The latest podcasts from Senator Roberts
Malcolm’s Issues
Malcolm’s press releases, speeches and other stories
Australia’s Contaminated Blood Scandal
One of the most troubling scandals in Australia involved government agencies, the Australian Red Cross, blood banks, and CSL, who knowingly transfused contaminated blood to individuals in need of transfusions. This included blood from donors…
One Nation is the True Champion for the Environment
National, Speeches
As I travel through Queensland, visiting communities affected by industrial wind and solar projects, it’s increasingly evident that Greens’ politics are rife with hypocrisy and the public know it. While they present themselves as champions…
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Labor Proposes to Tax the Shirt off Your Back
National, Speeches
During Question Time, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher twice failed to rule out adding a tax to clothing.
This tax will be passed on to you and I at the checkout, making clothing more expensive and adding to the cost of living. The excuse…
Inquiry Into Wind and Solar Urgently Needed
National, Speeches
During my recent visits to constituents across Queensland, there has been a consistent request for an inquiry into the wind and solar scam. Jobs are being destroyed and exported overseas where there's cheaper energy. Cheaper and reliable energy…
Labor Abandons Miners
National, Speeches
Labor voted down my amendment that would backpay miners who have been ripped off by dodgy union deals signed off by the government.
This is what I'm doing about it: senroberts.com/48vbjqm
Malcolm’s Fight
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