Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
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With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
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Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.

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Does it feel like inflation is going down to you?
The government claims it's winning the battle, yet out in the real world everything is still getting more expensive and nothing is anywhere close to the price it was 5 years ago.
You're not crazy - the government's just trying to gaslight you and tell you things are better than they are heading into an election.
Only One Nation would make the real changes to put more money back in your pocket.
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I’m sure on a politicians salary, they would have absolutely no idea
Seems everything is more expensive to live.
No way.
so are you proposing wages and price control? how very communist of you, you do know it was tried and knocked back many years ago, why don't you explain exactly how a two seat party intends to fix this problem.
Good ideas but they haven,t the numbers to govern
The more fictitious money the government "Borrow" from the privately owned central bank system, the more they "Deflate" the value of the money already in supply! Government/Central Bank controlled inflation!! Then We pay the interest and principal on the fictitious loans!!
We have some real idiots at the helm 🤦♂️
Senator Malcolm Roberts Why do politicians swear an oath to the Queen of Australia? Who is the Queen of Australia? Why do politicians swear an oath to a lie, and a fiction? Why is the foundation of our system of governance, based on a lie? Why has every level of governance in Australia been corporatised? These are just historical facts. Any chance of an answer?
I must come under the fraudulent bushfire flood map because the insurance companies won’t touch me the rest of an absolute rip off, and of course everything has gone up and it keeps going up. This country sucks at the moment.
Stop importing more folks and give everyone a break with housing prices.
I travelled to Alice Springs to talk about actually supporting Australians in remote communities, not dividing us on race like the PM tried to do with his voice referendum.
One Nation will abolish the racially divisive indigenous departments that costs tens of billions a year and hasn’t closed the gap one bit.
Here’s what we’ll do instead.
The Northern Rail link is a 3,000km proposal across the entire top of Australia.
The important part for remote communities is what will run right next door to that rail line: high speed internet, electricity and a water pipeline.
Those three essential utilities will allow us to turbocharge central Australia for everyone who lives remotely.
Instead of handouts - One Nation will build real infrastructure that will allow remote Australia to make themselves richer.
The best form of welfare is a job - we'll build the infrastructure to create those jobs in rural Australia, based on need not race.
Real wealth for the future of all Australians.
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The Bradfield scheme?
Absolutely essential...absolutely warranted!!! Our brothers and sisters need action, not the placated rubbish and rip offs that have been a constant feature of every successive government talkfest of inaction...keep up the good work Malcolm!
I love what you are doing Malcolm but conversely worried about a 8-10% of vote loss to the coalition and any hope of wrestling power from labour with the help of greens and teals. Please align with them for Australia’ s future.
Excellent job. Sensible idea
So far that makes sense to me.🇦🇺
Put greens last on ballot and labour second last
The rail project would be an economic boom for NT or other states for efficient transportation. The other issue, like everyone else the past 50 years of trying to change them, this project won't change a thing with them when free money, welfare, royalties, free government services, free everything is available to them. The last change the indigenous had was when missions were in their communities. Since then it's been DV, death and misery and raising faz d affected shitbags terrorising law abiding citizens all over the NT.
What will this cost? And while you are at it can you run a water pipeline from the Ord to the major river tributaries in the south. And would you stop the renewables push in preference to drill baby drill?
I lived at laramba for four years The basic card completely slowed down domestic violence Willie I lived there children where fed and old people
Oh my goodness, common sense for a change, how refreshing!
Good luck with this - it’s been abused for years and plenty to see.
For gods sake, give it a bloody rest....rightly or wrongly Albo tried to unite Australians, not divide Australians with The Voice. The lyrics to a great Aussie song, the Warumpi Bands, Blackfella Whitefella...says...."it doesn't matter what ya colour. As long as you a true Fella, as long as you, a real Fella. You Senator Roberts, are neither a true Fella or a real Fella. It's people like you and your supporters who are the real dividers of this great country.
Base on need not race!!! Where have I heard that statement from!!! Oh ! Yes! The ACT party right wing in Aotearoa nz. Who’s!! The copy cat.
Isnt all the bush burned along that line
Sounds great but the Globalists will want people off the land and crammed into the cities.
Well thats not going to happen this decade or the next. Oh and the Billions of dollars to do, Do Not Exist, but just go ahead and spend it anyways.
