Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
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Fighting for Australians.
With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.
Parents vs Woke Education: The REAL Battle
National, SpeechesTGA Defends COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Amid Spike Protein Concerns
National, Senate EstimatesIllegal COVID Fines: Royal Commission NOW!
National, SpeechesDevelopers Locking Up Land
National, Senate EstimatesLemon Car Dealers Let Off the Hook
National, Senate Estimates‘Help to Buy’ Bill Fails to Address Australia’s Housing Crisis
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It was public pressure that forced the Albanese Government to scrap the Misinformation-Disinformation Bill. This is my speech in the Senate celebrating that win 👇
The Albanese Labor Government caved into to public pressure and scrapped the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 (MAD). This was a huge win for 'We The People,' who rejected the level of government tyranny the bill would have legislated.
One Nation has opposed the Bill since the Morrison-Liberal government first proposed it four years ago. We have campaigned tirelessly for years to raise public awareness of the human rights failures in this Bill, successfully influencing public opinion.
The Bill should never have progressed to a point where democracy itself stood on a precipice. If that sounds dramatic, then you haven't read the submission to the Senate inquiry into the MAD bill from human rights and civil rights lawyers.
I hope this marks the beginning of an awakening to the realisation that our country faces a bleak future of totalitarian government and economic decline unless everyday Australians reclaim the government from the self-interest that stained this Bill.
One Nation will continue to defend the human rights of every Australian. I can't say the same for the other parties. I have no doubt this Bill will return in the next Parliament unless One Nation gains the balance of power in the upcoming federal election.
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I thought they were going to reword it and change the title. Same Same. We still get shafted. Not up to the govt to decide. Did not vote on this. Maybe we need to vote on everything to slow up these govts in just pushing things through.
Now we need them to stop these ridiculous wind turbines
Where are all the bludgers, they should be there or better, BE SACKED
Well said Senator Malcolm Roberts, thank you!
Great work Senator Malcolm Roberts
Yes we win, but hell i've been trying to warn you Senator Malcolm Roberts it hasn't gone away, they bought misinformation and disinformation Bill right back in under another name, ive been trying to tell you and everyone else, that its under different name, since they was in parliament last year, please anyone who reads this help Malcolm Roberts see that we haven't won.
It wasn't public pressure. They poo'ed themselves when trump got elected.
what is the government doing dabbling in human rights issues? where is a copy of the MAD bill, the economy is also failing, $200 for a small half bag of food at woolworths, $100 for a packet of cigarettes, etc
🫡💪Senator Malcolm….. Your a Brave Mighty Man. ❤️🙏🌟🌟💪
No. The crossbenchers who voted against it stated that they supported the bill in principle, but not the way it was written. Meaning that they actually support misinformation and disinformation legislation, and indeed, have said that they may do so into the future, should a redrafted bill be presented to the parliament.
Excellent and amazing work and well done Sen. It always takes time to change the minds of the Muppets we have in. Well done on your persistence. The Australian people need to congratulate you. Excellent work ! Senator Malcolm Roberts could You please address this . Nothing good will come out of this. Hasn’t this country learned from cane toads , rabbits and anything else that doesn’t belong in the Australian environment.
The fascists will be back.
They have just pushed it again under a different name and require the same flood of letters and phone calls - it works.
Look at this
Great that it got stopped. I can now push my fake information around the climate change hoax.
When will the people of Australia wake the hell up? Stop voting the same imbeciles in on both sides they are no different to each other. They’re in bed with each other. Start voting. Sensible human beings in there. Will fight for our country and fight for the people. Not these clowns we have in there now you keep voting the same dumbo in there they don’t care about you people wait the hell up Australia. Let’s clean the swamp next election wake up Australia they do not care. They’re in there to fill their pockets walk away with all the mess. They called and leave it to someone else. They’re no different to each other. They both do it every friggin time wake up people 
And replaced it with the Online Safety Bill in disguise
Tyrants should be tried for Treason.
They a scared of MR Trump bunch of rat's
Who cares anyway? “Conspiracy theorist” is just another label
Labels are the refuge os the ignorant, incompetent, dishonest, fearful, …
Those who lack data & cannot make a logical argument to rebut us, lazily resort to labels
When they do, we win 😀
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I take being called a conspiracy nut as, I Am Right Again
I was called a conspiracy theorist for saying that certain groups of people in Australia get carbon credits for burning off.
Pretty fucking obvious to those with a working brain.
What’s this I’m just hearing about ‘genetically modified mosquitoes’ planning on being released in Australia? I’m assuming it’s BS and a joke … or is it ? ……
I used to be a conspiracy "theorist" and now the theories have come to pass, I'm now a conspiracy "FACTIST." 😎
Senator Malcolm Roberts ...can you please raise awareness to the fact that bill gates is seeking permission to release his sick little "robo mossies" in to Aussie...WTF...a new conspiracy for you...👍
Yes the Nuclear fantasy onenation supports..doesn't add up. 17 years to construct and a big blow-out in costs..
