Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
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Fighting for Australians.
With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.

Labor Threatens New Tax on Clothing
Media, National
WHO Implements Large-Scale Ivermectin-Based MDA

The Cost of Clawing Back NDIS Fraud
National, Senate Estimates
Casual Wage Theft and the Fair Work Ombudsman
National, Senate Estimates
Bracket Creep is a Stealth Tax
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Has there ever been a bigger failure than the minister for electricity prices?
Bowen must go.
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Bowen needs to be sacked!
Now he is trying to blame the electricity price on coal power stations breaking down. After he has starved them of maintenance funds for years.
Both sides of government are working against Australians. It is time for a shift, the smaller conservative parties need to align and set a new course, starting with a Bill of Rights for citizens.
Hi Malcolm, we really need One Nation to work woty the other freedom parties this federal election. The only thing that matters is 6 Senators by the freedom parties collectively.
The issue is he thinks his plans are the best path Australia should take and there is no convincing him or his ego otherwise.
The “smart meters” are a rort, they need to go too
Labor give reluctantly with one hand and take back double with the other.
When I see his face, I start to stress, but if I hear him speak all the lies, my stomach hurts.
Sack him Albo just to show your not the weak PM we know you are.
Its clear they don’t work for the people and their own country anymore! It’s been this easy for decades! They’ve all sold us out in one way or another! Corrupt traitors the lot! They all need their bank accounts and assets audited
Senator Malcolm Roberts I love it when politicians use the word “Mandate” “the people gave us a mandate to do xyz” is their excuse ! Well the people gave you a mandate to fix electricity prices which is one of the reasons they elected you .. election promises should be kept .. and the people gave you a mandate to keep that promise!
What would one nation do..
The man is useless and so arrogant ………
Never heard anything like it
What happened to a vote of no confidence ??
I believe this is all part of “managed decline”
We have all been taking for a ride.
No but Whitlam went close.
Sad part is people still vote for this garbage and then turn around and complain! They are NOT doing the will of the people They’ve sold our country out from under us 😡 The whole of Australia should stop paying power bills until they piss off this net zero madness That’ll get they’re attention
Delusional labor, greens and Teals.
He's been the worst minister in any portfolio he's held. Remember how many boats that came under his watch?
How about one nation preferences the coalition and try get this government out for good
He's also been very quiet of late. I think he's aware it won't be long and he'll be out of a job. He doesn't care because he will laugh all the way to the bank at taxpayers expense.
"Shut down Coal!" - Labor
"Higher electricity prices are because coal shut down" - Also Labor
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Hoping this will be the final Nail in the coffin that will send Labor’s Albanese and Bowen into oblivion once and for all.
Labour can't govern the country, they have exposed themselves so much, one nation at present is the only party that wants what's best for the country and the nation
Both major parties have orchestrated this ..stole our energy
Pensioners get $4.60 a fortnight rise in 1 breath and then get hit with an electricity rise. So much for promises of cutting our power bills 😪
Hard to believe that people are going to vote for these clowns.
You forgot private or foreign investment in renewable energy that expects a return or profit margins driving up prices - also Labour!
Vote the majors greens and teals last
Yep couldn’t believe it when they said that on the TV this morning
And it will be higher still if they ban gas
I am just waiting for one of the so-called reporters to ask the Australian Prime Minister what happened to the $275 but funny that not one reporter has asking any of them questions that I know of 
Labor a double adapter , lie each way
Politicians only job where incompetence leads to a pay rise 🤣
Labor modelling says you will be $275 better off. Reality is we are $1300 worse off. Then Labor then expect us to accept there modelling on nuclear is going to cost us billions. I don’t believe it. Drop the ban and let the free market decide if it’s too expensive.
Economic and social Damage and more damage is all their policies are capable of causing! Why does Australia continue to vote for self harm
Instead of updating our coal fired power stations to get a few more years out of them, this government blows them up so that they cannot be used. While at the same time paying out billions of dollars of green energy subsidies that end up in the coffers of mostly foreign entities. While all of the above is happening our energy costs are going "through the roof".
If it wasn't so damaging, it would be hilarious!
When will people wake up? People power can vote them out! Stand together and fight as one.
Blackout Bowen needs two black eyes 🦾🦾😵💫😵💫
Surely this is the end of these clowns that are destroying this country inept! Shame on ALL the lunatics who voted these lunatics in. All wanna be's globalist elites.