Let me explain the racism and division you just acknowledged , yt people in government agencies would never help and no intention to help First Nations Peoples in Australia, thats why these Aboriginal and Islander agencies are here and will stay in place , your party and the LNP voters are racist and dividers of this country.
Malcolm you need to go on the facebook page “Action for Alice 2020”to find out how out of control aboriginal youth crime is in Alice Springs with the entire population living in fear !!!
Australia should buy equipment to cheaply and temporarily convert military Hercules and Chinook transport aircraft into waterbombers.
In contrast to permanent waterbombers, these aircraft would return to normal operations afterwards rather than sitting idle and waiting for the next big fire.
Defence work shouldn’t be manning Australia’s state borders during Covid-19 lockdowns, acting as a surge workforce in aged care homes and mopping up mud for photo ops.
However, Defence cannot expect never to be asked to respond to disasters in Australia. And they wouldn’t be called out unless civilian waterbombing was inadequate or unavailable.
Australia has been relatively lucky this fire season, but we must put contingencies in place now before the next inferno.
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For a waterbombing reserve, adapt ADF aircraft | The Strategist
Australia should buy equipment to cheaply and temporarily convert military transport aircraft into waterbombers. On current planning, the Australian Defence Force will have a total of 34 Chinook helic...Because adf isn't funded to use equiptment for"public" use.if we start using it for everything we would soon have to massivly increase the defence budget as we would quickly reach the use buy date of our fleet.military is for military and can be used in emergency's but should be kept up to date with equiptment that isn't clapped out firefighting etc.
How about proper burn offs in state forests, state and national parks as well as maintain access and egress roads before a fortune is spent on more 5 minutes to midnight equipment.
I've often wondered why we don't use the ADF assets in this way.
Now Malcolm you know that's too sensible.
I live near Maryborough Queensland we have not had a burnoff for over 3- 4 years now seems the fire levy we pay in our rates does not go where it is suppose to go, the council does not give it to the the guys who do the burn but instead uses it for whatever is happening down in Hervey Bay.
OR they could use the GEO ENGINEERING and WEATHER MODIFICATION OR CLOUD SEEDING to work for us instead of against us and just make it rain.
Not really a "temporary" modification Senator Malcolm Roberts but slinging water under a chopper is.
They should stop giving away equipment. We have no war reserves.
Back in the sixties/seventies when I was a mere teenager/military member the squadron I was stationed at did all the SAR/MEDIVAC tasking for the south coast of NSW out of HMAS ALBATROSS the naval air station, was great training for all our members both ground crew and flight personnel initially we we’re operating IROQUOIS helicopters and as time progressed the bell Kiowa joined in I had no problem with it then until we got replaced by the commercial operators chasing the dollar value in a new industry they created!!!!
This would also require additional training in both how to fly as a water bomber and how to maintain the additional equipment!! I don’t know how many times it needs to be said - THE ADF IS NOT A RESCUE ORGANISATION!! That is not and will never be the role of the ADF!! The states themselves need to invest in their own disaster recovery programs and equipment and stop relying on the ADF as the first line in support!!
12 perfectly fine RAAF C130H Hercules with low hours given away for a song, when Wayne Swann was Labour Treasurer had to balance the budget for 24Hrs. Then straight back into deficit. Lost a great platform.
Tremendous practical flying practice
National and state parks are mismanaged to the highest levels. Buying land and locking it up away from everyone isn't protecting the lands, it's destroying them
Been saying that for years
Apparently Ukraine has cheap weapons up for grabs.
Prevention is always the cheapest tool in the box
ON is the only one that will have a Policy to do this Vote PHON along with their other upcoming list of to be failed Policys
It’s not in Defences budget restraints. They can’t afford to effectively conduct warfare training let alone civilian emergency responses l.!
C130 no, as they are weight limited. needing alotnof work to be effective. plus the corrosion inspections etc. needs to be specifically modified for this use now, helos, its a attachment under. aslong as its within weight limits. good to go.
they don't sit idle, they're on lease for that very reason, they got to where they're needed during the northern hemispheres summer.
No, the defence for should Not be used against us. They are, after all, our Defense Force, ie, to defend against others and Not Us!
No wont happen, not with existing infrastructure.. country cannot sustain it and no government has budget or the foresight beyond the next election to get after anything like it, too busy creating their own nests.
Defence Leaders appear not to have a clue .
This makes Sense , Which is Probably why the Current Majors have not thought of it !!
Sounds simple, but those modifications are not.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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