Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
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Fighting for Australians.
With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.

Treasurer’s “Jimbonomics” Australia’s road to ruin
Iraq invasion was based on WMD lies
The Wuhan “Conspiracy Theory” – Not a conspiracy any more
400,000 immigrants driving Rental Crisis
World Health Organisation is rotting from the head
The BigPharma War: Patents vs. Patients
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Why are we selling homes to foreigners while Australians are sleeping on the street?
Only One Nation can be trusted when it comes to foreign influence: we would ban foreign purchases permanently, extend the ban to farmland and tell foreign owners to sell their home to an Australian.
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We've been doing it for decades! Every one of those towers or apartment complexes in major cities throughout Australia require 60% sold off the plan before they can even start foundations. For nearly 50 years state governments have allowed this to happen in Asian markets with guaranteed Visa's when purchased. How are you going to turn back a 50 year practice?
Many countries don't allow foreign ownership. Even places like China its very hard to become a citizen or start a business I've heard
And state governments imposing land taxes.. which are being passed onto the tenant to fork out for. No ones wages are going up to cover the costs.. the state government are sending Victorians broke, as is the Australian government!
Only naturalised Aussies should be able to buy homes.
Because our whole government is shit...full stop
One Nation Speaks My Language.🦘
Because we have a corrupt government
Wow....they would buy through a 3rd party...very easy to get around.
A lot of foreign buyers buy multi million dollar homes which is out of reach for most Aussies , say a foreigner bought up a housing complex and actually rented out units to Aussies that be a different story , some do in the past but not many , excluding foreign buyers hurts Aussies too , because who will buy multi million dollar home . They will be stuck with it most likely sitting vacant because not even renting it out most can not afford .. more homes 🏡 need to be built that be the only solution
Because they want to do away with Australians!
I agree 100 percent
China and India, are among the countries where Australians can't buy, but that doesn't stop them buying up big, locking up their homes and returning to their own countries.
because they offer top dollar, are you intending to restrict the asking price?
M R 4 P M
The real estate industry is making a fortune. The rot started in the 80s. Easy to stop if governments have balls.
Vote Labor out!.
Disgusting Government, like the American Democrats, our so called Government has opened the floodgates, especially those that want to rob or kill us!…..
Because… foreigners bring money into the country and the politicians are addicted to money.
And now even fineing poor homeless ppl this isn't looking after the Australian ppl
Please do this Malcolm we need to stop the corruption of LABOR and LIBERAL PARTIES
It’s a shame, as a sitting Senator, you continue to ignore that political parties are not mentioned in our original Commonwealth Constitution, and therefore are unlawful and unconstitutional. Never mind the fact that you and One Nation chose to vote for an exit payment of $120k, for any politician that may be voted out, in the next unlawful federal election 🤬 Tell us all about the paper that you wrote a few years back. If you’re unable to find it, I’d be happy to share it, when the time is appropriate 😉
Homeless living in tents told to move on, pity they can’t identify as immigrants
Just saw on the new homeless living in tents are being kicked out of parks I say line up in the Migrants line and get put in Motels
Senator Malcolm Roberts Why do politicians swear an oath to the Queen of Australia? Who is the Queen of Australia? Why do politicians swear an oath to a lie, and a fiction? Why is the foundation of our system of governance, based on a lie? Why has every level of governance in Australia been corporatised? These are just historical facts. As you've just made the claim, you are the ONLY ones that can be trusted, any chance of some answers?
Because politicians dont give 2 fucks about the australian people NEVER HAVE NEVER WILL
Does it feel like inflation is going down to you?
The government claims it's winning the battle, yet out in the real world everything is still getting more expensive and nothing is anywhere close to the price it was 5 years ago.
You're not crazy - the government's just trying to gaslight you and tell you things are better than they are heading into an election.
Only One Nation would make the real changes to put more money back in your pocket.
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Seems everything is more expensive to live.
Watched this today, however would like to know if the required quorum of 1/3 must be in attendance, was yet again not acknowledged. If not, this seems to be happening quite a lot. When will the speaker either call others in or cancel the session, as per the requirements in our Commonwealth Constitution?
I’m sure on a politicians salary, they would have absolutely no idea
If my wage today is equal to that of 2015, like what I've read numerous times then over that span my pay has gone up by around 35%, inflation is not what they're telling us
Well they said electricity was going to go up again, simply answer No
Nothing is going down except out faith in the government
With zero seats in the lower house!
Inflation is nothing but legal stealing of the people.
Power bills going up 9%. Call the election!
Every time I go shopping I am paying more
No way.
🤦🏼♀️One Nation has no monies, your talking about using “taxpayers monies” 🤦🏼♀️
so are you proposing wages and price control? how very communist of you, you do know it was tried and knocked back many years ago, why don't you explain exactly how a two seat party intends to fix this problem.
