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Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito (known as the dengue mosquito in north Queensland). The dengue virus is not endemic in Australia, meaning the virus is not normally present in Australia.

Dengue fever outbreaks begin when someone is infected with dengue overseas and arrives with the virus in their blood. This is referred to as an imported case. When a local Aedes aegypti mosquito bites an infected person, it in turn becomes infected with the virus and can then transmit it to others through subsequent bites. These instances are known as locally acquired cases.

The dengue virus does not spread directly from person to person.

Catching different types of dengue, even years apart, increases the risk of developing severe dengue. Severe dengue causes bleeding and shock, and can be life-threatening. There have been deaths in Queensland from severe dengue. This is why a vaccine is problematic, because that relies on giving the subject the disease.

About Oxitec and Their Process

Oxitec’s genetically modified mosquitoes work by releasing sterile males into the wild to mate with females, which results in offspring that die in the larval stage. Oxitec’s mosquitoes are engineered with a self-limiting gene that produces a non-toxic protein that prevents their offspring from surviving to adulthood. The protein, called tTAV, disrupts the cell’s ability to function and prevents the insect from developing normally.

The gene can be switched off using amoxicillin, which allows the factory to breed the mosquitoes, then once in the wild, the amoxicillin wears off and the gene starts producing the protein again.

In short – it’s gene editing, hence the need for the application to the Office of the Gene Technology regulator.

Our CSIRO is a proponent |

“Launched today, Oxitec Australia is a collaboration between CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and UK-based Oxitec Ltd, the leading developer of biological solutions to control pests.“

And look who is running the show – “Professor Brett Sutton, Director of Health & Biosecurity at CSIRO, said Oxitec Australia is now seeking partners to accelerate its activities and product development in Australia.”

When I said it was a template, this is confirmed in the CSIRO press release:

“This technology platform could also be used to develop solutions for a wide spectrum of pests that threaten livestock and crops and our food systems.”

Oxitec are running field trials on a fall armyworm with the same gene added, which is a moth not a mosquito. And it’s our money going into this so Estimates is fair game:

“Oxitec Australia is also developing an Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) solution, with funding from CSIRO, to help prevent a major invasion risk to mainland Australia. “

Mosquito Performance in Brazil

Oxitec launched a year-long field trial in Indaiatuba, Brazil in 2018. The trial involved releasing Oxitec’s Friendly™ Aedes aegypti in four communities. The trial’s results included an average of 89% peak suppression in two communities treated with a low release rate of mosquitoes according to Oxitec. Brazil’s Dengue rate was low in 2018, and jumped up in 2019 and later. The locals are claiming a connection but there is no science around what that connection could be.

Gates Foundation however washed their hands of the Brazil Dengue escalation with this statement:

“A spokesperson at the Gates Foundation told AFP that the foundation ‘does not fund any of Oxitec’s work involving Aedes aegypti mosquito release in Brazil.’ 

NOT exactly a debunking of the controversy.

People are asking if the explosion in Dengue in Brazil the year after the trial was related, especially when the same thing happened after a similar trial for Zika. It is a question that should be addressed, although I do think it is not connected.

Florida 2021 – Nothing Went Wrong

Oxitec ran a controlled release in Florida in 2021. A kill rate of 90% was proven, with no known unintended consequences. HOWEVER, there was an increase in Dengue the following year and the same thing happened with the Zika test in Brazil. The reason this isn’t related is the genotype:

“We documented an unprecedented number of travel-associated and locally acquired DENV-3 cases in Florida during May 2022–April 2023; circulation of the DENV-3 genotype III was recently identified in the Americas. Our investigation illustrates that local transmission and spread in Florida was limited, despite multiple introductions from outside the country. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed that cases were from the same DENV-3 genotype III lineage and were highly related to one another and to cases identified in Puerto Rico, Arizona, and Brazil.”

So the outbreak was not spontaneous in the area of the trial, but was introduced from outside.

Dengue Vaccine and the Philippines Scandal

Sanofi Pasteur owns the Dengvaxia® vaccine – the first licensed dengue vaccine and available in more than 20 countries. It is registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia, but is not currently marketed here.

WIKIPEDIA: “The Philippine Department of Health began in 2016 a programme in three regions to vaccinate schoolchildren against dengue fever, using Dengvaxia supplied by Sanofi Pasteur. On 29 November 2017, Sanofi issued a caution stating that new analysis had shown that those vaccinated who had not previously been infected with dengue ran a greater risk of infection causing severe symptoms. On 1 December 2017, the Philippine DOH placed the programme on hold, pending review. Over 700,000 people had received at least one vaccination at that point.[11][12] Since the announcement by Sanofi, at least 62 children have died, allegedly after receiving a vaccination. The victims’ parents blamed the dengue vaccine for the deaths of their children.”

Most of the deaths were caused by internal bleeding in the heart, lungs and brain, which are symptoms of haemorrhagic dengue.

Sanofi announcement confirms facts:

Wikipedia with references:

Is this an Attempt to Create a Disease Just to Sell the vaccine?

Comparison of death rates from the vaccinated and unvaccinated suggests the vaccine offers some benefit, but that is mostly based in areas and demographics where health services are poor. It is best answered by offering mobile health services in affected areas. This Australia can do, whereas maybe the Philippines can’t.

