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One Nation is the party of free enterprise, which has lifted the Western world out of poverty, providing high standards of living within peaceful societies.

In recent years, predatory billionaires—who already possess more than their fair share—have used their wealth to compromise industry, media, and politics. Their reason is simple: for these individuals, no amount is ever enough. They covet every cent you have and every freedom you enjoy.

The end result is not free enterprise but crony capitalism—a corruption of true free enterprise. This corrupted system serves only to enrich the elite while enslaving everyday citizens in a debt trap and more recently, a digital prison designed to ensure their transfer of wealth is protected.


Qantas CEO Vanessa Hudson recently declared that no new airlines could survive in Australia; that was about Bonza. We’ve since seen Rex’s demise, leaving two companies running three major airlines in a market worth $20 billion a year. 

One Nation believes free enterprise competition delivers the highest quality product for the lowest price to the most people. Competition best meets people’s needs. In Australia, we do not have free enterprise competition; we have crony capitalism. Those are not the same thing; they’re enemies. 

Crony capitalism occurs when a cabal of companies acts together to capture production, manufacturing and delivery, to provide the lowest quality product at the highest possible price. That arranged market domination inevitably lowers wages and transfers wealth from working Australians to crony capitalists. 

Anyone who shops in foreign-owned-and-controlled Coles or Woolies will have noticed that everything is smaller, cheaper and doesn’t work like it used to. That’s crony capitalism at work. The world’s largest wealth funds have bought out Australia and turned our once-loved companies into weapons of mass exploitation. Our corporate sector no longer serves us. Instead, we serve the corporate sector, including by the forced purchase of fake medical products during COVID. 

One Nation believes government regulation—including of airlines, banking and the medical field—does not protect the public against corporations; it protects the corporations against new competition and, therefore, against the people. High levels of regulation are barriers to entry to new players, allowing large corporations to thrive while small local players like Rex are strangled and wiped out. Masses of regulations protect corporations with expensive lawyers against court cases. 

If you believe it’s time to reduce regulation, to reduce the presence of foreign corporations and governments in our economy; if you believe it’s time to unleash real competition, to solve the cost-of-living crisis and provide better choices, then welcome to the light. Welcome to One Nation. 

4 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    This country , the population of have always been exploited , ripped off tricked and conned by unscrupulous business and cooperations . The supposedly guardians namely our government , over the years have allowed it to get to this , the lucky country it’s been termed but only for those who have exclusive rights to everything

  2. Alvar Dalton
    Alvar Dalton says:

    A royal commission into airlines was proposed by the Katters a while back due to fees being charged for FIFO to Mt Isa etc. It must happen because with the latest raft of stupidity with airlines failing all over the place, our country is looking like a graveyard for capitalism. Qantas should not receive a single dollar of public money, nor any other business or private enterprise or charity. Any time this happens they become an subsidiary of a government department and government believe they have the right to dictate terms. Age care sector suffering a flu shot mandate, killing any chance they had of attracting nurses and true growth. Private schools with religious teachings hiring woke teachers. Send in the government, the only thing they could possibly fix is what they ruin in the first place by erasing any input completely.

  3. Trudy
    Trudy says:

    We need the good old Aussie loved products back. Not cheap, crap, foul tasting food Woollies & Coles put on the shelves. Don’t people realise we are supporting Communism and it does not go well with Democracy. These companies are cornering the market and therefore can dictate the prices. More Airlines, keep Coal, Gas in Australia. Ban foreign ownership. Who benefits from these silly Wind Farms when hit their use by dates cannot be recycled welcome to the junkyard of a greener environment.🤣🤣


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