Good ideas but they haven,t the numbers to govern
The more fictitious money the government "Borrow" from the privately owned central bank system, the more they "Deflate" the value of the money already in supply! Government/Central Bank controlled inflation!! Then We pay the interest and principal on the fictitious loans!!
It’s all part of the plan You will own nothing and be happy right grrr
Government’s have no monies 🤦🏼♀️ All monies used by governments are “our” taxpayers monies 🤦🏼♀️ Surely you know that Senator Malcolm Roberts 🤦🏼♀️
We have some real idiots at the helm 🤦♂️
Senator Malcolm Roberts Why do politicians swear an oath to the Queen of Australia? Who is the Queen of Australia? Why do politicians swear an oath to a lie, and a fiction? Why is the foundation of our system of governance, based on a lie? Why has every level of governance in Australia been corporatised? These are just historical facts. Any chance of an answer?
I must come under the fraudulent bushfire flood map because the insurance companies won’t touch me the rest of an absolute rip off, and of course everything has gone up and it keeps going up. This country sucks at the moment.
Stop importing more folks and give everyone a break with housing prices.
I travelled to Alice Springs to talk about actually supporting Australians in remote communities, not dividing us on race like the PM tried to do with his voice referendum.
One Nation will abolish the racially divisive indigenous departments that costs tens of billions a year and hasn’t closed the gap one bit.
Here’s what we’ll do instead.
The Northern Rail link is a 3,000km proposal across the entire top of Australia.
The important part for remote communities is what will run right next door to that rail line: high speed internet, electricity and a water pipeline.
Those three essential utilities will allow us to turbocharge central Australia for everyone who lives remotely.
Instead of handouts - One Nation will build real infrastructure that will allow remote Australia to make themselves richer.
The best form of welfare is a job - we'll build the infrastructure to create those jobs in rural Australia, based on need not race.
Real wealth for the future of all Australians.
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Absolutely essential...absolutely warranted!!! Our brothers and sisters need action, not the placated rubbish and rip offs that have been a constant feature of every successive government talkfest of inaction...keep up the good work Malcolm!
What will this cost? And while you are at it can you run a water pipeline from the Ord to the major river tributaries in the south. And would you stop the renewables push in preference to drill baby drill?
Having spent 35 years in the top end and working with most communities over those years and seeing all the experts from Canberra fly in and spend 3 hours on those communities with their clip boards you know nothing. The millions that are spent is nothing compared to the billions we have given to foreign countries. After all Albo spent 4 hours there and then 4 days on the Tennis shows you his priorities.
Costed this one out mate? Are these guys living remotely because they want to be away from it all by chance? Like they have a choice yeah?
The Bradfield scheme?
Put greens last on ballot and labour second last
Excellent job. Sensible idea
What about the paper that you wrote a few years ago Senator Malcolm Roberts? 🤔
Good ideas, exactly the type of solutions that will improve outcomes for the remote communities, I hope the country has the vision to implement , spread the word 👏👏
So far that makes sense to me.🇦🇺
I lived at laramba for four years The basic card completely slowed down domestic violence Willie I lived there children where fed and old people
Great ideas , give it 6 months and labour will brand it as there idea !
Love it
Good ideas for one nation
Oh my goodness, common sense for a change, how refreshing!
For gods sake, give it a bloody rest....rightly or wrongly Albo tried to unite Australians, not divide Australians with The Voice. The lyrics to a great Aussie song, the Warumpi Bands, Blackfella Whitefella...says...."it doesn't matter what ya colour. As long as you a true Fella, as long as you, a real Fella. You Senator Roberts, are neither a true Fella or a real Fella. It's people like you and your supporters who are the real dividers of this great country.
Sorry you choose to live in a remote place not our problem as I see it .. That’s an opinion and I fail to see why my tax dollars fund any help
The rail project would be an economic boom for NT or other states for efficient transportation. The other issue, like everyone else the past 50 years of trying to change them, this project won't change a thing with them when free money, welfare, royalties, free government services, free everything is available to them. The last change the indigenous had was when missions were in their communities. Since then it's been DV, death and misery and raising faz d affected shitbags who terrorize law abiding citizens all over the NT.
Good luck with this - it’s been abused for years and plenty to see.
How about putting some freedom parties on your ballot paper with labor. Greens & liberal at the bottom.
Base on need not race!!! Where have I heard that statement from!!! Oh ! Yes! The ACT party right wing in Aotearoa nz. Who’s!! The copy cat.
Isnt all the bush burned along that line
how? How do you create jobs in a remote community? Let alone a community in isolated areas. Talk is cheap. What do you actually propose? Go to a place like Wilcannia - how do you propose to increase job opportunities for the people who live there? Actions not words.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Net-zero means dark times ahead, literally
Climate Change, Speeches
‘Greensland’ just a bad fairytale
Climate Change, Speeches
Free Media dead in Australia
COVID, SpeechesPages
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