The move to expensive and intermittent energy is causing unnecessary hardship amongst our most vulnerable residents and the destruction of our manufacturing industries that once relied upon our cheap and abundant energy system. We need to restore cheap and reliable electricity so Australia can become an industrial and energy superpower.
Australia’s Chief Scientist stated in June 2017 that if Australia were to stop all its human CO2 output (which accounts for 1.3%) that the difference would be “virtually nothing” in relation the changing climate of the world. In spite of the Chief Scientist’s admission, our government continues to force us down the route of expensive and intermittent renewable energy, for no gain.
Climate policies have caused 10 coal power stations to be closed since 2010 without a single replacement. Renewables projects are subsidised by billions of dollars each year giving them an unfair advantage and forces coal power to become unprofitable.
Senator Roberts supports the building of coal power stations to provide cheap reliable power for all Australians. A reversal of climate policies and renewable subsidies would allow the market to restore the cheapest and most reliable electricity source.