Coal a great organic fuel for power generation. There is not one synthetic chemical in it. Makes great fertiliser for the garden as well.
Labor is not so bright… and neither is the Coalition as a bowling ball
yes and the green deal is no deal at all
Cheapest way out of it, keep power stations for industrial use, and give every household solar?? Every new home needs solar and batteries 🔋 🙄 😑 😒 🙃 🙂
The authority that's meant to regulate medicine and vaccines has failed Australians.
They have been captured by the BigPharma companies they are meant to police. The TGA receives more than 90% of its funding from BigPharma companies.
At a Senate Hearing the TGA confirmed they did not do independent, randomised control trials on the COVID injections. They just hit copy-paste on what the U.S. FDA received which is what Pfizer provided under questionable circumstances.
We don't need a conflicted medicines agency that just copy-pastes whatever the BigPharma gives them - time to abolish it and hold BigPharma to account properly.
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Agree? Disagree? Have a better idea?
AGREE and good to read your words, but where does Pauline One Nation party stand on this proposal?????
Best of luck to you, Senator Malcolm Roberts We Victorians will never forget how you stood up for us during our darkest days.
Agree , but you cannot do it on your own About time the good senetors, started joining together
Well senator I think they are so compromised by being funded by pharmaceutical companies that we can’t trust them to be looking out for the health and wellbeing of the Australian people. So I believe abolishing it is definitely for the good of the Australian people.
The only thing Therapeutic is the big fat $$$ they received And still do Not one care for Aussies Definitely need to be ousted
Who would trust Pfizer with all the lawsuits they have had against them, a payout for them is just a small hit to profits, so their fines need to be substantial and I think worked out on a percentage of income so being sued means a lot more to them.
Agree. Totally necessary if we are to have any faith in them. We also need that promised Royal Commission with wide ranging powers to bring justice for the people.
Agree. It's quite concerning who controls this organisation. Big conflict of interest 😞
Make them liable.
How is it lawful. Sponsored by the people they are meant to police. How many other government departments are similarly compromised.
I think we need a governing body but it can’t be funded by the industry it’s regulating. Instead of sending $Billions to Ukraine government could fund the TGA and put an end the conflict of interest
The are corrupt and useless.
Criminal Investigations Required for many involved.
Absolutely agree👍
Agree! They have proven to be liars and untrustworthy.
I agree tga the un and who get rid of them all while your at it
A true hero to the Australian People… wish we had the equipment to your good self in New Zealand 🙏♥️
Totally agree Some arrests need doing
Great work Senator Malcolm Roberts. 💯👍
Abolish it. Prosecute. Imprison or better. How is this corporation still operating? Surely there are words that describe their actions?? Look at anyone you love or know who are vax injured or passed away from any of the over 1200 injuries and diseases Pfizer knew its vax could generate in us all and then decide the appropriate punishment. Life in prison is too lenient. No amnesty. Full accountability.
I own and manage an evidence-based supplement company in Qld. Our products are regulated as 'Complementary Medicines' by TGA. These formulations are supported by clinical trial data but TGA does not permit us to tell this to consumers, other than for a few generic statements they determine. In other words, it is extremely difficult for a customer to differentiate a quality evidence-based supplement from one that is of limited if any, value to their health and wellbeing. Given that confidence in mainstream medicine is at an all-time low, consumers are actively seeking healthcare solutions. Sadly, there are many supplements marketing half-truths and outrageous claims. We need a system that regulates quality supplements in such a way that consumers can identify those products that are genuinely based on clinical trial data and other appropriate scientific evidence. As a formulator of demonstrably beneficial formulations, it is like pushing a proverbial barrow uphill to be able to tell consumers what our products do and how they may be able to help them. Similarly, FSANZ regulates food products and there are even more barriers in place. A 'functional food' is a food with specific properties that been identified as promoting health via known biochemical pathways. We are not permitted to mention these - even where there are published clinical trials, even the scientific reference is not permitted to be associated with the food. We need our own MAHA movement in this country. Food for thought?
Make politicians accountable for their decisions on everything
RFK hopefully will clean up the mess politicians have made with the help of pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies too. No more COVID vaccines EVER
The TGA is an absolute bloody disgrace. They have let the Australian public down big time.
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
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Labor Has Form on Making Life Harder
Cut Immigration Not Investment in Badly Needed Infrastructure
Killing the Environment to Save It, Again – Sea Dumping for Net-Zero
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