How do you label people that have been informed about the data countless times but still say "they lack data"...?
“We have it all” - Robert D Steele
And We know
So why do you call Labor WOKE.?
Your a mentalist
The canary in the coal mine is a conspiracy theorist and is told to shut up when it starts warning the lefties.
Citizen fact checker- truth finder
Christine & I became friends with Josh & his wife when we were starting our families in Qld
Josh & wife later moved back to America where he’s a successful lawyer & businessman who thinks about what’s happening here, in America & in the west generally
Proud former USA Marine & current Army Reserve, Joshua posted this photo
And posted this insightful comment about the initial success of advocacy movements that often leads to corruption of those same movements
What do you think?
“This picture got me thinking about how modern feminism fits the typical evolution of advocacy movements.
1) Advocacy movements start out well-justified to bring about needed change. eg, feminism began in response to women having fewer rights, the environmental movement began in response to thick smog & the wanton destruction of old growth redwoods & whales, & the civil rights movement begin in response to institutionalized & substantial racial discrimination.
2) They quickly make huge gains & win their wars (as originally defined), because their truth is so powerful. eg, so-called "first-wave" feminism succeeded in giving women equal rights to vote & work.
3) They NEVER disband, but instead move the goalposts further to justify their continued existence & mandate. Each new goal is more invasive & burdensome for society and commerce to meet, yet provides diminishing returns. To stay relevant they must exaggerate whatever problems remain (e.g., "microagressions," hoaxes). They must also exaggerate the value of their diminishing gains with religious fervor, drifting further from reality (the picture here shows that the female sailors are actually doing nothing to support the log - note the gaps between their arms & the bottom of the log - yet the picture is offered as an example of success).
4) Ultimately the movements end up absurdly becoming harmful to the cause that they were founded to advance. Modern feminism conveniently avoids countries where women truly have unequal rights, & now pretends to redefine masculinity in a way that hurts the very relationships that women & men cherish the most. Modern environmentalism ignores certain types of harm, like birds killed by windmills & the substantial pollution associated with manufacturing solar panels & automobiles with lithium batteries, myopically focusing instead on reducing CO2 (plant food that beneficially increases crop yields). Modern race advocates are far more divisive than unifying, & their policies are overtly racist (just in a different direction) - still prioritizing race over objective merit.
The picture becomes more interesting the more closely you look at it.”
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Agree with points 1 & 2. Advocacy movements do succeed when focused on an outcome.
For anyone who grew up on a farm there was no feminism - there was just work that had to be done and everyone pitched in with everything (with the exception of actual pregnancy). Everyone had something or a role they were better at but that was often age and experienced. I struggle with this “boys do this girls do this” crap cause it all needs to be done. If everyone got off their dammed high horse and just did the work it doesn’t matter. Feminism is definitely a city entitlement attitude
Insightful comment Malcolm
These days with breasts getting chopped off and girls on testosterone and boys on estrogen( even in military🫣) I am struggling to tell who is or isnt male or female in this photo😅
Interesting because one Scotsman could pick it up,end on and toss it....
Perhaps they were infiltrated and usurped and just used for their past validity as a springboard. Eg. Breastfeeding organization that now promotes chest feeding leading the founder to resign due to infiltration and goal direction away from ‘breast’ (natural) to include ‘chest’ (fictional). Another is now the infiltration of trans ideology like ‘people with a cervix’ when it comes to Pap smears or birthing - I mean even a sex change doesn’t contain a cervix- only women have these.
Modern feminism is a great example of everything that starts out great, then becomes corrupted and ultimately cancerous.
Feminishm has gone too far. Sure women should not be prevented on basis of sex from doing things but the reality is somethings women cant do because of their size. Women sports people want equal pay with men and tennis is a prime example. Thing is ladies the men have to play five sets and the women three and they want the same pay for less work. Governments promote equality in numbers with women on Boards. They should not get picked simply for equality of numbers based on sex but because they are the best qualified. Personally I would not want to be picked for something to fill a quota of women so it looks like equality. I would want to do it because I am the best candidate. I also think it is bullshit to keep promoting more women in parliament. Do we want good politicians (and there are few) or do we want equal numbers of men and women politicians regardless? Whilst the PM is the worst I have seen OMG some of the women make you embarrassed to be female.
Senator Malcolm Roberts Pauline Hanson's Please Explain Peter Dutton Anthony Albanese Passed the heavy lifting for the most vunerable australians to charities in 2024 After not listening to his own economic advisory commitee 2 years consecutively Salvation Army gearing up for 'hardest Christmas' in 140-year history
Very well said.
Well said. 🎯
Sounds like One Nations journey.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Podcast: Become Your Own Super Hero
National, PodcastsPodcast: The Right Side Show
National, PodcastsPodcast: You’re The Voice
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Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament
Parents vs Woke Education: The REAL Battle
National, SpeechesIllegal COVID Fines: Royal Commission NOW!
National, Speeches‘Help to Buy’ Bill Fails to Address Australia’s Housing Crisis
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