There is no shortage of issues facing our country. The below issues are some of the ones that are in priority need of repair to get our country back on track:
Energy/Electricity prices and security
Climate fraud – Ending corruption of climate science and ending climate alarm that is costing people billions of dollars and destroying jobs and killing poor elderly
Tax reform and taxing multinationals
Restoring farmers’ property rights, rural sectors and communities
Murray Darling Basin
Immigration & protecting our nation & borders
Accountability in government
Aboriginal constituents – restore financial rights and integrity
Adhering to the Constitution – Over-regulation and government control over people’s lives
Corruption in Government
Aus-Exit – Exit UN & all its treaties, soft laws and free trade agreements with ISDS clauses
Family law
IR and employment – Underpayment of workers and loss of conditions
Veterans – fair treatment & care
UNsafe schools
PFAS destroying health
Federal ICAC