The vaccine is listed in Australia – but hasn’t been used. The Philippines incident was the last known use of the vaccine, and the victim’s court case is still underway. Given Sanofi’s admissions around the vaccine and WHO’s advisory that a serology test is needed before giving the vaccine to a person to ensure they haven’t had the disease before, I doubt this is a vaccine play.

The mRNA version of the vaccine was trialled and rejected in 2014 because it didn’t work. It’s not an attempt to feed work to Pfizer’s new mRNA factories in Australia. There are new vaccines coming through but they have the same problem – making the disease worse in people who have had it before.

Some Mosquitoes Replicate

4% of the mosquitoes in the Brazil test lived and replicated. No work appears to have been done on what happened to the offspring – were they normal or were they mutated and if so, what is the effect of that mutation?

Could a mutated progeny cause a mutation in the virus (Dengue, Zika, Yellow Fever, Malaria) which causes it to become more dangerous, infectious, etc. This is a major question to be answered – capturing and testing mosquitoes in the wild to look for mutations, and that work has not been done. It must be an element of the OGTR approval.

Mosquitoes have a life cycle of 7 – 10 days. Fall army worms (FAW) live 6 – 8 weeks, so they are present in the environment longer but not significantly so.

Cane Toad Disaster at Risk of Repeating

13 replies
  1. Leigh
    Leigh says:

    I’ve been noticing over the last week I’m killing mosquitos every day inside my shut up (aircon is on) house that I only occasionally open the door. I’ve never had this problem before. I live in south west Brisbane

  2. Nichola Wallace
    Nichola Wallace says:

    Sometimes it’s better to leave well enough alone. We have had too many unintended consequences happen over the years, with the cure being worse then the disease.

  3. Alan Vaughn
    Alan Vaughn says:

    Boggles the mind as to how / why the mass murdering genocidal psychopath Gates is still free to walk among us, while he delights in killing us all including innocent children, because HE thinks there are too many people in the world which he believes he owns because he’s the wealthiest person in the world.
    Most of his wealth of course, was provided by those he is trying (successfully) to exterminate and almost no one even questions what he’s doing or, are even aware of the UN’s evil Agenda 2030, of which he is its most essential proponent and funder…

    This says a lot more about US that it does Gates and his humanity loathing pals who meet regularly at Davos.

  4. Rick
    Rick says:

    An unnecessary vaccine could open up a whole can of worms especially if Bill Gates has involvement in it . No thanks ! The percentage likelihood of getting dengue fever doesn’t warrant vaccination of the whole countries population .

  5. Ian
    Ian says:

    I thought the new premier in qld was a new light in this evil system. So why would he ever trust evil bill gates after the evil COVID B’s. How could this government even consider this mosquito trial. Open your eyes to these evil people

  6. Bernadette Saffin
    Bernadette Saffin says:

    Haven’t we learned enough yet with actual facts of the plandemic.
    It’s time scientists become accountable for the experiments that endangers peoples health and lives. Anything that Bill Gates is involved with should be a GIANT red flag.
    It’s about time politicians listened to the people’s wishes and not to the threatening bureaucrats who make a lot of money to push an agenda that is not really justified or beneficial to humanity.

  7. Megan Knight
    Megan Knight says:

    Horrendous news!! Please advise anything and everything we can do to assist. My children and grandchildren are here in Qld – and I do not want to be subjected to this – or anything by that evil man with a god complex

  8. Mark P Dolan
    Mark P Dolan says:

    There was a Study of Fish in Tin Can Area that found the Mosquito spray did Kill Mossies but lead to a Decline in Fish , like Whiting , Brim Etc . Cause they Feed off the Lava of the Mosquito. We play with Nature too much and We are not as Smart as We think. I Don,t Trust Gates at all !

  9. Gumnut 123
    Gumnut 123 says:

    I would be most concerned as to what is in/on the Mosquito.

    As these mad scientists and Foundations& like can, at the call up of their AI have another “chemical recipe” and yes, these Investors new factories are now in many countries of the World. So to have the “formula” changed and made in a few weeks is of great concern. Rules and Regulatoinis were ignored by this class of people and that is a great worry in so many ways.

    Are there Rules in place where honest reputable scientists do a thorough pathology test of every batch that is to be used? and the Report is throughly checked at all times by honest, reputable Lawyers?

    There are so many quesions and tests etc., that need to be done and we all know that these obsessed people who do not do anything unless it pays not a dividend but small fortunes and also kills people are going to be legally respponsible.

    Australia has always been a very healthy country to live in, but the bio-engineering, crop sprays for a very long time now, and other “happenings” have changed the habitats and habits of both 4 and two legged Australians.

    And decisions should not be fgiven to a few people aboiut this and so much else.

    We are in the age of technology and the greater majority have access to this techno and The People should be actively involved in decisions re their Country, which brings one back to people being actrive within their communities as they were long ago and interacting in so many ways that are enjoyable but help to better those communities..

    A RESOUNDING NO to this not required stupiditiy. Keep these people out of Australia, enough interefenìrence alreay in so many areas and most AUstralians ar enot even aware of the infiltration into Oz.

  10. Bruce Jones
    Bruce Jones says:

    Ask Bill Gates and the politicians who favour his idea to be the guinea pigs for his experimental idea. Their reactions will give a good indication of its effectiveness.

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