and bloom faster in acidified waters. But, you know, whatever, f$&k the ocean, f$&k the environment, who the f$&k cares, just burn all the coal right…
Of course, the problem with all that Senator, is that you haven't counted all the sources and sinks properly. You have been told this many, many times, yet you persist in promulgating false information. Disgraceful.
You need to go along anyways, because there's a world to enslave.
Wrong just wrong. And this isn't under Hansards protection . The coal that the Senator loves puts us way in the Red . The Senator didn't post supporting evidence so i will instead
Humour for the end of the Monday-Friday week ... See MoreSee Less
I refuse to purchase from them. Putting people out of business is their game
Hmmm, I shop with them because of budget. If you are careful to scrutinise the items prior to purchase, it’s ok. So far I have purchased 1 item that was a bit disappointing. As for people being put out of jobs locally, that ship sailed when gst was brought in and import tax was so low on imports. My family would have no clothes on our backs if it wasn’t for them! I used to buy from op shops and recycle to make my own clothes. Then they too became unrealistically expensive. I challenge anyone to provide me with a local clothing store that sells all AU produced items starting with fabric and thread, at pensioner prices? Most fabrics these days are made overseas - India, China etc. Got to love Globalisation. 🙁
It must have gone up, last time I saw this story it was $59.46c 😂
Oh I put that up last week fact checkers said I was wrong and took down the post
Well I’ve had a big laugh at this cause I’ve had some crap from them. I’ve had some really good deals including some of the best golf gloves I’ve ever worn and sunglasses that I’ve paid $15 for three and for some reason I don’t want to get lost like all my $200 pairs of sunglasses.😊😂
Was the junk worth that much, over priced estimate. 🤣🤣
thats harsh humour malcolm, not the best view for a pollie
That was the expensive end of the shed!!!
Had to steal this and repost on my page . Bloody funny
Took me months to get the Temu spam to stop, never buying from them ever again.
Best thing to do with temu!
I shared the post and was fact
Now that’s something to consider. Worth every penny penny.
Happy my order is on its way 😆
Awesome for the environment 👏🏽
Oh no! Where’s my order
It's all flammable stuff - karma. Why do people buy from this place and the shit they advertise?
Go uncle
Sorry but maybe now people will buy locally
Me too it’s wind by the ccp Once you purchase from them they have all your info
Including tax
Never had a problem with Temu, out of maybe 20 items only returned 2, free shipping back and refunded promptly
I love Temu!
Another one bites the dust
Most of the stuff they have is WORTHLESS.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament