One of the biggest issues challenging everyday Australians is the erosion of property rights. Many of us assume that because you own a property, be it in urban areas or a broad-acre farm, you are within your rights to make decisions about it. This is especially important for our farmers who need to make decisions to create profitable and sustainable livelihoods. What many Australians do not realise is that these property rights have been deliberately and systematically eroded and many critical decisions are no longer ours to make.
The diminishing scope of property rights creates uncertainty as it affects new and ongoing investment in the productive capacity of the land, stagnates job creation and destablises income, all of which undermines rural communities.
The excessive intervention of Governments extends to environmental laws that have restricted our right to hold water on our land, to clear invasive weeds and pests and even to use native vegetation in times of drought. The red tape of endless paperwork, permits and regulations is a distraction from farming the land. Green tape insists on onerous and ill-conceived laws that stop our farmers, our best environmentalists, actually caring for the land and ensuring its long-term productive capacity.
Senator Roberts is committed to slashing the red and green tape, restoring the full complement of property rights so our farmers have profitable livelihoods and can manage their land for future generations.